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Read books online » Horror » How I Became a Murdurer by Jocelyn Smith (books for 6 year olds to read themselves TXT) 📖

Book online «How I Became a Murdurer by Jocelyn Smith (books for 6 year olds to read themselves TXT) 📖». Author Jocelyn Smith

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or something cause some people hears us and looks in our direction. Some people looks at me like I'm crazy sitting next to Lev. Then the bell rings saying class started. "Hello class!" says an old man as he walks into the room. "Hello Mr. Southwick!" says the whole class, except for Lev and me. "Well I'm not sure if you all heard,buuuut we have a new student today!" says Mr. Southwick. Everyone looks at my direction, and I don't react like most people would, because I'm used to the attention. "Why don't you tell about yourself" Mr. Southwick says, and I stand up walking toward the front of the room. "So where do you come from?" Mr. Southwick asks. "Well actually I'm from here" I say, and all eyes are definitely on me now, even Lev is watching me. "Then, why haven't I've seen you around?" Mr. Southwick asks. "Well I live a little far from here, so maybe that's why, and I'm not much of an outside person." I tell him. "Why are you at our school then, aren't their like a million schools around here?" a voice asks. "I don't want to talk about that." I say, almost in a whisper. "Well why don't you sit down and lets get on with today's topic." says Mr. Southwick. I walk back to my seat hoping not everyone is looking at me. "Okay class let's get with today's topic, which is the Columbus Excahnge!!" says Mr. Southwick. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder noticing that Lev wants to tell me something. He gives me a folded piece a paper next to me. I open it up. R u ok? says the note. What do u think!?  I write back at him and give the note. When I watch him read the note,I can see the hurtness on his expression. He looks at me and mouths the word sorry. I don't say anything and I just open up my notebook to a clean new fresh page, and write down the notes Mr. Southwick is writing on the board.



After thirty minutes the bell rung, and it was time for third period. I check my schedule for third period which was science. Well at least it isn't going to be so bad, right? I grab a new notbook from my locker and rush into the crowded halls to my class. I open the door and see a mid-twenty man sitting in a chair and looking through is teachers book. Some girls talking to eachother in a group and giggling, a girl flirting with Ian or trying to get his attention. And the same gang from this morning putting "kick me" signs or "hurt my feelings" signs, but I ignore them and walk toward Ian, the only familiar person here. When I get there to where Ian's at there's a girl sitting on a spare desk trying to get Ian's attention by talking about her new designer clothes, but Ian's eyes are on me. "So are you dating anyone?' the girl asks Ian. Ian doesn't respond and then the girl loks at my direction and gaphs at what I'm wearing. "OMG, what are you wearing?" the girl asks me with a horrified look on her face. "Something better then what you're wearing so get off the tabke so my friend here can sit." says Ian, which surprises the girl. Then she gets off the desk and when she walks by she gives me a evil glare as if I just ruined her life, I just snicker back at her. I sit down next to Ian, and next thing I know my hand accidently lands on top of Ian's hand. I try quickly taking my hand off, but Ian holds my hand instead. Ian looks in front of us and smiles. I look in his direction and see that the girl that was flirting with Ian earlier, is now watching us, horified as if she just as her boyfriend cheating on her. I lean closer to Ian's ear and whisper to him. "Your not dating anyone, right?" I ask. He leans toward me and I can smell a strong smell of redwood trees from him, even though there from California. "No I'm not dating anyone." He whispers back to me. And he leans back into the chair still holding my hand. Then the next thing I know the bell rings. The teacher stands from his desk and taps on the white board behind him. It says "Open books to Chapter 6 and take cornell notes while reading." Everyone in the whole class including Ian groans. "Hey! No whining or detention you little idiots can work with your elbow buddy, and only about chapter 6, do I make myself clear?" the science teacher asks. "Yes Mr. Wilson!" everyone says. The the phone next to the door rings. Mr. Wilson stands from his chair and goes answer the phone. "Uh huh, yes she's here.....,yup I'll send her down." says Mr. Wilson and hands up the phone. "Hey where's Lucia?" Mr. Wilson asks the whole class. I stand up from my chair. "I'm right here" I say. "You need to go to the nurses office." Mr. Wilson says. I don't ask him why and I just go out the door toward the big childish sign that says "Nurses Office" with big hearts around it. I roll my eyes looking at the sign and when I push through the door I gasp at what I see inside.


    What I see isn't good, not at all. I see two boys sitting on one of the beds with blood stains on their shirts, and they're holding their noses with blood soaked tissues. The one next to them has a boy lying down with bandages wrapped around his head. And then the one in the very back is Lev. I rush toward him and stop and gasp at the sight of him. I have to grab one of my hand from slapping him. "What happened?!" I say to Lev and he almost jumps out of the bed. "Nothing" he says to me. I get so mad at him I slap him. He looks at me and so do the other boys that are hurt. "I SAID, WHAT HAPPENED!?" I yell at him. He looks at me as if he were hurt. "You know you sound just like mom you know" he says to me. I whimper at the mention of mom. "You don't bring her into this" I say at him. "Hello dearie, are you Lucia, Lev's sister?" I hear a woman's voice say. I jump at the sound of the woman's voice, and I turn around to see who the voice is. When I look behind me it's a woman in her early forties wearing a light pink dress with a doctor jacket on her. "Yes I am." I say to the woman. "Well aren't you a pretty girl, anyway your brother got into a harsh fight so I suggest to let him go home, and I just want to update that he might have a few brusises and I already put some liniment on him so that should take care of that so watch out." the nurse says to me. "Thanks." I say back to her and the nurse walks back to her office in the corner and does some papers. "Can I go now nurse?" asks Lev as if he just watched a baby show a million times. "Of course dear, and be careful with that arm will you?" says the nurse. Lev just nods and starts to head toward the door, and I follow him out. When I close the door I grab Lev from his shoulder and slam him against the lockers with a loud bang. Lev looks at me with a surprised face and some other kids in the hallway looks toward our way. "What happened to you when you were at that fight?" I ask Lev with a low voice so not everyone can hear us. "Do you really want to know, cause you might start a fight with the other boys like I did." says Lev with a questioning look on his face. "Why else would I slam you against the locker to get answers, so I can waste my energy on you?" I ask Lev. "True,true" says Lev. "So spill brother." I said in a low tone voice. "Ok ok, when I was just passing by in the halls the guys in the group were talking to eachother,but when I got closer they were talking about you how you will probably uh..."-Lev gets a little closer to my face and says"a hoe or hooker or a girl that'll just make out with guys out of knowhere." Lev steps back a little. I let go of Lev's collar shirt and stand back,shocked. I look back at Lev "You better not be lying to me got it?" I say to Lev. Lev nods and says looking at me in the eye"You're gonna do that little trick on them aren't you". "You know to me too well brother." And then the lunch bell rings. All the doors open and a flood of high school students fill the hallway to the cafeteria. I follow the the crowd toward the lunch room smiling to myself thinking about the trick I'm gonna do the boy group.


I enter a enormous room with tables all arranged in a neat row and kids all filling the tables by seconds. I saw one empty table and saw Lev sitting all by himself,but then Ian walks toward him fist bumps Lev and they start talking to eachother. I decide that I should sit with people I'm familiar with which is Lev and Ian,so I start to walk toward their table. When I get there both Lev and Ian looks at me. "Hey Lucia" says Ian,and gestures me to sit with them. I sit down next to Lev and look inside his lunchbox. He has some juice,a sandwich,potatoe chips,and an apple. I take the apple for myself and start to eat it. "Hey, that's mine" says Lev. "You know you sound like a baby whining so shut up and I don't care." I say and contiune eating the apple. Then I feel a slight touch on my calfs under the table. When I look down Ian's leg is touching againist mine and I can start to feel heat rushing in my cheek. "You ok,

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