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Book online ยซThe Adventures Of Leon by Emily Poe (best way to read books .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Emily Poe


My name is Leon.

Well, that's not my real name, but it's a name I'm often called.

Another one is Strawhat, but to be perfectly honest, that's only my nickname for the Smash Bros. community, so I shall refer to myself as Leon in this series.

If you didn't read about my college days yet, it doesn't link to this volume at all. Well, at least I don't think so. Maybe you SHOULD go check it out... But if you already have, then let's start Volume 2!

For my first story, we will go to the vast place of joy and pixies known as... MY BACKYARD!

Let's go!

I Am Me

A cool breeze blows in the middle of summer, and flowers glance to the sky, cheering for the bees to pollenate them. But bees are very ignorant, buzzing right past the flowers. At least that's how it seems.

This specific colony of bees are training the younger ones to fly from flower to flower, so they can actually use their wings for something useful.

The trainees are gaining success. But one little bee, not so much. He flies fairly low and slower than the others. He tries to catch up with the others, but with no gain. He is exhausted and hungry.

Maybe if I rest on the leaf of that flower for a second, I won't be behind too much more than I already am, the little bee thinks. So he flies right from the line, unnoticed, and lands on the leaf nearby. He climbs up the stem of the flower onto one of its pink petals. He slides down to the yellow core of the flower, which he has heard other bees call the gynoecium. He cares not for what it meant, as he is too hungry to think of it. He sucks up nectar from the flower, his fuzz collecting the pollen dustings inside the flower. Once he is full, he climbs back down the stem to the leaf and falls asleep. His eyes do not close because he has no eyelids.

A long while later, as the bee colony makes their way back to the hive, the general bee notices that one of the bees is missing. So he does a head count, but still comes up with one bee short.

Where is the bee who falls behind us?

None of the bees know the answer to this, and look to each other in confusion. The smallest bee suddenly hears a faint buzzing sound far off and gestures for the others to follow it. When they arrive, there on the same leaf the little bee lies, curled up in a striped ball.

The general bee is enraged that the sleeping bee left the formation, but was glad to see that one bee passed the test. He knew the sleeping bee had flown to the top of the flower, for his fuzz was dusted with the yellow pollen.

Not Time

 There was a bunch of bananas in the supermarket. They were very ripe bananas that were picked at just the right moment.

One day, a little boy walked into the market and glanced to the bunch. He picked them up without hesitation, as he just thought they were like any normal banana bunch, and paid for them before he brought them home.

Now, there was one little banana in this group who feared that the end of his life was near. The others knew that this was just a part of how the world worked and they didn't stress out as much.

The little banana became too tense for himself to handle and split into two different bananas. They both looked and acted exactly the same; it was as if looking into a mirror. The other bananas feared that the same would happen to them and broke off the bunch. Unfortunately, the banana bunch was on the edge of a high table and they fell with a splat.

The little banana, one of them anyway, mourned for the loss of his mates, but the other laughed happily. You see, when the little banana split, his personality was divided into two different bananas. The crying one represented his sorrow and the laughing one represented his relief that he didn't fall off with the rest of the bananas.

The happy banana decided that he would cause some mischief, but before he could, the boy came in. He picked up the banana and peeled him to the core, then ate him. He was about to grab the other one, but suddenly ran off and didn't come back.

The sad banana's rich quality started to fade, as he got covered in a dark brown shade. This was the sign of the sad banana's life, but he was no longer sad, because he had lived his short life to the fullest.


Once, there was a bunch of balloons. One balloon was red while the others were white. He was different from the others, but he was happy about it.

A little girl took the red balloon from the bunch and brought it home with her, leaving behind the other ones. At her home, he made friends with a golden key, a wax candle, and a golf ball. The key's job was to unlock doors, the candle's job was to bring light, and the golf ball's job was to fly through a golf course and fall into holes. OK, so one of these didn't really have much of a job.

Still, the balloon was sad that he didn't have a job to do like the others. He felt useless, but he didn't see that he already had a job. His job was to make people happy. And that's just what he did, even though he didn't realize it.


Publication Date: 03-25-2015

All Rights Reserved

AirPirateCid (Steve Alexander)

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