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Book online «WICH ONE? by keke.D (first e reader TXT) 📖». Author keke.D

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chapter 1

"He is cute” Jessica said looking at the computer. I make a wired face and said “who?” But before she finished I know who she was going to say. Alexander. Jessica had a crush on Alexander since we were 8th grade and now we are in 10th grade. She has a crush on him for 2 straight years. That is a lot for me if you ask. But I didn’t say anything except “get over him girl”
“I can’t. He is so cute and nice.” She said smiling. I watch her and said “ ya, but you been trying to go out with him since 8th grade.”
“I know” she said covering her face by my pillow. I don’t what her to cry about him again so I said “hey, come on, this is our sleepover don’t ruin it.” She wiped her eyes and said “ok. I am sorry. It just so hard for me.” I pull her and hugged her and said “I know.”

chapter 2

Me, Jessica and Daren were walking in the hall way. Even though I am not popular. At least used to be. Daren was. He was the most popular guy in the whole school. When he asked me out in 9th grade it was a big shock. Even for me. How could the most popular guy in school ask me? But he did and it was cute. He ask me in front of the whole school. Me and Jessica were talking about Alexander, but all of sedan, He said “ Samantha! Would you go out with me?”

Everyone was quite for a moment. Even me. Then I think his friend Alex said “dude you are embarrassing yourself.” He ignores Alex and said “so, would you?”
I look at Jessica. And she said “are you?” I look at the cafeteria and every one was waiting for my answer. I was so scared. I feel like I was going to throw-up. Then I turn my face to him and said “ ya,sure.” He and his friend give each other a fist and the other students start cheering. Jessica said “you are so lucky. I wish that happen to me with Alexander” before I answer her Daren come to me and said “so, Saturday night. Movie?” I look back at Jessica because we had plans on Saturday. I was scared she well be mad cause I promise her I won’t let her down. But then she said “she well love to.” I look at her and mouth her “tanks” she nods back. Then Daren said “great I well pick you up at 8.”
That is when all began I was so happy when I get home I remember when my mom said “that is so sweet of him.”

chapter 3

“Honey can you take Ardi for a walk?” Mom said.
“Ya, Sure.” I said putting my jacket on. Ardi is our family dog. He been here since my dad died. I was so sad for me cause my dog rocky and dad died at the same week. I know. I was crying hard. I didn’t come out of my room for like 2or3 days. I sure miss both of them. But Ardi make me forget about Rocky. But about dad, not even close. Cause my dad was like my best friend. I love him like crazy. It so hard to live when someone you love is gone forever.Me and my mom aren't that close together but after dad died we were close.very close. witch is good,i guess.
It was sunny and little bit windy.I like such kind of weather not to cold not to hot. like Daren.Daren is such a sweet guy.I fell like i well never live with out him.he is just so...
"hey,Samantha!" some one said behind me.I turn.It was mike. mike from school he used to have a crush on me in 6th grade. and i used to have a crush on him in 7th grade. it was a complicated relationship.
I smile and said "hey!"
He walk up to me and said "so,it's been a long time huh? I sigh and said "Ya. long time."
"So,you are walking with your dog" he said touching Ardi.I bend down next to him and said " ya. what about you? what are you doing here?"
He looked at me in the eye and said "I was in my room looking out side.Then when i look at you i came.I was s surprised and also I was really happy he did that.I look back, and look at his house it is 4 blocks from my house.It looks small and nice.I look back at him and say" that is sweet of you." But before we got to close to each other i stand up and said " do you what to walk?"
He smiles and said " sure"
"so,I said ,'how is your mom." she is fine.she just think about dad a lot." he said looking down so his tires don't come out.I look down too. his dad died 5 month after my dad died.He was sad. very sad. when I go to his dad funeral he was so sad that he didn't even get out of his room.
" i am sorry." he said "I am just.." he stops.I didn't what him to continue so i said " is ok."
we smile at each other.He looked at me.I looked at him.He is cute when you think about it. with his brown hair, blue eyes, sweet smile, and a nice personalty.

when I get home, i was smiling. I don't know why but i can"t keep my mouth closed. My mom come up to me and said "You didn't" I look at her. " what do you mean?" she look at me and said " you kissed a guy." I open the TV and said " no." she walk up to me and said " honey, you are not fulling any one."
"I am not!!" i said screaming. she walk to the couch and said "hmm mm.."
"no really!" i said smiling and trying to talk at the same time.
" whatever!" she said. "really!" i said walking to the stairs.
" you are not fulling anyone!" she said speaking loud.
"I am not!" I said.

chapter 4

The next morning,Was sunny.I was waiting for the bus with Jessica when mike came and said "hey!" Jessica looked at me.I guess she was wired out cause he never wait for the bus.but she said "hey!" I was so happy that he came for some reason.I smile and said "what you doing here?" I don't what him to think that I don't what him here so i said " i mean you usually don't come." he looked at me and said "my mom usually drive me to school but today she have to go to work early so,I came." I smile.Jessica was lost.I can see it in her face. when the bus came we all got I always do I seat next to Daren and Jessica seat across us.

My first class was math.I hate math. even tough i am not that bad at it and the teacher is not,I just don't be so happy getting in that class.When i set in my seat My teacher called me.I go to her. she wasn't smiling like always.she was mad.I was so sacred. what if i get a really bad grade.or what if she fiend out that i cheat on that math test we take 2 month.No she wouldn't it been a really long time.
I smile and said "yes,Mrs Dezamiena" she move her glasses up and down. she clear her trout and said "Samantha, you used to have a good grade. but now you are felling. Is there any reason why?" I was so scared i am felling!I am so dead.before I go crazy I think about her question. why did i suck any way?I don't know!! but i can't say that to the teacher so i said " well i guess i didn't study hard enough."
She smile.Not a sweet smile.A smile that shows that the person knows that you are lying smile.But I didn't care I just smile back.
She look at some paper and said " well,if you need some one that can help you i have one smart kid that has good grade on math and he can help you?"she said looking at me.Having someone to help is not that bad. so i said "sure" she look at the paper again and said "OK. so,your tougher is, mike Richard." Mike Richard!!!! are you kidding me!! I wasn't sure if i was spouse to be happy or

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