HORROR books online

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Today we want to introduce you horror genre. Horrors are very popular among people who like to tickle their nerves. Main characters in the horror genre are demons, evil spirits, monsters,vampires and ghouls. But itโ€™s very often, when book based on true events, for example psychological thrillers.
In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, horrors were told to each other like myths, that carry the story of the death and afterlife. Ancient people believe that reincarnation exists. Modern horror novels are include new fantastical creatures, like ghosts, vampires, werewolves, and witches.

Nowadays itโ€™s very hard to force a person to believe in the truth of history, but modern reader just expects to be frightened and shocked. Horror books on our website are elicit a sense of dread in the reader through frightening images, themes, and situations.
The atmosphere of the book provokes our imagination. If the book will in your mind long time after reading , so the horror writer did his job well. After horror genre books you can even get insomnia or very bad and scary dreams.But that shouldn't stop you from reading horror ebooks. So our electronic library invite you to be a part of the mystery world of free ebooks without registration.

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Read books online ยป Horror ยป the haunted doll by maite wong, .... ...... (classic books for 12 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซthe haunted doll by maite wong, .... ...... (classic books for 12 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author maite wong, .... ......

the lucky girl

Once there was one little girl her name was rose she is 9 years old. lisa rosey's mom one day came home from work with a doll. knock knock, (Rosey), ran to the door and opend it MOMMY!!!.

(lisa, i have  a doll for u sweety. (Rosey) yeah     Yeah, she looks funny looking said roseys dad rosey its time to go to bed now (rosey) ok daddy ok mommy i'll go to bed GOOD NIGHT........





BANG BANG BANG, what was that said lisa.. roseys dad said probly the wind,,






i'll go get the door roseys dad opend the door and he found............

The door

A note the note said........, im haunting you im comming to get u watch ur back im comming for your family,


roseys dad thaught it was a prank note from a kid he went back to bed.NEXT MORNING


dad told dad a joke heres the joke dad

 the cowboy left on friday but he came back on friday howhis hourse was friday

hahaha very funny:O

 i going to my room daddy

ok rosey



....................................................................AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH runs down starrs

mommy daddy some one was in my window that look like my doll


BANG BANG lisa opens door ahhhhh lisa get draged out buy her legs

deadthe the man c

then the man came in side and took roseys dad and left rosey died of starvation and hung her self 5 times




Text: english
Images: maitemaite
Editing: maite
Translation: maite
Publication Date: 08-05-2014

All Rights Reserved


Free ebook ยซthe haunted doll by maite wong, .... ...... (classic books for 12 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป - read online now

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