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In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, horrors were told to each other like myths, that carry the story of the death and afterlife. Ancient people believe that reincarnation exists. Modern horror novels are include new fantastical creatures, like ghosts, vampires, werewolves, and witches.

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Read books online » Horror » How I Became a Murdurer by Jocelyn Smith (books for 6 year olds to read themselves TXT) 📖

Book online «How I Became a Murdurer by Jocelyn Smith (books for 6 year olds to read themselves TXT) 📖». Author Jocelyn Smith

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you look a little pale and red in the cheek." says Ian. "Yeah yeah I fine." I say. I lean toward Lev and whisper into his ear"If you see those boys from earlier tell me",and Lev points in front of us which was the group of boys that beat up Lev,and they start to walk toward us. Ian looks where Lev is pointing and looks back at us with the expression on his face oh-shit-we're-dead look. 

  The boy in front of the group has blond hair with blue eyes and is wearing a blue t-shirt and blue jeans with white sneakers. He could be my type if he didn't have a scar on his forehead,and didn't try to beat up Lev. Blond stops a foot away from us and tells the group behind him to go,which they all leave,and he starts to walk our way. "Soooo you're new girl, right?"says Blond. I just nod at him. He sits down next to Ian and says"Well then you might not know,but you don't want to hang out with this loser" and points to Lev. "Hey dumbass she's my devil sister,you think she doesn't know that already?" says Lev. "I can speak for myself Lev." I say and stand up and walk toward blond and lean into his ear "Meet me outside in the courtyard." I say and when I look back when Blond is looking at me I wink at him,and he starts to follow me. When we get outside we walk toward where there are no one near by, a.k.a on the side of the school and Blond pushes me onto the wall. I just watch him looking into my eyes with deperate look on his face. "So what's your name by the way?" I ask Blond. "It's Chris what about you?" Chris asks me. "Lucia" I answer. Then next thing I now Chris's lips are on mine and his hands are on my waist holding me firm and close to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and keep kissing him while Chris put his tongue into my mouth,and Chris starts to put his hands on my thighs. I accidently let a moan escape from my mouth,and then Chris stops kissing me and looks at me. I try not to make eye contact with him by looking down on the ground. Chris touches my chin with his hands making my looking at him. Then Chris gives me a gentle light kiss on the lips.  


Chris and I walk back to the lunch room together trying to look like we didn't do anything, wrong. I head inside quickly toward Lev and Ian. When I walk inside the lunch room Lev looks at me like something happened between us. When I get to the table I sit next to Ian and staying silent. "You ok, you look like you just saw a ghost or something." says Ian. I don't move a muscle at all. "Hey say something or move something,jeez you're scaring me." says Ian with a frighten face. "Don't worry she's fine she's just surprised with something that happened between her and Chris." says Lev. Then I shoot Lev an evil glare and Ian jumps. "Sooooo what happened to you guys?" asked Ian. "Nothing" I said quickly which made Lev look at me. "Hey sis can we have a sister brother talk?" asks Lev. I nod and go to his side of the table. Lev leans into my ear and said "You and Chris did something together,didn't you?" and he looks at him. I lean into his ear and say "Maybe",but when I said it,it sounded more like a question than a respond. "So it's a yes isn't it" says Lev. Before I can answer the bell rings for fifth period. I stand up qiuckly and start to head to class. I look down at my schedule and next is accelerated math. I walk into the class room and sit in an empty desk right next to the window. At least there might be something interesting going on out there. And when I look outside I'm correct. I see Chris outside hanging out with his other friends and they're beating up a boy with thick glasses and braces with thoses tan slacks and weird sweater on him even though it's a little hot outside. Chris tells something to the gang and they walk up to glasses boy and start to punch him and kick him. When I look back at Chris he's looking straight at me with the expression on his face I-just-fucked-up look. I frown at him and look toward to the board where it says do problems one through ten and there are a stack of papers on the teachers desk. Everyone goes up to get a paper so I go and follow them to get a paper. I grab the paper and start on some of the problems which is starting to give me headache. I stop in the middle of the third problem and look outside of the window to see if Chris left,which he did. I wonder why he beat up that boy. For lunch money? For revenge? Just for fun? I don't even know why kissed him anymore and I put my head down to the table. I lift my head up and continue with my math problems. When I finish a teacher in her fiftys or sixtys walk into the classroom and says "When you are done put your worksheet on my desk and don't forget your name." Everyone nods at her and gets back to working on their math probelm. I stand up and put my paper on her desk and walk back to desk feeling everyone's eyes on me probably thinking she's done already!? I sit back down and look out a the window then the bell rings. "Whoever isn't done with their paper it is for himework" says the old lady. Everyone groans and leaves the classroom without a sound. 


I follow the crowd out of the classroom and head to my next class which is 


Publication Date: 10-20-2018

All Rights Reserved

This is dedicated to all my friends out there in the world that didn't turn their backs on me, and became my best friends so I thank them.

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