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Cervantes Monument in Madrid, Spain



Wit and Wisdom of Don Quixote.


Patch grief with proverbs.Shakespeare.



BOSTON: ROBERTS BROTHERS. 1882. Copyright, 1882, By Roberts Brothers. University Press: John Wilson and Son, Cambridge. INDEX.
CERVANTES. Abadexo, 9. Adam, the first head scratched, 168. Adventure of the dead body, 51. Adventures of Esplandian, 17. Alamos of Medina del Campo, 199. Aldermen, the braying, 169. Altisidora, songs of, 219, 265. Amadis de Gaul, 4, 17. Amadis de Greece, 19. Arms, the honorable profession of, 173. Araucana, 24. Austriada, 24.   Bacallao, 9. Barabbas, wife for, 115. Barataria, the island of, 220, 223, 250. Barber's basin, taken for Mambrino's helmet, 58. Basilius the Poor, adventure of, 147. Belfreys and palfreys much the same, 125. Boar hunt, the, 182. Bray, town of, 172.   Cane, the hollow, 227. Carrasco, views upon critics, 109; made executor, 286. Chrysostom, story of, 37; interment of, 41; song of, 45; epitaph upon, 49. viii Clavileno, flight of, 203. Comedy, adherence to the unities necessary, 89. Countryman, the tale of, 239. Critic, not cricket, 163. Cuenza, cloth of, 180. Cupid's address at wedding of Quiteria, 153. Curadillo, 9. Cure of jealousy, 23.   Dapple, 181, 182, 184, 197. Darinel, 18. Dead body, adventure of, 51. Death, Sancho's views on, 165. Description of a lady, 33. Diana, the, of Montemayor, 20, 23. Disenchantment of Dulcinea, 187, 196. Don Bellionis, 20. Don Diego de Miranda, 20. Don Galaor, serving no especial mistress, 36. Don Olivante de Laura, 18. Don Kyrie Eleison of Montalvan, 20. Don Quixote, income of, 1; family of, 1; age of, 1; fancies of, 2; his armor, 2; his steed, 3; begins his adventures, 5; arrival at inn, 6; seeks knighthood, 10; watches his armor, 13; is knighted, 14; his self-confidence, 14; his library destroyed, 16, 25; his squire, 25; extolls the Golden Age, 29; his requisites for a knight-errant, 35; at the interment of Chrysostom, 41; his adventure with a dead body, 51; captures Mambrino's helmet, 56; performs penance, 63; his views of knight-errantry, 76, 82; receives a visit from the lady Dulcinea, 126; adventure with the lions, 133; attends the wedding of Quiteria the Fair, 147; a "sensible madman," 197; counsels Sancho, 203, 210, 225; his views upon poetry, 131; of love, 161; ix of marriage, 162; upon long finger-nails, 211; of proverbs, 212; converses with an author, 273; returns home, 282; his will, 284, 285; his death, 287; epitaph upon, 288. Duke and Duchess, the, 181. Dulcinea, described by Don Quixote, 37; letters to, 65; lines to, 66; disenchantment of, 187, 196; lines to, 66; sonnet to, 96.   Earldom, Sancho's views of the management of one, 91. El Cancionero, 23. Enchanter's errand, the, 188. Epitaphs on Don Quixote, 96, 98, 288. Epitaphs on Dulcinea, 99. Ermine, a modest women compared to one, 73.   Fabila, the fate of, 184. Fish Nicholas, 143. Florismarle of Hyrcania, 18. Fort, Sonnet on the, 84. Frasso, Antonio de lo, 23. Friendship, sonnet to, 69.   Galatea of Cervantes, 24. Genealogies reduced to four kinds, 119. Gil Polo, 23. Golden Age, panegyric upon the, 29. Goleta, sonnet upon the, 83. Governor's round of inspection, 245. Gratitude a duty, 61.   Heaven, death by the hand of, demands patience, 55. Herdsmen, the purse of the, 199. Herradura, the, 199. x Industry tranquillizing, 281. Instructions for government of Island, 203-210. Island of Sancho Panza, promise of, 25, 26; possession taken of, 220, 223. Julius C�sar, anecdote of, 174.   Knighted, Don Quixote, 14. Knight-errant, the, without a mistress, 4, 36, 177; food of, 28; impiety of, 35; defence of, 35; hunger of, 71; compared to the courtier-knight, 118; extolled, 141; compared to the saints, 122, 123; his need of money never recorded, 12. Knight-errantry, the surpassing excellence of, 76; compared to the life of a scholar or soldier, 78, 79; science of, 142. Knighthood, ceremonies of, 14, 15. Knight of the Cross, 19. Knight Platir, 19. Knight, the, reproved, 198; if poor, his rank is manifested by his virtues, 128.   Lace-bone, 263. Lace worn in Purgatory, 281. La Mancha, 1, 95, 288. Lanzarote, romance of, 8. Learning of Sancho Panza, 28, 205. Letters, from Don Quixote, 255; from the Duchess, 251; from the Duke, 237; from Sancho, 196, 258; from Teresa, 261. Library of Don Quixote destroyed, 16. Licentiate, story of, 100. Lions, adventure with, 133. Lucifer, the first tumbler, 168. xi Mambrino's helmet, 56. Manuscript discovered in Saragossa, 95. Marcela, cruelty of, 33, 37, 39. Marriage of Camacho the Rich, 147. Mateo Boyardo, 19. Merlin, 188-190. Miraguardia, castle of, 20. Mirror of chivalry, 19. Molinera buckles the spurs, 15. Monteil, plains of, 26. Monsurato, 24. Montesinos, care of, 181.   Nymphs of Enares, 23. Olalia, poem to, 31. Oran, general of, 133.   Palinurus, 84. Panza, Sancho, vide Sancho Panza. Panza, Teresa, vide Teresa Panza. Parley about the penance, 189. Pastor Fido, 274. Penance, a pleasing, 65. Penance of Don Quixote, 63. Poem addressed to Dulcinea, 66. Poem addressed to Olalia, 31. Poetry, views of Don Quixote upon, 131 Praise of poverty, 217. Proverbs. See Index To Proverbs. Proverbs, Don Quixote's dislike of, 186, 212, 215, 215. Proverbs of Sancho Panza, 212. Pyramus and Thisbe, story of, 145. xii Queen Pintiquinestra, 18. Quexana, Antonia, heiress of Don Quixote, 286. Quixote, Don, vide Don Quixote. Quiteria, the Fair, 147.   Retention, definition of, 63. Rosinante, named, 3; encomiums upon, 6; sonnet to, 97, 124.   Saints and knights-errant compared, 123. Sancha Mary, a match for her considered, 113-115. Sanchica, 263. Sancho Panza, becomes a squire, 25; counselled to ambition, 27; defines retention, 63; love to God, 71; his views upon administration, 91; is received by his wife, 93; plain speaking of, 105; conditions of his service, 110; self-confidence of, 111; rejoicing at rejoining Don Quixote, 112; homecomings of, 117; at the wedding of Quiteria, 147; views upon death, 165; upon penance, 189, 196; upon sleep, 277; his conundrum, 168; description of, 168; plight of, 181; at the boar hunt, 183; submits to penance, 195; government of, 197; official dress of, 205; learning of, 28, 205; proverbs of, 212; receives advice, 213; assumes the governorship, 220; encounter with the doctor, 233; advises the countryman, 239; makes a round of inspection, 245; returns home, 282. Saragossa, 95. Scholars, sufferings of, 78, 79. Serenade, a, 218. Seville, story of lunatic of, 100. Shepherd of Iberia, 23. Shepherd of Filida, 23. Sleep, Sancho's views upon, 277. Soldier, sufferings of the, 79, 80. xiii   Tailor, the secret of a, 224. Tasters, story of, 129. Tears of St. Peter, 72. Tembleque, 200. Teresa Panza, receives Sancho, 93; counsels him, 114; her good sense, 116; receives the page, 249; writes Sancho, 261. Tirante the White, 20. Tolosa, girds on sword of Don Quixote, 14. Truchuela, 9. Truth, the mother of history, 29.   Wife, but one good, 160.   Zamora, a bagpipe, 152.


CERVANTES. Actions, when prejudicial, not to be recorded, 106. Advice, a woman's, to be taken, 120. Affront, an, to be maintained, 177. Animals, lessons to be learned from, 127. Analysis of fables, 87. Army, the, a school for generosity, 82. Associates, character indicated by self-chosen ones, 124.   Beauty, all does not inspire to love, 49. Beauty in a modest woman, 49. Beautiful objects infinite, 49. Benefits conferred on the base, 61. Bird, a, in the hand, 71, 120, 127, 282. Birds, none in last year's nests, 218. Biters, the, are bit, 245. Book, good in every, 109. Books, no, no bacon, 124. Brevity pleasing, 60. Building on impossibilities, 74. By-and-by, the streets of, 162.   Cats, by night all are gray, 180. Church, the, the court, the sea, 83. Clergyman, a, what he should be to be beloved, 33. Companions, a man known by his, 124. xv Comparisons offensive, 104. Course, the middle, the one of valor, 104. Customs not all invented at once, 6.   Death, a remedy for everything but, 210. Delay breeds danger, 86, 281. Devil, the, assumes an angel form, 74. Diligence, the mother of success, 86. Disquietude designed for knights, 34. Drinker, a good, covered by a bad cloak, 186.   Enemy, an, the merits of his cause, 209. Epics, prose, 88. Ermine, an, a modest woman compared to, 73. Fables, analysis of, 87. Fast bind, fast find, 120. Fear, the effect of, 49. Fiction, better as it resembles truth, 87. Finger, a, between two eye-teeth, 215. Flattery, the sway of, 145. Forewarned, forearmed, 132. Fortune, good, seldom comes single, 83. Fortune like a mill-wheel, 87. Friend, a, consolation, 62. Frying-pan, out of, 50.   God's mercy more glorious than His justice, 210. Good in every book, 109. Gold, all that glitters is not, 244. Governing pleasant, 203. Gratitude, a compensation, 271; a duty, 61. Grievance, no, can keep the sufferer from kindness, 70. xvi Handle, the right one of things, 56. Happiness as reckoned by sages, 130. History, a sacred subject, 108. History, faithful, will survive, 280. Holy days to be kept peacefully, 122. Hope and love coincident, 74. Host, to reckon without the, 104. Hypocrite, a, less dangerous than the open transgressor, 173.   Jest, a painful, no jest, 272. Jesting, a time for, 123. Judge, a, should lean toward compassion, 209.   King, serving the, in war, 173. Knights, all, not courteous, 118.   Lance, the, never blunted the pen, 49. Learned men among mountains. 93. Leap, a, better than a prayer, 60. Liberality, the blessings of, 288. Liberty, the blessings of, 2. Light, the, shines upon all, 245. Lineages, two kinds of, 60. Liver, the good, the best preacher, 166. Love, a leveller, 29. Love, the eyes of, 70. Love, unconstrained, 49. Love, uncompromising, 56. Love, conquered by flight, 74. Love, vanities of, 76. Love, wears spectacles, 163.   Lovers, external actions of, 124. xvii Madness, the followers of, 129. Maiden, a, her reserve her defence, 104. Many littles make a mickle, 121. Man, a dishonored, 71. Manners, good, cheap, 202. Master, a, judged by his servants, 176. Mayor, he whose father is a, 214. Might overcomes, 86. Mischance, one, invites another, 70. Misfortunes never single, 70. Money willingly lent to officials, 118. Music, the effect of, 70.   Nail, a, in Fortune's wheel, 162. Nature is like a potter, 176. Nobility, true, 76.   Pains, those of others are easy to bear, 176. Patience, and shuffle the cards, 168. Paymaster, a good, needs no security, 176. Peace, no, in scruples of conscience, 104. Philosophers in cottages, 93. Purpose, the honest, favored, 76.   Railing is neighbor to forgiveness, 281. Remedy, a, for everything but death, 210. Retreat sometimes wise, 61. Riches, two roads to, 120. Riches, of little avail against trouble, 62. Rome, when in, 264. Rules for obtaining excellence, 62.   Seeing is believing, 128. Severity is not disdain, 50. xviii Sleep, a cure for trouble, 280. Soldier, a covetous, a monster, 82. Soldier, equal to a captain, 34. Song, the relief of, 61. Sorrow, concealed, 73. Sorrow, a blessing, 128.   Thing, a, begun is half finished, 202. Thing, a, the right handle of, 56. To-day here, to-morrow gone, 121. Tongues as weapons, 177. Tricks of a town, 86. Truffles, to look for, in the sea, 105. Truth, the mother of history, 29. Truth may bend, 124.   Virtue more persecuted than beloved, 86.   Walls have ears,
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