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Book online «Between the Prison and the Sewage Works by Maryline Suchley (snow like ashes txt) 📖». Author Maryline Suchley

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Between the Prison and the Sewage works


Chapter 0ne


‘This place smells like a prison toilet!’ the detective cringed as he spoke to the constable.

‘Bad enough that you’re murdered but to be dumped at sewage works adds insult to injury,’ the constable replied sympathetically.

‘We’ll have our work cut out here, the body is extremely mutilated. Probably drugs related in this area,’ continued the detective as he visually surveyed the body and carefully searched the victim’s pockets.

‘He’s wearing designer clothes, a bit well dressed for a junkie?’ the constable remarked pointing to the Armani label on the jacket.

‘Junkies come in all forms; they’re not just scanks hanging around on street corners or getting wasted in shitty bedsits. Chances are he’s a dealer,’ replied the detective, now analysing the severe knife wounds on the chest and a deep gash to the neck.

‘He’s carved up like a pork roast which could suggest something personal, psychotic or most probably a nasty drugs dispute,’ said the detective decisively, signalling his partner to come over.

‘Gov, according to the local police, there’s a new drug that’s hit the streets in the area. The difficulty is it’s in short supply and dealers are scrambling over themselves to get enough supply, it’s causing a lot of agro between dealers,’ said his partner.

‘Why is it so special?’ the detective asked.

‘The hit the junkies get is lower but it lasts five times longer and it’s cheaper than coke or heroine,’ his partner informed him.

‘Sounds like good value for money! What’s it called?’


‘Nonstop, what kind of name is that?’

‘I presume it’s because it keeps you high for longer.’

‘We’d better start looking into this new drug to see if there is a connection with the victim. I suppose we should start with the school, seeing as it’s virtually next door.’


Chapter Two



Mara looked at her watch it was eight twenty; staff training was due to start at nine.

Knowing characteristically science teachers were an antisocial group, she headed for the science preparatory room for coffee and to meet her new colleagues.

She was a beginning teacher in a new school that had been relocated, rebuilt and renamed in accordance with the fresh start model designed by the government for deteriorating inner-city suburbs.

Opening the door to the prep room she had to quickly mask her initial shock at recognising a former classmate from the College of Education.

‘Olright,’ Gordon beamed.

She had had the misfortune to be partnered with Gordon on teaching practice at a school in Bexley Heath. After only six weeks on the course he had become resentful and cynical; loathed teaching and hated kids. Most days Gordon pessimistically complained about the system and the students.

‘I didn’t know you got a job here as well?’ Mara asked.

‘Yep, it was an eleventh hour thing,’ he grinned.

She then felt an arm and hand embrace her across her back shoulder and breast.

‘Hiya Ma.’

If Gordon was a shock, Daniel Oliver was a kick in the teeth. He had also trained at Goldsmiths College and been placed on a separate teaching assignment with Mara at a school in Lewisham. This had been a particularly painful experience as Mara found Daniel to be a revolting individual with narcissistic sexual issues. He was immune to other people’s reactions to his often grotesque remarks and topics of conversation.

A discussion with Daniel and Gordon revealed that in addition to the second teaching position vacant at the time of her interview, another post became available when one of the teachers sent a fax from Tehran, informing the school he was not allowed back in the country. Both Daniel and Gordon were the only applicants and had been offered the jobs on the phone. This supplementary information only deepened Mara’s anxieties about teaching at the school.

She now focused her attention on the two teachers patiently sitting in the prep room. The oldest teacher, Roger Judd smiled placidly at Mara welcoming her to the department. The second teacher immediately made her feel uncomfortable; an overweight middle aged man, with a mass of facial hair. He introduced himself as Piles.

‘Beg your pardon,’ Mara asked
‘It's my name see, right here,’ he replied.
‘Oh yes Piles, right there on your little snoopy name tag,’ Mara answered.

‘My wife bought that after our sixth child was born.’
‘You have .... children?’ Mara replied.

‘I'll show you some photos if you like?’ rummaging through his wallet. ‘Better not show you those ones. They're a bit naughty of me and the missus. Huhuh ehhh!’

‘Uggggh. Too much information,’ Mara replied curtly.

This wasn’t the most heartening of introductions to the science department. In the space of a few minutes she had found out she was now working with Mr unenthusiastic, Daniel Oliver, whom she was hoping never to see again, Roger, who was obviously waiting to retire and die and something that looked like it hadn’t followed the same evolutionary path as the rest of humanity. The only saving grace it seemed for the science department was the head of science, Jeremy, whom she had met in her interview; although morbidly obese, was comparatively ordinary.

As Mara poured a coffee, Jeremy entered the prep room and beamed good morning. He spent a few minutes unconvincingly reassuring his colleagues about the new term. Pep talk now over, he turned to Mara and apologised for her timetable.

‘I’m sorry, but you seem to have acquired a lot of senior classes of low ability students and you have a full timetable.’

Great! Mara thought.

‘But at least you will get some support,’ Jeremy continued.

The bell gave out a piecing ring (It was the warning bell). Staff training was due to start in five minutes. Mara, followed her new colleagues to the staff room. It had occurred to her that this would in fact be the first time she had seen the staff room. On reflection, she had seen very little of the school when she came for the interview, having been rushed in to the headmaster’s office and then rushed out as soon as she accepted the position. Naively she had not requested a tour or seen any students in their lessons.

The large blue grey staffroom felt cold and clinical. The noticeable white board seemed to be the focal point of the room; it was split into four sections: Today, this week, this term and a huge blank white board. Located next to the notice boards were various pigeon holes arranged, not in order of seniority or alphabetically, but according to the sign, how tall you were. This seemed a logical system, however everyone could still reach the top pigeon holes, with the exception of the secretary who was only five foot and at that moment was using a chair to reach the upper pigeon holes. At the opposite end of the room were dark blue chairs, arranged around grey plastic coffee tables in front of an unnaturally large window, which overlooked the school playground.

Smelling coffee, Mara decided she needed more caffeine and walked over to the kitchenette. A large red sign hung over the sink informing staff there was no maid service. Searching for a spare mug she became aware of a nearby door with a porthole filled with swirls of smoke. Confirmation that this was the smoker’s room was soon established when a sickly looking teacher, opened the door coughing and staggered through the archway leading into a teacher work room and offices.

Mara scanned the room for a place to sit realising she’d left it too late to be picky and resigning herself to sitting next to Piles and an equally freakish abnormality who was clearly his friend.

The noise level rapidly dropped as the senior management team entered the room. Mara recognised the headmaster Alan, from the interview; a short well built man in his fifties. He was flanked by his contrasting deputies; Jim Davison who was abnormally tall with very noticeable incisors and a dictatorial grin, and Joyce Crest who had a sour appearance with puffy bags under her eyes and sphere shaped waist which made her look like a Swiss ball on legs.

The headmaster addressed the room with a welcome back and introductions to the nine new staff. As he spoke, Joyce wrote furiously on the board

Welcome back.

Nine new teachers.

‘This year we are going to be working towards raising standards and improving on last year’s G.C.S.E results. We will have…….’ the monotonous tone did nothing to keep Mara attentive to his lecture. Looking around she could see Joyce poised with her chisel tipped board marker summarising the words flowing from his lips, while other staff gazed at different areas of the staffroom.

Mara gave up trying to listen, her mind started to think about the horrific timetable she had been given. Surely that wasn’t fair? All those crap classes and a timetable of a fully qualified teacher! She drifted back into the staffroom. The white board was half full with bullet points and reminders in different coloured ink. The head ended his speech with a smile and informed staff that there would be department meetings until morning break and then two seminars would be held in the library, one on behavioural management, led by Jim, followed by a session on the classroom manager programme with Joyce.

The staff room emptied quickly as teachers left for their individual meetings.

The science briefing was quick and informal. Jeremy hurriedly outlined the various policies and systems within the department. Mara redressed the overloaded timetable, to which Jeremy replied that there was nothing he could do, and that she would have to see Jim Davison, who was also her first year mentor.

The bell rang for morning break.

‘So how long have you worked at the school Roger?’ Mara asked dunking a teabag in a mug.

‘Thirty six years.’

Daniel coughed and spluttered choking on the food he was shovelling into his mouth.

‘Bloody hell, you must have taught these kid’s grandfathers?’ said Daniel, quickly recovering and continuing to chew.

‘Yes, ‘I've seen a lot of changes over the years,’ Roger replied, smiling.

‘I bet behaviour has gotten worse?’ Gordon asked.

‘No, surprisingly it’s stayed the same throughout.’

‘You would have gotten a good old thrashing years ago. That’ll sort these little bastards out!’ Gordon stated. ‘Bring back the cane,’ he added excitedly.

Mara sniffed and looked around the room.

‘What’s that smell?’

Piles sat eerily in the corner eating tuna fish out of a small can. Mara then recoiled in disgust when he picked pieces of tuna out of his beard and devoured them like sweets.

He truly is disgusting! She thought averting her eyes.

The door of the prep room opened and a woman put her head around.

‘Hi Jeremy, here’s the French recipe book you wanted,’

‘Thanks Tessa,’ replied Jeremy as he heaved himself off the stool to collect the piece of paper she was holding.

Meanwhile Daniel was laughing at the noise that had just erupted from him.

‘Better in than out,’ he grinned.

‘Still eating a tin of beans a day Daniel?’ Mara asked sarcastically.

‘Yep, stops my insides from clogging up,’ he replied, oblivious to the revolting smell now consuming the room.

The bell rang.

‘Part deux of training,’ said Mara picking up her folder and leaving.

She quickly walked to the library, endeavouring to be one of the first in, so she could pick a suitable seat. About half the teachers were already present and sat in their various social groups. She noticed two younger male teachers who looked more normal than the science department and sat in the empty chair next to them.

‘Hi. I’m Mara.’

‘Uh, I’mm Deeon,’ he strained.

‘Nice to meet you,’ Mara replied.

‘Yeeah, nice to meet you too. What do you teach?’

‘Science,’ she answered.

‘Yeah biioloogy and all that?’

‘Let me guess? You teach P.E?’

‘Yeeah, how did you know?’

The inane blank expression you’re sporting! Mara thought cruelly.

‘The tracksuit, of course!’

A baby-faced, conservatively dressed teacher besides Deon introduced himself as Mat.

‘ Mara.’

‘Are you new here as well?’ Mat asked.

‘Yep, is it that obvious?’ she

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