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Read books online » Horror » BITE by T.D Jackson (best novels for students TXT) 📖

Book online «BITE by T.D Jackson (best novels for students TXT) 📖». Author T.D Jackson

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of evacuation centers had already been overrun not that they said this they just stopped mentioning them when they were listed foreign news was not much better France was almost as bad as here the Americans were making a stand in various places through out the country but it seemed no where was safe now China refused to comment. I turned off the radio Jon walked out in to the corridor all quiet he asked yeah not a peep what are we gonna do with her if she isn't infected i sighed we put it to a vote and if they want her out? Then she go's he nods your to soft you know he said I nodded and look what your fucking cat did to my arm he showed an arm covered in scratches I laughed and it's not my fault she hates you are we OK he said yeah man were fine i understand why you would want to kicker her out it crossed my mind to he nodded night he said nighty night dude I plugged in my head phones so I wouldn't disturb Sky and continued my watch maybe tomorrow will be better.
Grand Design's

I slept surprisingly soundly last night despite our unsecured building and a possibly infected house guest. I listened to the radio in the shower the government has just upped and dissaperaed with no one having any idea where they had gone. London is lost along with Liverpool Manchester Birmingham Newcastle Cardiff and just about any other major population area you can imagine. But apparently areas are holding it Hastings are in the process of organizing a wall to be built being on the coast they will only have to do half the job we would. Canterbury was also holding out the ancient walls around it had more or less channeled the dead in one direction for them stopping them from being surrounded nothing has been heard fro Ireland or the rest of the world. I left the peace of the shower to grim reality another busy day surviving at least we would be relatively safe when we had made our cosmetic changes to the building. I thought about the territorial Army base up the road a few miles away near the last stand last I saw the fence surrounding it was intact maybe there were soldiers waiting to take back the town and I dismissed the thought almost immediately I would only have used it as an excuse to go back to bed. After a few pieces of dry toast we forgot to get butter on our trip. Not much was said over breakfast we were all to a where of what might have to be done soon with Jane still handcuffed to the radiator a couple of rooms down. Jon took the lead "Right lets get started we have stairs to smash" He was right we sit here filled with melancholy then we were dead. We would need to destroy 2 set's of stairs to make sure the things could not get up to the living area in between was a small landing for the 1st floor we elected to keep that to make passing supplies up easier. To get up to the landing we would have to do a delicate balancing act on the postboxes to get up the last part we would use a large cupboard we found in my room laid across the gap easy to push away if the creatures got up to the landing but solid enough to hold our weight. But 1st we would have to clear the ground and 1st floor flat's Toby and the girls were fairly sure everyone had left but we didn't want to bump into one just because we hadn't been careful plus it would be a good opportunity to scavenge supplies from the other room's. We would start on the 1st floor and then the ground then destroy the staircase what a fun day. Me and Toby both grabbed bat's Jon would take the rifle being the only one of us to have fired a gun before he shot a heron once but it would be a last resort only we didn't want the extra noise to attract them. Lara unlock the door on the landing and we went in. There was an odd smell the smell you always get in buildings like this and you wonder what the hell there cooking in there. Toby dragged the sledgehammer behind him I could tell he was excited to smash something. But hopefully he wouldn't get the chance til the stairs. Maybe I had been reading the how to book to much but I had been looking at the article on picking locks with a paperclip I had tried last night while on watch and got mixed results. I straightened out the paperclip and approached the closest door and knelt down. "2 packs of fags says you cant do it" Toby said gleefully "Your on" I said. I knocked on the door "Hello ghost busters" I yelled Jon gave me a weird look "Like it matters what I say" I replied. After 10 seconds no reply I inserted the pick and Jon and Toby got ready. I gave up after 20mins and pulled out a hammer and screwdriver I inserted the screwdriver and smashed the other end with the hammer taking out the frustration that I had just lost 2 packs of cigs. The lock broke the door opened and I rolled to the left. Nothing. I went in 1st keeping the cricket bat in front of me it was dim in the room all the curtains and doors were closed we cleared it empty of dead or alive occupants. We cleared all 5 room's on the 1st floor it took a couple of hours and was about midday. Lara and Jenna would now move in and scrape the place clean for things we could use. We stopped for a lovely bread sandwich a can of drink and a fag delicious. We repeated the process with the ground floor all was well until we got to the last room. I forced the door and we went in. Bedroom 1st clear Bathroom clear. Down the hallway open the door to the living room/ kitchen Toby was following me to closely and the 2 of us fell in to the room he landed on top of me" get off me you oaf" He got up and I realized the floor was damp I looked at my hand.Red a lot of it. I scrambled to my feet and saw it all 3 of us stood there and gaped. The source of the blood was clear a golf club bent in the middle the corpse with it's head caved in. But the most shocking was the body suspended from the ceiling with rope around the neck a man dressed in a white shirt smeared with red and black trousers barefoot. The most disturbing was the fact it was still moving.It was reaching out as if trying to embrace us it's feet kicking uselessly. "Er what do we do about that?" Toby questioned. It was a good question suspended like that it would be difficult to smash it's head with out getting grabbed we could try and cut it down but then we had the problem of it being mobile shooting it was an option but the dam noise. It started to moan. "Go get your machete and my mop stick" I said Toby ran off to get it. I looked round the room it was simply decorated God awful green wallpaper brown leather sofa and matching chair crammed into the small space along with a TV that looked older than me and Jon put together a small coffee table with pictures scattered on it wedding photo's clearly showing the man who was now intent on trying to unhook himself from the roof and a woman that was probably her on the floor not that you could tell anymore it didn't take a genius to work out what happened here. Toby returned. "O.K here's the plan I'm going to distract it from the front with the stick Toby you climb on the armchair and well you know" He nodded grimly. Jon would cover us. I moved towards it just out of it's reach it got more excited kicking more furiously I prodded it with the pole in the chest it grabbed hold trying to pull me towards it Toby went round as it was focused on me. The fury in it's eyes was like something I had never seen like an animals. No you can see emotion intelligence in an animals eyes here you saw nothing. I was so mesmerized by it that I didn't notice Toby's swing it cut deep but didn't remove the head the thing lost interest in me and tried to twist round to Toby he took another swing the body thudded to the floor the head came lose from the knot and landed on the coffee table. We couldn't believe it it's head was still moving chomping at the bit as if daring us to come closer we watched it 3mins passed still it was moving. The reason for watching and not throwing it out the window was simple information. I poked it with the pole it bit down on it i pulled back and lifted it up in to the air slightly decapitation did not work you had to actually destroy the brain. Jon finished the head off with a carving knife. We headed over to the hanging things body and checked his pockets a wallet and pocket garbage. Nothing else whilst I went through the wallet Jon was looking at the now headless body he lifted up the shirt "Gay" I said "Help me get his trousers off" Jon said not smiling. "Dude necrophilia is not the answer" "Shut up and get them off"I complied we took him down to his skivvy's. "What do you see?" "Your ideal boyfriend I replied?" "Seriously what do you see" I took a second and answered "No bites scratches nothing how did he turn?" "Maybe it's airborne" Toby chimed in. That was a horrifying thought "Maybe it doesn't kick in till your dead and bites just accelerate the process"Jon mused. "Walking dead style" I muttered. Were all infected when you stop breathing you turn"Silence descended on the room. There was not much we could do with our new musings we couldn't prove or disprove any of it. We rolled the body's up in the airing cupboard's bedsheets and used the rope to secure them and dragged them through in to the main entrance way. "Should we say something?" Toby asked. The man's wallet said his name was Mark I couldn't find anything for his wife. "I'll say something then" I said. It's been a while since I said a prayer but Frank and his wife had been wearing matching silver crucifixes so they obviously believed it would be right to say something. "Ah-hem bow your heads and close your eyes Dear God please take you're servant Mark and

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