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Read books online » Horror » Visitor by Indira Nankoosingh (large screen ebook reader TXT) 📖

Book online «Visitor by Indira Nankoosingh (large screen ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Indira Nankoosingh




She disguised herself as an old woman eyeing the villagers while buying some fruits and vegetables. Thinking about the plague she had planned for the Prince and the village, and needed to figure out how she would unleash it. She wondered around the market until she noticed a poster near a jewelry stand. It read; A Masquerade Ball Will Be Held At The Prince’s Castle tomorrow at 8 pm. It was the moment she saw her opportunity to prove herself to the higher power, and to show her potential.

She ripped off the poster from the stand and slipped it into her pocket - now walking away unseen. The old woman discarded the items she bought into the woods at the side of the road before stepping into her carriage which carried her into the fog until it disappeared.


The next evening she seated herself in the carriage wearing black pants, a black overcoat over a frilly blouse, a black top-hat and tall black boots; all dressed for the ball. The horseman made haste toward the castle as the four black horses galloped through the darkened forest.
  Once she arrived at the castle doors she entered after a male guest with colorful attire and a clown mask. Music echoed throughout the castle walls as she strolled down a hall which lead to the ballroom. She stood outside the doors for a moment or tow to observe the scene before her. The were too engaged in conversation, drinks and laughter that if she walked in, they will not notice her levitating across the ballroom. She stepped inside and glided across the room to the darkest corner and continued watching the guests intensely without interuptions; even the Prince were too busy in conversation. On the long table before him was a feast laid out from one end of the table to the other.

The floors were of black marble, and the walls were dark Burgundy with green velvet curtains which had a goth-like atmosphere. The orchestra composed many wonderful classics such as Chopin, Mozart, and Bach -- to name a few where a chandelier was hanging from above. It illuminated the entire ballroom with charm.


After all the villagers arrived she left the ballroom and glided down the hallway unseen. She neared a set of chambers and entered the first one. Each chamber lead to one after another and they were painted in dark solid colors, giving them a Gothic ambiance. The Victorian furniture added more personality than what she remembered

A decor that would have brought gloom to her sense of style once a long time ago, now brought her a sense of comfort.


She now stood gazing at a painting of the Prince. Her anger rose as she remembered her execution and she swore revenge on Prince and the villagers. A rumour had spread around the village of her being a witch when she was caught working on a spell. The spell was only to cure a friend of Leukemia and she tried to explain, but before she could save her friend, she was dragged down to the dungeon for days. Even the Prince did not visit her until word came of her friend who passed just before she was finally burned at stake. The man she once loved even turned against her and it was the most devastating.


Time had since past after her death. She was not sure how long she was trapped in purgatory and she did not care any longer, but once the man in the black robe and red glowing eyes approached her she couldn’t resist his dying offer for immortality. She accepted and did not give it a second thought.


Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a door creak from the last chamber she was in. She rushed behind the bright red curtains and hid; waiting patiently she heard a man and two women enter the room. She heard one of the women say.


“Oh, can you draw the curtains please. It is so gloomy in here.”


“By right, we shouldn’t even be in here.” Said the other woman.


“Well, what the Prince doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” He said with a wicked smile.


She peaked from behind the curtains and saw the man kiss one woman then the other while he had each hand on their behinds, squeezing. Then both women kissed while the man drew the curtains, but just at that moment the man was caught of guard, stumbled back ward and fell.


She gazed into the man’s eyes hypnotizing him until he was paralyzed on the spot: while with her other hand she unleashed a power so strong; sending both woman pinned to a far wall; their feet barely touching the floor. Both women struggled to breathe while they watched in fear as the man was helped to his feet, and the masked woman removed her mask. He was still paralyzed when she kissed him locking her mouth to his. Within moments blisters appeared all over the mans face while blood seeped from his eyes, ears and nose until he was lying on the floor motionless. She then turned toward the women and opened her mouth to unleash the plague. The women tried to scream as the it entered their mouths; they too dropped to the floor like a sack of remains.


  When she was satisfied she stepped outside the chamber door and waited for more guests to wonder the hallways. It was not long before more guests wondered the halls. They too were lured inside the chamber to meet their end and it did not hit them until it was too late. One guest got away and ran back to the ballroom. Withing moments panic rose inside the castle. She heard the Prince ordering some guards to keep the remainder of in the ballroom before he charged down the hallways with more guards at his side. She listened as the searched hallways and the chambers for his missing guests and waited patiently until they drew closer and entered the red chamber.


The Prince was the first to enter the room, and saw the pile of blistered bodies lying on the floor. He was horrified by the scene. She appeared before him and removed her mask. All he saw was pure beauty as he gazed not able to keep his eyes off her for a moment. She noticed that he did not recognize her.


“Do you not remember me?” She asked.


“No, should I?”


“Yes, you should. After all you executed me years ago.”


The prince was puzzled. He was trying to remember her face, but couldn’t place a name to it until she reminded him with a passionate kiss. He was once in-love with her until she found out she was a witch.


She had an oval shaped face, a prominent nose, and almond shaped eyes of emerald green. It was not long that the guard soon met their end. She then turned to the Prince and kissed him locking her lips to his until the Prince gasped as the plague devoured him from the inside. She stood over his body for a moment as she gazed at his remains in for a moment before she spat it his body and walked her away toward the ballroom where she completed her mission. The castle was nothing more than a graveyard now before she left the castle and disappeared into the night.


Once she entered the underworld her master was waiting to hear the results of her mission. He was pleased when she offered him her sacrifice of the Prince and the villagers. He knew she was going to make him proud someday once he recruited her into the underworld.


“It is done, Master.”


“And the results?


“Most satisfying. The castle is now a graveyard. The prince will not be executing anymore witches. He is now a pile off bones. He will soon join us along with the villagers who were all present during my execution. They will all pay.” She said as an evil grin formed upon her face.


By Indira Nankoosingh


Images: Indira Nankoosingh
Editing: Indira Nankoosingh
Publication Date: 11-13-2012

All Rights Reserved

Dedicated to my friends who encouraged me to continue writing.

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