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Book online «UGH! WHAT A LIFE I HAVE! by Sammy Davis Jr. (Vera R. (english reading book .txt) 📖». Author Sammy Davis Jr. (Vera R.

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his lime green Lanborgini. He fired it up and revved the engine.

" So where are we going? " I asked.

" My condo. " he said and sped off.

" O.k. " I said trying to act nonchilant on the outside, but in the inside I was freakin out. Wasn't he a bit young to have a condo anyway? Where's his parents? I blocked out all those questions for later and paid attention to the road. We were headed down an expensive-looking street with fancy houses and condos. It looked like the richer side of town. We pulled up to a huge condo! It was atleast fifteen stories. It had the words McClain Condos writen on a biloard. I stared over at Chase disbeliving. This couldn't be his parents condo's, couldn't it? I've heard of McClain Condos before -I mean who hasn't. they own the most condo's and all of California.- but I didn't connconnect the dots.

" Is this -is this -. " I stuttered.

" My condos? " he finished for me. I looked at him confused.

" What about your parents? " I asked. His eyes suddenly bacame balls of emotions. I read pain, guilt, remorse, and a deep-set sadness. Curiosity filled me, but I wasn't gonna force him to tell me. He smiled. I could tell it was fake and he completely ignored my question.

" So would you like to check them out? " he asked. He tried to act unaffected, but I saw through the act. 

" Would I? " I asked momentarily distracted. If he didn't want to talk about it, niether did I. We got  out the car and headed to the lobby. There was this girl at the front desk and she was the definition of beautiful. She had high cheek bones and brown hair with red lipstick and green deep eyes. When she saw Chase her eyes poped out of her head and Chase emediately ran over to the girl.

" Chasy! " she squealed.

" Emily! " Chase said with a wide smile. She came from behind the desk and I noticed the dress she had on that complemented her breasts. I noticed that Chase noticed too when he scanned her body. they hugged and Emily sqeezed her breast against his. I was in the background watching furious and jealous. Who was this girl and was she all over my Chase like that? And why was Chase eyeing her like a yummy piece of candy.

" What are you doing here? " Chase asked still smiling, I've never seen him this happy before.

" Well my parents moved back obviously. " They both started giggling flirtasiously. I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat. They both looked at me like they just reallized I was there.

" Um, Emily this is my friend um, um-.

" Kyle." I said with a tight smile. I can't believe Chase. She took a few steps closer. She was so close that if she moved an inch her breast would be touchind Chase's chest. Somehow I doubted he would mind.

" So Chasy, how's life been? " She asked rubbing down his arm.

" Fine. Awesome. " Chase said like a lovestruct teenager.He was too busy making googly eyes that he didn't notice when I slipped out the door and down the street. I was absolutely irate. I can't believe I actually thought he would atay faithful to me. I mean I skipped school for him, eventhough I knew I would probably get a good beating from Patricia tonight. but now I know I was wrong. About three blocks later it started raining. I cursed my luck. ' Fuck you Chase McClain ' I thought. I car slowly drove up to me and I didn't reconize it until Chase rolled down the window.

" Hey why did you ditch me back there? " he asked. I gave him a furious look.

" Why did you ignore me and pretend I wasn't there when you were talking to her ? Answer that. Now go away. "

" C'mon Kyle, I'm not gonna leave. Look I'm sorry, just get in the car. Do you wanna catch a cold? " he said as an attempt at an apology.

" No, I rather have to listen to Jessica Simpson. ( no offense Jessica :) Not unless you tell me who that girl was back there and why you treated me that way. " I stopped walking to let him consider.

" Hell no! It's none of your business who she is! " he said, not even thinking about it.

" Then I'm not getting in the fucking car! You can kiss my ass! " he sighed and I continued walking.

" Rmember one thing! " he yelled. I stopped and turned around.

" What? " I yelled back.

" You made me do this." he said and got out of the car. His clothes were immediately wet and his hair matted to his forhead. I hear a roll of thunder and see a lightning bult. Suddenly, I wanted to get in the car very bad, but I wouldn't give up very  easily. The first thought that popped into my head was ' He looks even sexyier wet like a drowned waif. '  While I was daydreaming Chase came closer and closer to where we were almost touching.

" So you think I'm sexy, huh? "

" What? No. "

" So were you jealous? " he asked.

" No. Now who is that girl? " I asked beecoming even more irate. But when seeing he begging and puppy-dog emotion in his eyes, I started to melt quickly.

" My ex-hoe. I used to be her pimp. " he said with a serious face. Now madder than ever, I slapped him as hard as I could. It left a red hand print on his left cheek and he looked me in my eyes.

" Will you do me honors of becoming my new hoe? " he said. I punched him, but this time I only caught air.  He quickly ducked and lifted me over his shoulder. I didn't even struggle, I knew it was futile. He marched me over to his Lamborgini and slammed me down in the back seat, where he quickly pinned my arms above my head.

I knew what was coming... he kissed me. And this was no gentle kiss. It was a hungry, punishing kiss that had me unprepared. I tried resisting, but weak I was to his charm. With a submissive moan, I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer. I don't know what it was, but all month I hsd been feeling very...what's the word... horny. It's like all I wanted to do was bang somebody's brains out. And it didn't matter who. For the next twenty minutes we nearly had sexy in his back seat, but I saved myself by pointing out we had no condoms. He looked into my eyes and frowned, starring again.

" Do I have have something on my eyes? " I asked self-consiously reaching up to cup my eye. Brought my hand back down, smiling with humor in his eyes.

" It's nothing, they're perfect. " he said cornily. I laughed shaking my head.

" Get up front. " he said.

" Okay Mr.Corny." I said. He chuckled.




The next week at school was kind of awkward for me and Chase. It was filled with side glances and awkward silences. We both knew we had feelings first, but it was like we had made a non-existent bet on who would admit that first. On day I was peacfully eating my luch in the cafeteria when the girl  from his condos -what was her name? Oh yeah Emily- made her way over to me. She sat oppisite me and gave me her fakest smile. I smiled back and the smile suddenly gave way to a serious face.

" Hey Sarah right? "

" Accually it's - "

" Don't care. Stay away from my boyfriend! He's mine and will always be mine. "

" Your boyfriend? Last time I checked he's single. " she gave me a dirty look

" It doesn't matter you whore! He's mine. Why would he go out with someone as fat as you anyway? Just look at you, " she  motioned to me ," now look at me. See the difference? Stay away from him." she stalked away back to the cool kid's table and sat on Chase's lap. She whispered in his ear and pulled his lips to hers in a heated frenzy. I know I wasn't supposed to look but I couldn't help it. I mean what did I expect from Chase anyway, for us to fall in love, have kids, buy a big house with a dog and pickit fence? I guess I just didn't compare to Emily; she's a star with great legs and I'm just a dork obsessing over Chase. By now I was basicly starring at them makeout. Chase put one hand on her neck to deepen the kiss and placed the other under her skirt. Emily said something in his ear and he nodded. Who am I kidding? I'm just a small fish in a ocean of sharks. I watched as Chase walked out the cafeteria with a giggleing Emily. Now this was bacily harassing, but I didn't give a rat's ass. It was time to define the relationship ( DTR ). I follwed the couple in the boys locker room until they entered the showers. Standing around the corner, I gave myself a mental peptalk.

' He's the one who's having sex with another girl after he made you feel special and had a hot n' steamy makeout session with me in his car! Now get in there and DTR! ' I nodded to myself and stepped into the shower room. Emily was totally nude and in the process of pulling down Chases boxers. I gave them a once over and then cleared my voice. Their heads snapped in my direction as Emily tried to cover herself. Even though I saw surprise on her face I could see a smugness in her eyes.

" Oh no no no please don't let me interrupt you. I just came to DTR. " I said.

" Define the relationship? What relationship? Chase is mine, he doesn't even think your pretty. That's why he was about to fuck me. Isn't that right Chase? " she put on a innocent smile and barried her head in his chest. Chase took a step back.

" You know what, I was, but afterwards I was gonna break it off with you. " she gasped.

" What we had seemed a long time ago, you've changed and I've changed. I realized last night that she ain't you. " Chase directed that last bit while starring me deep in my eyes. If it wasn't for the scene I probably would've belived him, but not today. He took a step forward and I took a step back.

" NO Chase. I like you alot, but it seemed as if you only thought of me as a plaything. I was gonna ask you about us today, but you ruined it. " A look of pain crossed his face, but I took another step back. " I came here to DTR, but I want to see you in more pain. You know what I'm gonna do?

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