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Read books online » Horror » BITE by T.D Jackson (best novels for students TXT) 📖

Book online «BITE by T.D Jackson (best novels for students TXT) 📖». Author T.D Jackson

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more screams and shout's of shut up shut up I kicked the door it was solid. Fuck my mind ran with possible scenario's could she turn with Sky locked in there? Would she hurt Sky I took a moment to collect myself. Jane I called out Jane this time angrily if you hurt her I will destroy you there is no way out of there just come out and we can figure this out. Silence. Jane I screamed booting the door again I'm not coming out she said you don't have a choice and neither do we you could be infected I'm not she wailed well come out then You will throw me on to the street to die Dam right we wi Jon began but i cut him off we wont throw you out Jane just please let the girl go she has nothing to do with this no your lying you will come in here and kill me Jane we don't want to force the door but we will NO she shouted I slide against the door the others were looking at me get the ice axes I said Hold on Toby said he went to a pile of stuff in the corner and pulled out a sledgehammer where did you get that I said Found it he replied I nodded and went back to the door Jane this is your last chance to open up If you come in here I I I I will hurt her. I took a gamble that she wouldn't I didn't think she had it in her Toby took the sledgehammer and we backed up a bit to give him some room to swing the 1st hit seemed to have no affect Aim for the lock I said whilst Toby worked on the lock there were more shouts from with in after the 3rd shot to the lock it broke and the door opened Toby went to head in I stopped him where are the guns I asked we haven't brought them up from the lobby yet. A bit of relief went through me Wait here I said. I took my coat off unclipped my baton from my belt and tucked it in to my pocket and entered the flat. Straight ahead of me was the bedroom on the corner was the bathroom a cupboard and a short narrow hall way leading to an open plan kitchen front room the door this was closed. I knocked Jane? I said I heard whimpering but no response Jane I'm coming in I opened the door a little Clio came flying out of the room that made me jump. I opened the door fully the front room is small square with a large typical church window taking up almost the whole of one wall the kitchen was to the left. Jane was pressed against the window the curtains were drawn across. She had Sky pressed up against her a knife in her right hand. Jane let her go we can sort this out don't do something you will regret I took a step forwards Jane pressed further back to the window and raised the knife to me go away she said in tears I wish I could Jane but i cant I step closer I'm with in arms reach of her now You OK i said to Sky yeah she said barely a whisper OK walk slowly towards me but don't worry no one is going to hurt you she started to walk forward I thought Jane was about to let her go but suddenly her empty hand shot forward to pull her back i stepped forward quickly and pushed Sky away Jane brought the knife up and tried to slash my chest I jumped back making sure Sky was behind me I extended the baton Sky go wait in the hallway she ran off Jane just put the knife down we can sort this out you can stay and we will keep an eye on you or you can leave your choice you're just gonna lock me up We don't have a choice yes you do Jane i have seen what these bites can do to people that has not happened to me she yelled and came forward quickly catching me off guard the knife cam down quickly almost hitting me in the chest as i stepped back as she was recovering I used the baton to drive her back the knife came back again higher this time I felt a sting across my cheek I managed to kick her legs out from underneath her she fell to the floor bringing the knife again I dropped the baton and grabbed the knife hand she bought her other hand to and kicked me in the crotch pain raged through me Jon I yelled Toby and Jpn burst in to the room and grabbed her hands and pulled her away I lay there on the floor gasping I got to my feet my balls ached I walked back in to the hallway and out the flat Jenna was hugging Sky Your bleeding Lara said it's fine its my balls that hurt I winked she laughed I think were past that she said I smiled you OK I said to Sky she looked up from Jenna and nodded Where's the yells from downstairs answered my question I headed down Jon and Toby were in the process of throwing her out the door No I said Jon and Toby stopped pushing Jane stopped yelling bring her back in they did I handcuffed her to the bannister upstairs now I said to Toby and Jon what about me Jane said I gave her an angry look she shut up and we headed upstairs we sat down in the living room where all this took place which was actually Lara's flat we sat down and had a smoke Throw her arse out on the street Jon said he was angry and rightfully so everyone seemed to agree with him. Wait I said Wait for what Tom wait for her to try and stab you again? wait for her to turn? She's scared I said and Dangerous Jon replied what if she turns?We handcuff her to a radiator in an empty room then if she turns we deal with it if not well we cross that bridge when we come to it. She tried to kill you she thought she was going to die Jon was red in the face now and I could understand why we should give her a chance i said she had her chance and she attacked us with a knife Jon said. We vote on it then I said fine Jon said everyone in favor of letting the murderer stay raise your hand I meant a secret vote I said do i get a vote Sky said I wasn't sure but everyone else said yes so i went with it. We got some paper I put my point across and the precautions we would take locking her up if we threw her outside she would just attract the dead banging on the windows etc Jon put his point across and we voted I won 4 to 3. Jon was not happy about it but went along with it. Me and Toby went downstairs unlocked Jane What are you going to do now she said your staying i replied for now she started to thank me i cut her off we are handcuffing you in to a room and locking it your quarantine for 24hours we picked a room on the top floor we opened up the room with a credit card god bless the internet it was 3'o clock we opened the room and did a quick sweep to check it was empty we covered the windows and handcuffed her to the radiator and Toby left. I got her a bucket for her business and some toilet paper I put the TV on handed her the remote a couple of magazines i found,laid down some cushions to sleep on and found some crackers in the cupboard and filled up a water bottle I handed it to her. You're just gonna leave me here she said We will come back in a day and check on you I recommend you keep quiet or you will attract the things. What if I'm not infected we will have another vote to see if you can stay. What if they say no we give you some food water and point you in the direction of the evac center. I'll die before i make it there then you should think twice before going all stabby on people. I sat down on the floor out of arms reach when did you get bitten why she said I'm curious i said just before i met you ok then lets say about 10.20 I said you have any family no answer anything to say Not to you ok then I got up and walked out closing the hallway door behind me and left the flat I closed the door I grabbed a chair and put it a few feet back from the door and sat someone would watch the door at all times no one would go in or out til tomorrow. 8' o clock The noise we had made earlier has attracted some undead to our location though all they are doing is milling about outside searching for a noise that is no longer there all the windows of rooms rooms we have gone in have been covered Jon had an idea of going outside and spray painting DEAD INSIDE on the front door to deter people from trying to come in though we haven't seen or heard anything human today apart from Jane. Due to the number of dead outside we have had to hold off on destroying the stairway as the noise may attract them to us we have settled with just moving the supplies to the top floor there are 5 rooms here we cleared them no one was in them the other 2 floors were not sure if there are dead waiting locked in there rooms we will clear them tomorrow but the top floor is safe and the door that leads in to the hallway is solid. Toby and Jenna have taken one apartment Lara has kept hers Ty and Jon are sharing for the night Sky has opted to stay with me for the time being I have given her the bedroom I will take the sofa she is asleep now with the hallway light on and her door open. The 5th room has Jane in I'm watching it now reading Day by Day Armageddon again I can just look to my right and see Sky she wakes up occasionally looking over to see I'm still there and go's back to sleep. No one has been in to the room with Janet since I left and there has been no sound coming from there. I have sat here watching since we put her in Ty will take over at 11 then Jenna at 6. I couldn't keep concentrating on my book and put it down I put my head in my hands and thought back to the day's events. So much could of gone wrong Sky could of been killed I could of been killed just as easily why was I giving Jane a chance? I started to play with my necklace a metal angel wing I pressed it to my forehead and felt the cold against my skin. I sighed God I was bored Jon and Ty had gone to there room Jon was still in a mood with me over letting Jane stay he would get over it. I reached in to pocket and pulled out my phone tuned it in to a radio station and listened. A couple
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