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Today we want to introduce you horror genre. Horrors are very popular among people who like to tickle their nerves. Main characters in the horror genre are demons, evil spirits, monsters,vampires and ghouls. But it’s very often, when book based on true events, for example psychological thrillers.
In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, horrors were told to each other like myths, that carry the story of the death and afterlife. Ancient people believe that reincarnation exists. Modern horror novels are include new fantastical creatures, like ghosts, vampires, werewolves, and witches.

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Read books online » Horror » Dont run by Jmyers Kill (speld decodable readers .TXT) 📖

Book online «Dont run by Jmyers Kill (speld decodable readers .TXT) 📖». Author Jmyers Kill

The in expected visit

Sara and her freinds all we’re excited for the camping trip anything could happen no parents.school was normal and it was time for her to get ready. Sara’s mom “hey you sure u want to go alone”.  


Sara “yes mom I’ll go alone i don’t need a guide anymore I’m 16” 



sara’s mom “ ok calm down it’s I never see u much any more”


sara’s Phone starts ringing it’s Katie Sara picks it up and answers it


katie “where are you “ 


sara “ on my way “


Katie “ hurry up we’re going to start with out you”


sara told her mom to step on it as they were driving sara looked out her window and saw this figure just standing in the forest just starring at her she just thought it was a lumberjack chopping wood   sara arived at her destination 


jacob “where have you been”


sara “ comeing here” 


john “did you bring it “


sara “of course I did”


john and Jacob were her freinds for years and years Katie is her semi newest  freind  she just moved here so they decided to separate in groups sara with Jacob and Katie with john. Sara and Jacob went to go get wood Katie and john stayed back 


sara “so which tree should we chop first we need woood for a whole week end”


jacob “ how about that one” * points to a huge pine tree* 


sara “ that’s perfect”


They cut down the tree they found a tailismen on it and decided it was cool so they took it back to camp but Katie and John are gone where did they go we thought but then out of the blue they here a Howell it was a pack of wolfs she thought but it wasn’t she turned around it was him a clown with a knife with fresh blood on it she ran as fast as she could the clown followed she screamed no one heard the clown was blind but could hear sounds the branches behind her snapped the clown found John and slit his thought she had wondered in his house and that is when she died from his pit bull 




What is going on ??

Sara woke up it was like a dream she walked down the stairs this time there was no one home she felt her neck it was full of blood like she got bitten but she’s not dead 


“what’s going on”sara yelled 


“your home “ said a voice in the Cornor of the room


She turned to see the man in the clown mask sitting there watching her.


”do you know who I am “ he said


”n..no”sara said scared 


“I’m sorry I left you sara”he said


”h..ho..how do you know m..m..my name”sara said 


“I named you”he said


she went for the dooor but the pit bull stood up and said “don’t even think about it”


she he fainted when she woke up she was at a table but there was cake and ice cream and wait she just remembered her birth day is today but how did he know she thought 


“hows my little girl “ the man said 


she thought that this cannot be her dad.then the clown showed up 


“ I loved your mom but she was not real I love holograms “he said


”what your freinds where real but not relivent to my plan “he said


*takes of mask*


”DAD” sara said


so they talked and then they walked at night but that figure was still watching her from the dark if it was not her dad then who was it all the sudden she woke up again but this time the pit bull was there and love on her 



Is this reallly happening

The pit bull got of the bed and changed into that dark figure 


“only you can help your self “it said 


then it dissapered red like a lightning bolt but then the clown came back and stabbbed her moltible times sliced open her chest and she was alive long enough to see the clown eat her stomach 


she woke up again she didn’t know what the thing meant by you can only help yourself but she went back down the stairs this thing popped up again and said 


“you can only help your self “ it said 


“HOW” sara yelled 


“not like that “ it said 


then it dissapered again but no clown then she heard a creek of the floor creek she heard it again 


“who are you “ she asked 


all she heard was a laugh from behind her she turned around just tho find out it was the clown but this time it chopped all her limbs off one by one first the arms then the legs she was screaming as loud as she could the last thing she saw was him cutting off her head 


She woke up again this time she was done playing around she went down stairs grabbed a knife and tried to kill the thing but it went right through 


“SAVE yourself “ it said


then when it dissapered out came the clown this time it didn’t attack but what was behind her did she was stabbed in her eyes she couldn’t see what happend next but she felt it it felt like she had a minor head ach


She woke up again but this time she was feeling something she finally knew what the spirit meant she had to kill the clown


she finds this gun and takes it down stairs but this time no spirit




“Hello” she asked I bit worried 


she hears a hard laugh


”you think you can kill me”the clown said


she fires all the shots hit but he’s still standing 


“What are you”she ask


”guess”the clown said


she turned around to see the spirit it started to clear it was jacob


”why”she asked 


“I had to” he said 


the clown laughs then takes off his mask it was Katie 


“what is going on” sara said 


“let me guess you thought I was a guy” Katie said


but before she could see or hear she was killed in real life by the two love birds Katie and Jacob they were caught several days later and was killed on the chair for the murder of sara 



Text: Jmyerskill
Images: Jmyerkill
Cover: The clown
Editing: Jane wood
Translation: Jmyerskill
Layout: Horror
Publication Date: 12-12-2018

All Rights Reserved

To my freinds who encumbrance me

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