UGH! WHAT A LIFE I HAVE! by Sammy Davis Jr. (Vera R. (english reading book .txt) ๐

- Author: Sammy Davis Jr. (Vera R.
Book online ยซUGH! WHAT A LIFE I HAVE! by Sammy Davis Jr. (Vera R. (english reading book .txt) ๐ยป. Author Sammy Davis Jr. (Vera R.
Chapter One
Let me tell you a bit about myself. My mom was a hoe, a slut, plain and simple.A bitch, also plain and simple. She and my dad had an affair, eventhough she knew he was married. He was gonna marry her, but unfortunately, she got pregos with me. After that he ran like a bat out of hell. The bastard! So my mom blamed everything on me." You ruined my life she said!. " OHHH SUCK IT UP! GOSH! Anyway she evntually got tired of beating me and dropped me off at a corner. A CORNER! AT MIDNIGHT! GREAT JOB MOM! No, she wasn't my mom she was a BITCH OUT OF HELL! As you can see I still have some unresolved issues toward my mother. Anyway back to me, me, me, me, and mee! I still hate to talk about her after all these years. Well eventually, some nice people found me on the corner and brought me to a near by orphanage -luckily, but still not good- and I was handed over to the right people.Well at the time it was the right people. Now, in present day, I'm 17 years old and go to CHS, California High School. I'm ugly from all the beatings my mom gave me, or atleast I think so, but I've noticed with satisfaction a few boys checking me out. I have grey eyes and red hair, and the rest is too ugly to discribe. I'm poor. I go to school were I'm below the dorks and nerds in status. And the orphanage I live in is run-down. Also, I'm 5'5, skinny and have C cup breasts. Not very pretty, huh? Yeah I know. I have no friends, but sometimes I sleep with a wolf, yeah a wolf. Pathetic, I know, I know, but he's cute. He has blue emerald eyes and a golden coat. He sneaks in threw my window at night. We've been friends since I got in this hell hole. Oh, and today is the end of summer break.
" Kyle! " Patricia said. Patricia owns the orphanage. She's a total bitch! She doesn't do anything! She's chubby, wears too much make-up, and goes out alot. I think she likes me. Sometimes I see lust in her eyes when she looks at me. I have to sleep with one eye open the nights I don't sleep with Eric, my wolf. In fear of being raped.
" Kyle! " she said. " Get down here! Now! "
" I'm coming Patricia! " I ran down the stairs. She was in the kitch, and let me tell you, she did not look happy.
" Were's my brouch, you slut? " she said, furious.
" I don't-. " A sharp pain went across my cheek. She had slapped me.
" Don't lie to me! I know you have it. "
" But I-. " Slap.
" Tell me or you will clean the whole house tonight! " I was silent. "Alright the whole house, tonight. " She gave me one more good slap before I ran out the house to school.'That bitch' I thought. 'Who does she think she is? She had no right to touch me! That bitch!'
School wasn't much better. As soon as I threw the school's doors open and got my schedule, people started wispering and staring. That's not a good thing. I procceded down the hall.
" Hey freak. " said someone. I ignored them and kept walking. Even nice people thought I was weird. The bell rang and everyone hurried to class. My first class was English. I chose a seat in the back, but I have good grades though. The teacher came in and started roll call. The late bell rang, and a boy I haven't seen before walked in. He handed the teacher his schedule.
" Explain why you're late Mr.McClain. "
" Um, I'm new and I got lost. "
" Very well take an empty seat." He was beautiful, with golden hair and and blue emerald eyes.Just like my wolf. Weird. If only I belived in coincidence. He was 6'5 with muscles bulging under his shirt. He was ripped! And every seat was filled except the one next to mine. He gave me a smile that had every girl in class melting and boys envious. Even Lily -the queen slut- was melting. Surprizingly, so was I. Seeing that smile had heat radiating threw my entire body. I didn't smile back. He sat in the seat next to me, giving me another melting smile.'He has player written all over him' I thought.
"Hi I'm Chase." He said still smiling. I didn't respond. 'Why is he even talking to me, I'm below the nerds in ststus.'
" What's yours? " He asked.
" Kyle. " I said flatly. There was something about him that made me nervous.
" Nice name."
" Thanks. " He was about to say something ellse, but cut him off.
" I don't know you so could you not talk to me. Talk to Lily." I said icily . " I'm sorry if I offended you in antway Kylie. And who's Lily?. " He asked, frowning.
"The school's slut. "
" Oh, well, I'm still sorry Kylie."
" Don't talk to me. I'm sorry, I just wanna listen to this lesson, k?" I lied. His frown deepened.
"K." He turned to the board. The rest of the period flew by. Next I go to lunch.
(Chase POV)
Ugh! Looks like I'm off to a bad start. I will get her to like me. She's my mate. I've known that since she first came to the orphanage. God, she's beautiful! I'm glad she's the one. I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder.
" Me again, um, could I sit with you at lunch? " she looked at me like I had two heads.
" Wouldn't you rather sit with Lily and the jocks? "
" No, I don't like sluts. " I said with a serious face. She scoffed.
" Sorry, but if you're a player you're looking at the wrong girl."
" I'm not- " she cut me off.
" Then you're a virgin? "
" No,but- "
" See! " She yelled.
" I don't see how how many women I've slept with is any of you business. You don't see me asking you how many guys' penises have been in you vagina do you?" I asked a little iritated. ' Who does this girl think she is? '
Her cheeked turned pink in anger and embarrasement! How dare you? You don't know who I am, where I'm from or what I've done to get here!" She stormed. I took a step forward shocked at how sexy she looked when she was angry. Her steel blue eyes turned an even darker shade of silver. I reached out and pulled her lips up to mine. Her lips were so soft, like a cloud made of silk. I quickly tipped her head back, deepening the kiss. I pulled back and notice the whole school looking at us in shock. Kyle's cheeks turned pink in humiliation. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the hallway and inside a janitor's closest. The kisses soon continued. At first she struggled, but her will quickly crumbled under my kisses. She pulled her head back allowing me access to her throat. Sucking and licking until I'm sure she had a hickey. I raised up her shirt to pinch her nipples in a circular motion. The sexyest noise ever came from her lips. I sounded like both a whipmer in pain and a moan for more. But we didn't stop there. She pulled back, but also pulled me closer by wrapping her shapely lefs around my waist. Where she came in contact with my hard member. My wolf needed to calm down so I let her take control of the kiss. She twisted one hand in my hair while the other one wandered up my shirt to rub my abs. She kissed me slowly, but throroughly, as if memorizing every corner of my mouth. This just got me even more hungry for her, resulting in us basicly dry humping each other against the wall. But unfortuneately that's all where the fun had to end. She dropped her feet to the ground still kissing me and finally, pulled reluntantly away. When she saw me smirking her eyes turned silver again and she slapped me with all her might. I didn't flinch.
" What was that for? " I yelled.
" You know what it was for." She yelled furious. " You just want sex, that's perfectly clear by how you just made out with a almost complete stranger! I thought I was too judge-mental by assuming that earlier, buy now I know I was right. How could you?" She ran out the bathroom crying. ' Wow this chick is very bi-polar. ' I thought.
' She's not a "chick" , she's our mate. ' growled my wolf.
' Yeah, yeah, yeah. ' I replied.
" Please skip with me Kyle! " Chase begged. He had been begging all day and it was the beggining of third our. Deciding that I can't take another minute of this, I gave up.
" Alright you spoiled brat! " I yelled. Chase faked a sad face then said
" Yay me! " While jumping up and down. Once he stopped he stared at me and I couldn't help it. I burst into a fit of laughter. He looked awed for a minute before he started starring at me for like a full ten minutes. He took a step closer. I took a step back.
" We;re not hsving a repeat of yesterday. " I said still furious about yesterday. How could I let him kiss and touch me like that? I was complete humiliated yesterday. He gave me a kind of tick off look.
" You overreacted. Anyway I wasn't gonna kiss you anyway, no matter how much I wanted to. Can I just look into your eyes for a moment? "
" Sure..." I said a little weirded out. He stepped even closer and cupped my face looking intently into my eyes. But what was strange was he didn't look at me like he wanted to kiss me. He looked at me like my eyes were an algebra expression he couldn't figure out. After about two minutes of starring at me he bagged away only the slightest.
" If your done can you move away now? " I begged. His lips moved up slightly in the corner. A smirk.
" Only if you let me kiss you. "
" What? No. " I said.
" Then I'm not moving. " He said still smirking.
" Alright. " I groaned. He quickly cupped my face and gave me a fierce kiss that had my toes curling and my body aching. When he pulled away I actully was the one who wanted more. He just turned around and pulled me to
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