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Today we want to introduce you horror genre. Horrors are very popular among people who like to tickle their nerves. Main characters in the horror genre are demons, evil spirits, monsters,vampires and ghouls. But it’s very often, when book based on true events, for example psychological thrillers.
In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, horrors were told to each other like myths, that carry the story of the death and afterlife. Ancient people believe that reincarnation exists. Modern horror novels are include new fantastical creatures, like ghosts, vampires, werewolves, and witches.

Nowadays it’s very hard to force a person to believe in the truth of history, but modern reader just expects to be frightened and shocked. Horror books on our website are elicit a sense of dread in the reader through frightening images, themes, and situations.
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Read books online » Horror » Days Until Death by Pharoah Sherry (feel good books to read txt) 📖

Book online «Days Until Death by Pharoah Sherry (feel good books to read txt) 📖». Author Pharoah Sherry

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All One Short Story

Days Until Death

I’m in my room playing my PS4 until I hear it. A ghastly shriek from downstairs, it was my mother. She rarely shows emotion, so I was afraid but curious. As I crept down the stairs ready for whatever it was to come. Then I saw it a lanky figure 10 ft tall holding an arm in its razor, sharp teeth. I scanned the room for my mother, but all I saw I all directions were body parts. I ran upstairs and locked myself in my room I grabbed my bat and hid. I heard the creature close behind my door making a clicking sound with its mouth, and a deathly scraping sound with its claws. I try to think of something to happy, but I can’t. I try to imagine me having a name, but I don’t have one. My brain was thinking of the upmost importance. I knew what I had to do I had to escape this house. Right after I had that thought as if on cue my bedroom door burst into splinters. The thing broke into my room and now it was searching I quickly hid under a pile of clothes in my closet. It knew where I was from the start, I heard the closet door being torn off, of its hinges. Then I felt it the sensation of being on a rollercoaster. The thing had grabbed me, and I was now face to face with this beast I looked it in its bulging, bloodshot, eyes. Its irises were the color of crimson blood, and its mouth was dripping saliva. I saw the murderous intention in its eyes as it was planning how to mutilate me, I thought faster, and I bashed its skull with my bat. It dropped me but it took me but a second to catch my breath and get up. I ran to my window as the creature held its head in pain and I jumped out of my still closed window, and then I felt the tiny shards of glass stick into my skin. I fell from two stories, but I could tell that the thing was confused of my location, so I had plenty time to find my way around my back yard and get the oxygen back into my lungs. Then I saw a hole in the fence so I quickly crawled through, and I saw it since I lived on a very forested hill so I could see the carnage unfold in the town below. There was an entire horde of weird mutant creatures. I quickly ran down the opposite side of the hill towards the countryside, and then darted to closest house. I jumped in the house, and I locked the doors and windows so none of the creatures would see me or get inside. I searched the house for armor and, weaponry and I saw a toolbox and quickly thought of weapon ideas. I grabbed some nails and a hammer and hammered some nails into my bat to make it do some damage, and then I found a few hunting knives, and a tool belt so I used that to hold the knives and I used a sash I found to tie the bat around my back. Then I filled a backpack I found with all the food and supplies I could, and I fled the house. As I trekked through the rough terrain of the countryside, I saw a forest and I instantly felt relieved that I could finally get a break from the relentless sun and walking. I jogged towards the forest and found a large tree to rest by. I sat down and fell asleep by the time I woke up it was evening time, so I got to building a shelter, and I collected some logs and branches. Then after that I collected some moss and insulated my shelter to keep out the cold of the night. I pulled out a sweater I found out of the old house and put it on and used the backpack as a pillow. I left my shelter and went to collect some things to start a fire, I got some batteries and, aluminum foil from the house so I pressed the aluminum foil against the batteries positive and negative ends to get an ember. I then lit the tinder I had prepared and made a fire so I could stay warm and cook some of the scavenged food from the old house. And a horrible thought crept into my head after I grabbed a can of beans and a can of spinach from my bag. The monster I hit earlier might be hunting me now since I hurt it. But I quickly dismissed the thought and went back to eating my beans and spinach. A trickling sound was coming a few meters away from my camp, so I went over, and it turned out to be a stream. I went back to camp and used an old metal water bottle to collect the water. After collecting the water, I went back to camp and boiled it, so it was drinkable, after drinking the water I slept. In the middle of the night, I heard a deathly howl I grabbed my bat and shot up to investigate the howl was coming from a wheat field nearby. I peeked my head out of the trees and scanned the field for threats then a rustling near the edge of the field caught my attention. I quickly turned around to see what it was, and then I took a painful blow to the chest. I got up and recollected myself and in front of me was a monster as tall as a basketball player. And then I saw the long extensions it had for arms and stood shook at the immense size of its fists. I was already looking for weaknesses in my opponent any flaws that would give me an advantage, and then I looked and its spindly torso and legs and had an idea. It raised its arms to strike at me again and at that moment I slid under it and smashed the back of its knees. I got up and struck my bat against its torso and a loud crack rang through the field as its thick ribs snapped as I broke through its back I saw a huge beating heart-like organ in its chest cavity. The thing was glowing a beautiful shade of blue and suddenly I didn’t want to destroy it, but I could tell if it wasn’t destroyed the monster would not die. I smashed the heart, and it was in that moment I knew all, of the monster’s main weakness. I dashed back to camp ready to take note of my new discovery I just made, but I decided to stay and look at the monster’s body and I was glad I did because it turns out after they die their bodies decompose quick, and when thy decompose their bodies turn into a glowing blue dust the same shade as their hearts. It also appears that when they die, they leave a pheromone which attracts all nearby creatures within a few meters. Because when I looked from the body another monster was sniffing the ground where the previous monster died. Luckily for me it was the size of a cat, so it was an easy kill and I made sure to dump the dust into the stream so it would hopefully wash away the pheromones so no more incidents like this happen. After washing up in the stream I ate some canned food and headed to bed praying that I could get some sleep this time. In the morning I decided I wanted extra protection against the monsters, so I gathered some mud and started forming mud bricks. Then I added pebbles and laid them into a wall that surrounded my camp and since the wall was still wet, I started to stick sharpened sticks into it for even more safety. After this I began to upgrade my shelter because I knew if I was going to survive this, I was going to need more than a few logs and moss. The first thing I changed was the position of the logs, so I had sort of a miniature log cabin then I added some mud to the outside, so it then looked like adobe slightly. After this was done, I started to camouflage my base to match the surroundings, but I didn’t get to finish I was only halfway done when the sun started to set so I went and moved all my things to the upgraded base and slept. A few days pass until I completely, finish camouflaging the base all the way, and I also added alternative entrances and exits just in case a monster breaks in. Once that is done, I begin to build spiked pitfalls around my base and since my base was on an incline in the forest, I made some rolling log traps. A few days later I was ready to go out and scavenge as supplies were running low, all I needed was some motivation and I was ready, the next day I headed out towards a small shack I’ve been eyeing up for a while now. And soon enough the walk to the shack began it was a long walk and once I got there, I didn’t regret it because it was chock full of non-perishables and all kinds of gardening tools and seeds. I began to fill my backpack and as I was about to head out, I saw a big sack on the floor of the other room and next to it was a monster. Then I realized what it was it was an egg sac, and I began to think since now they were reproducing it would be hard to keep them away for long. I decided to kill the mother in her sleep then smash the eggs. I also picked up some winter clothes I found under the egg sac. After that I made sure to leave swiftly before any monsters came and smelled the mother’s pheromones. Once I was at camp, I saw some planes in the sky and I thought I was being rescued but it turns out it was just dropping bombs on the town. I tried signaling them, but they didn’t see me. But I wasn’t too worried because I knew that I could survive out here anyway. For the next few days, I began to occupy myself by crafting furniture and other household things like stool and tables. I got bored of this very quick since my whole base now as fully furnished so I moved on the monster hunting because some of the monsters had parts of their bodies that I could use for bedding and upgrading my furniture. My first challenge was to make a blanket and a bed, so this took me about two months. But it was worth it because monster fur is so soft. Soon enough I had an entire base full of fully decked out furniture after this period of boredom I decided to plant the seeds of the plants I found at the shack. Then the seasons shifted, and things got harder it took way longer to find food and I now have, to wear extra layers and plant my crops in a makeshift greenhouse. But I’m mainly planting root vegetables now which helps a little but not much. I’ve been injuring myself a lot lately because of these long treks for resources so now I have, to add med-kits to my list for things to scavenge. I will be so excited when spring comes then I

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