HORROR books online

Reading books horror If you are looking for a good book horror, you should visit our website. Electronic library is gaining popularity. Influenced by modern technology and the advent of new gadgets, people are increasingly turning to electronic libraries because it allows them to read online everywhere . Every reader thanks to his smartphone, laptop or computer, can visit our website at any time. Reading ebooks help people to make good use of free time. Our elibrary has a huge selection of genres for every taste and request.

Today we want to introduce you horror genre. Horrors are very popular among people who like to tickle their nerves. Main characters in the horror genre are demons, evil spirits, monsters,vampires and ghouls. But it’s very often, when book based on true events, for example psychological thrillers.
In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, horrors were told to each other like myths, that carry the story of the death and afterlife. Ancient people believe that reincarnation exists. Modern horror novels are include new fantastical creatures, like ghosts, vampires, werewolves, and witches.

Nowadays it’s very hard to force a person to believe in the truth of history, but modern reader just expects to be frightened and shocked. Horror books on our website are elicit a sense of dread in the reader through frightening images, themes, and situations.
The atmosphere of the book provokes our imagination. If the book will in your mind long time after reading , so the horror writer did his job well. After horror genre books you can even get insomnia or very bad and scary dreams.But that shouldn't stop you from reading horror ebooks. So our electronic library invite you to be a part of the mystery world of free ebooks without registration.

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Read books online » Horror » Not expecting... by Riya Antony (manga ebook reader txt) 📖

Book online «Not expecting... by Riya Antony (manga ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Riya Antony

The Mysterious Television, Riya, Class VII

It was raining heavily. I saw a deserted house. It was a wooden house with broken windows and roof had fallen on the ground. It was located on the outskirts of the city. There was a faint light glowing from inside the house. Since it was raining and I was drenched from head to toe, I advanced slowly towards the doorway and opened the door.


The door opened with a creaking sound. From the doorway I could see blood patches everywhere. On the roof, written with blood there was ‘YOU’RE NEXT’. Suddenly, a note landed near my new sports shoes. I picked it up and read ‘ESCAPE WHILE YOU CAN’. I was really spooked out by this point. I could see a white candle burning with a brilliant yellow flame. There were two jack-o-lanterns at every corner of the room.


On the shelf, I could see books of the ‘GOOSEBUMPS’ series. On an old table, I could see a pair of fangs and bottles containing red liquid. On one corner of the room there were red and black cloaks hanging from a wooden stand. There was the sound of the splashing and splashing of the water from the ocean nearby. Splash, splash, splash, splash. There was the sound of hammering metal and banging of windows nearby. There were murmuring sounds far away. The sound of howling wolves were quite distant.


I looked at my friend. She was quiet all this time, observing the odds and ends arranged in this little room. There was a moldy smell coming from the inside of the house indicating that it had not been ventilated.


I took one step forward to look further into the house. Suddenly, my friend and I were sucked into the house. There was complete darkness. When my eyes adjusted to the dark, I noticed that the candle which had been burning all along was put out.


I got up and picked up a matchstick lying near my foot, and went to light the candle. No sooner than I lit the matchstick, the candle lit up by itself! I felt that something was not right in this house. I told my friend that this house is not safe for us. At that moment there was a woooooooing sound. I jumped out of my skin! My friend laughed. She said, “Hey, don’t be scared. It must be the wind”. I groaned. That’s what most people say. I told her, “You know what? I am leaving”. And with that I rushed to the doorway and turned the handle of the rusty wooden door. It opened with a loud creak. CREEEAAAAAAK.


I was about to step outside when someone pulled me inside. I wanted to have it at my friend for doing a stunt like that. I turned around and gave a piece of my mind to my friend. I yelled, “What do you think you are doing? Do you think I will take it easy on you? Well, if so you are not getting away with it.” My friend replied, quite shaken up, “But I did not do it! It must have been your imagination. Watching horror movies, people being pulled into houses by ghosts….” “Well…” I interrupted her, “Well…”




With that the voice faded away. I was quite rattled and shaken up by the voice. There was a dreadful silence on what to do next.


The door was locked. The windows…..??? What’s wrong with the windows? I was so excited because I thought we could get out. I rushed to the window and banged it open. I was about to jump out when a jack-o-lantern appeared in front of me and said. “BOO!” I screamed at the top of my voice.


My friend heard me and came running. She asked me what had happened. I told her everything as fast as lightning. She said, “Don’t be silly, let us get a good night’s rest. “What” I shouted, ”A good night’s rest in an almost falling apart house? What are you crazy?” But then I yawned “Maybe you’re right. I am just sleepy.


We went poking around the house and found a bedroom with two beds. I lay down in one bed while my friend lay down in another. At the stroke of midnight, I woke up. My friend was fast asleep. I heard a noise. The noise of footsteps. The footsteps were becoming louder and louder. I sat on bed curious. Then suddenly it stopped. ‘Had it seen me and stopped?’ But I calmed down and tried to go to sleep, but I couldn’t. I got out of bed to get a glass of water. I went looking for the kitchen but there was no kitchen! Then I noticed that I had water in my school water bottle. I put on my bag.


As I was turning to go to the bedroom, I realized that there was no bedroom! It had disappeared! I then caught sight of a TV. I switched it on and looked for the remote. There was no remote. Then a channel came on. It was showing the horror movie, ‘CONJURING’. After a few minutes of the movie, the TV became alive! It had green eyes and eyeballs as black as a crow. Its mouth was like a jack-o-lantern. It opened its mouth and swallowed me whole! When I went inside, I kept falling and falling in complete darkness. I closed my eyes.


Publication Date: 12-21-2015

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Incidents that turn out to be spooky!

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