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Today we want to introduce you horror genre. Horrors are very popular among people who like to tickle their nerves. Main characters in the horror genre are demons, evil spirits, monsters,vampires and ghouls. But it’s very often, when book based on true events, for example psychological thrillers.
In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, horrors were told to each other like myths, that carry the story of the death and afterlife. Ancient people believe that reincarnation exists. Modern horror novels are include new fantastical creatures, like ghosts, vampires, werewolves, and witches.

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Read books online » Horror » evils, ghosts most of horror by ARFA ALIM ARFA ALIM, arfa ALIM FARIHA ALIM (online e book reading .TXT) 📖

Book online «evils, ghosts most of horror by ARFA ALIM ARFA ALIM, arfa ALIM FARIHA ALIM (online e book reading .TXT) 📖». Author ARFA ALIM ARFA ALIM, arfa ALIM FARIHA ALIM


(The Demon at the Door) – Submitted By AngelI was 11 when this happened. One night, when I had gone to bed, I woke up to hear a noise and looked to my open bedroom door, where I saw a dark figure (which was outlined by the bathroom light remaining on) staring at me with red eyes.

Thinking that it was my mother, I had called out to her multiple times, each time getting louder and louder. By the third time I called out to her, her red eyes did not move and I was getting frantic, screaming out to my mom and hiding beneath my covers.


Come to find out my mother was in the living room fast asleep and had woken up from my calls, running into my room. When I looked at her, the black figure had gone and I have not seen it since. But I guess I had always been afraid after that of what might be watching me or threatening to harm me at any given moment. I know that was a demon…it was too dark and felt too evil…

house and hallowen hill

All of the trick or treaters avoided the house on halloween hill. The owners were really scary and only ever came out at night. It started when a boy called Josh and his girlfriend were ghostbusting. Josh’s girlfriend dared him to go up to the house. So off he went up the hill. The owners had gone out for their midnight shopping. He went down the stairs to the basement and just as he got to the bottom, he heard the front door open. He hid in one of the boxes. He heard footsteps on the stairs. He opened the lid slightly and saw the woman open a fridge and take out a bottle of blood. She then went up the stairs and closed the door. He got out of the box he was hiding in and turned to look at it. To his horror there infront of him were two coffins. Before long he heard them again. Josh froze in shock. He had to hide but could not move. The door opened and in walked the owners. They saw Josh straight away. They grabbed him. He screamed. Josh was never seen again.

dont look out the window

When i was ten me and my best mate use to sleepover at each others houses on the weekends. It was my turn to sleepover at hers. In her room she had a bunk bed facing the window and i was sleeping on the top. We were watching tv and from her window you can see a row of houses and a row of trees. It was quite dark and for some reason i just looked out of the window and stared at the nearest tree, felt like someone was watching me. All of a sudden I saw this long black leg stick out from the tree and disappear!! I told my mate and when she looked nothing was there. It gave me chills whenever we played near them trees.


Text: arfa ALIM
Images: arfa ALIM
Editing: arfa alim
Translation: arfa alim
Publication Date: 07-26-2013

All Rights Reserved


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