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In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, horrors were told to each other like myths, that carry the story of the death and afterlife. Ancient people believe that reincarnation exists. Modern horror novels are include new fantastical creatures, like ghosts, vampires, werewolves, and witches.

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Read books online ยป Horror ยป A Spray of Blood by Mileena Blazonis (crime books to read .txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซA Spray of Blood by Mileena Blazonis (crime books to read .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Mileena Blazonis

A Spray of Blood

Blood, Everywhere... The smell of death... all so faint, Spinning around me. The memory, so horrid, death everywhere, everyone, blood, faint, memory, d...e...a...t...h



I open my eyes, hospital. I saw the tv on the wall, it was static, I squint, and see something so horrid I thought I might die. A spray of blood. A noise, screech, screaming, memory, horrid, remember... blood, I remembered why I'm here, I couldn't save them, my freinds, dead, all my fault!


A nurse comes in the room, "Your family is here to see you" Do I even have family? Real Family? People rush in the room.

"Oh my goodness Amber! You had us scared to death if you were okay!" Says a lady, I'm guesing which is my mom. So now I know my name is Amber.

I felt so mad and angry and horrible when she said 'scared us half to death!' I wanted to scream out, 'I ALMOST DIED," I didn't the energy. "Yeah, she almost died!" Angrily says a girl, I work up the energy to ask something.

Or try "Who..." I work out.

"Sweetie? You don't remember?" I shake my head. "Im your mom, This is your sister," She pointed to the girl who spoke. "This is your brother and here is your father."

"Im Leena and this is Joey" Says my sister, My mom leans in and kisses my head.

I look up. "What... Hap..." I say breathlessly, My mom sighs and my sister looks sad. My brother tries to hide a laugh. "Um... I'll tell you later, when you can handle it." Sighs my mom.

I look at her head and see the corner of the tv. Static, Then I remember. That horrid night, memory. Blood, death, murder, friends! Screeches and screams so loud in my head I couldn't tell I was screaming


Publication Date: 06-28-2014

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Free ebook ยซA Spray of Blood by Mileena Blazonis (crime books to read .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป - read online now

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