Read books online ยป Humor ยป Fables for the Soul #1 by M.E. (reading books for 5 year olds .txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซFables for the Soul #1 by M.E. (reading books for 5 year olds .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author M.E.

BOOM! The crowd cheered for their bet as the pixie races started. "And in the lead is...wait...who is that?" A little pixie was leading the pack as she zoomed towards the finish line. "Bubblegum! You're in big trouble!"


"Mommy," Bubblegum pleaded, "can I please sign up for the pixie races?"

"Now what have I told you Bubblegum, you're under-age." Her mom answered

"But I'm almost seven winters!" Bubblegum cried.

"It's 16 winters and up."

Bubblegum frowned and stomped furiously to her bedroom. As she went to bed, an idea formed in her clever, little head. She smiled in her sleep planning it out. When the sun rose, she quickly dressed herself and hurriedly flew to the mayor office. The mayor was a grumpy old pixie who always carried a frown.

"Ummm...I'm here to see Mayor Sawyer," she said as sweetly as she could.

The secretary murmered something in her messenger and in reply she said, "Come right this way!"

The secretary led her to big doors. The secretary went in and told the mayor about his surprise visitor.

She ran out and pointed to doors telling her to go in.

"How dare you come and see me without an appointment," Mayor Sawyer boomed causing Bubblegum to shiver.

She swallowed hard and bravely came out, "For this years pixie you think you could bend the rules a bit so I could enter?"

"Ha! Do you even have the nerve to ask me such a question plus," he then went over to a photo of a fresh-faced pixie, "no one could ever beat my Tom. Now go! You've wasted six minutes of my life!"

She flew out of the door and thought of another plan.


Text: M.E.
Images: M.E.
Editing: M.E.
Publication Date: 02-24-2013

All Rights Reserved

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