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Book online «Between the Prison and the Sewage Works by Maryline Suchley (snow like ashes txt) 📖». Author Maryline Suchley

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I didn’t lead you on,’ Mara said softly


‘I loved you!’ he said regaining his composure.

Mat spent the next five minutes touching Mara’s face and grabbing her hair, crying and kissing her on the forehead and lips.

‘You know if I can’t..’

He turned quickly, there was banging against the door and it was pushing free from the lock. As the door flung open James burst in, looking around he saw Mara on the sofa and Mat standing behind her.

‘Move away Mat,’ James said calmly.

‘I’LL HURT HER,’ Mat shouted.

‘No you won’t, you’re not that kind of person; you’re just confused and you made a mistake but we can sort it out.

Just as Mat grasped Mara by the neck three policemen rushed in behind James, two seized Mat and one making a dash at Mara. They pulled Mat to the ground. The third Policeman who had gone for Mara, now helped the other two with Mat who was fighting to free himself. James rushed to Mara and pulled her out of the way then out through the door.

‘Are you alright?’ he said wrapping his arms around her.

She nodded clearly shaken by the ordeal.

They stood watching as the three policemen walked a handcuffed Mat to the Police car. Two policemen drove off with Mat while the third Policeman and a Policewoman walked over to Mara and James.

‘Are you alright?’ the Police woman asked.

‘No, not really,’ Mara replied.

‘We’ll get you checked out at the hospital and take a statement there,’ she said.

As Mara regained her composure and got into the car, she noticed that people were blatantly and unashamedly ogling at the drama taking place, as if watching an episode of The Bill.

‘I’ll just arrange for your neighbour to keep an eye on your flat until the locksmith gets here to secure things for you,’ the police woman assured Mara.

Mara nodded.

‘I just want to get away, some people are so barefaced,’ Mara said to James.

As the Police car drove through London, James comforted Mara in the back.

‘You’re safe now.’

‘How did you know?’ Mara asked.

‘I went back to set up for tomorrow’s assessment after having a drink with Daniel and I saw a diary on the floor under one of the chairs. I just assumed one of the teachers from the retraining group had dropped it, I looked through just to see who it belonged to, so I could put it in their pigeon hole. But photos of you dropped out and they looked like photos that had been taken without you knowing. So I started reading and it was pretty disturbing stuff, the last entry must have been written while he was in the session, cause it just said must do this tonight or I’ll never get the courage to do it.’

‘Do what?’ Mara asked,’ horrified at what he might have had in stall for her.

‘Don’t know it’s just mad scribbling. I tried to ring but the phone just hung up and then was engaged, that’s when I rang the cops and came straight here in a cab. Anyway don’t worry, it’s okay now.’

‘You made it here before the cops!’ Mara whispered.

At the hospital, while they were waiting for the Doctor, the Policewoman took Mara’s statement while the Policeman took James’ statement. He had also told them that he left the diary in the art room so they could go get it.

The Doctor checked Mara over and said she was fine to go.

‘James I don’t think I want to go back to the flat tonight can we go back to yours?’ Mara asked.

‘Yeah that’s fine; I’ll just let Daniel know because he’ll have to sleep in the broom cupboard,’ James replied.

The Police had arranged for a car to take them home. On the way back a call came through on the cell phone of the constable driving.

She turned around to Mara.

‘I’m sorry I have more bad news for you. It seems that your neighbour didn’t keep much of an eye on your flat while you were away, and before the locksmith got arrived persons unknown burgled your flat.’ It’s all secure now but it seems they have cleaned you out.’ You can check it tomorrow and someone will come around and take another statement.’

‘It doesn’t rain but it pours! I suppose at least I’m insured,’ said Mara, now feeling miserable.

They reached James’s flat to be greeted by Daniel who was wearing leopard print pyjamas.

Daniel had not known much about the events of that night only a brief outline James gave him on the phone. But he sensed that he shouldn’t probe further and should retire to the broom cupboard.

‘James I need a big drink of any kind of spirit then bed. And I’m fucking phoning in sick for the rest of the week,’ Mara added.

‘Fair enough,’ said James as he poured out two large brandies.

Chapter Nineteen



Mara asked James to phone in sick for her and to just give the briefest of reasons. James had to go in because the year ten had their formal assessment. Mara didn’t want to be alone but it was a choice of going into school spending the day with Daniel who had offered to keep her company or to be on her own.

The Police had phoned Mara to tell her that Mat had admitted to everything and they would be throwing the book at him. He would be held on remand but the chances were high that he would be let out on bail.

This news was a relief in one sense, as she would not have to go to court and testify but the thought of him out on Bail made her feel uneasy.

James came home early after the assessment to check Mara was okay and let her know about the rumours circulating around the school. Apparently Joyce’s arrest had almost eclipsed Mat’s arrest because it had been on the news. It was also rumoured that Jim Davison had informed the board of trusties about Alan’s affair with Tess.

Mara repeated to James what the Police had told her about Mat.

‘Mara perhaps we should think about moving on after the end of term?’James asked

I couldn’t agree more; the job’s shit, I’ve been stalked and kidnapped, bullied and burgled. Why would we want to stay?’

‘Okay, what shall we do? Were shall we go?’ asked James.

‘Ever fancied backpacking around Europe?’ Mara questioned.

‘I’ve thought about it’ replied James liking the idea immediately.

‘Well let’s do it, leave this crap behind,’ Mara said.

‘Yep lets,’ agreed James.

Chapter Twenty



‘Gather together and pray, you shameless nation. Gather while there is still time,

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.’

‘Well pastor Cosmos this is the last day I listen to you. Because it’s the last day I get up to go to the Poly. That feels good; the last day at the Poly!’ said Mara as she lay listening to the Pastor’s sermon.

James laughed.

‘I’m sure he’s brought you some insight in your troubled times, and listening to him now I can’t help wondering if this isn’t some kind of prophecy for tonight’s end of year function.

‘Maybe, the end of the Poly world,’ Mara laughed.

The feeling that this was the last day was wonderful, Mara couldn’t stop grinning.

Although they had not formally told the school they were deserting they had decided that was their intention.

In true Poly style the children reaped havoc around the school and were sent home at lunchtime.

What was left of the science department met up for drinks in the prep room.

‘So Roger what are you doing over the summer? Mara asked sipping her wine.

‘I think I’ll take the caravan to...’

The door to the prep room exploded open, four Police men in riot gear with weapons rushed in shouting the order to lie on the floor. Two more Police followed and immediately grabbed Roger handcuffing him and bundling him to his room. Mara and the other teachers were told that everything was fine and they just had to remain where they were. Mara could see Roger with his head down crying. He took them over to a cupboard and unlocked it. More police entered Roger’s room by the other door and took him away.

Mark the Detective came into the prep room and asked everyone if they were alright.

Mara along with the others nodded. Piles sat down clutching his chest while Daniel comforted him.

‘What was all that about?’ she asked Mark.

‘We believe Roger has been cooking drugs in his science room and selling to a local dealer who we found dead at the sewage works.

‘Shit he killed someone?’ asked Mara.

‘No, no, another drug dealer did that; we caught that guy, who led us to Roger. He’s responsible for a new drug that’s hit the street called nonstop.

Mara frowned.

‘It gives you to a longer hit!’ Mark said.

‘Is that why he’s always smiling? Mara asked.

‘Probably, people who manufacture the stuff usually sample their produce. I better go, got lots to do; Mr Judd needs to be interviewed. I’ll probably be seeing you soon, no doubt Ángelmí has told you. Bye Mara,’ Mark said as he left the room.

What’s my brother up to? I haven’t a clue what’s going on! She thought.

Most teachers met up at the Pigs Gut for drinks due mainly to the events of the afternoon in the science department, before dispersing around three to go and change for the grand finale that evening. Steffi had organised a Thames boat dinner event.

Mara had decided that she would make the best effort she could to look stunning that evening, she wanted to hold up her head with pride. She had spent the last week watching her colleagues avoiding her eye and obviously feeling sorry for her but not knowing what to say.

The teachers met at Embankment Pier where they were going to await the boat that would be taking them for a tour. Dinner was provided by the school and entertainment in the form of Steffi’s amateur dramatics club. None of which was told to staff until all had paid their money.

Mara looked at James and thought he just looked stunning and she was glad to have him.

‘Mara you look hot to night darling, I see I’ll have to keep my eye on you,’ James said

‘I wouldn’t worry there’s not much competition!’ she said looking around at her soon to be former colleagues. Being cowards they had posted their resignations on the way to embankment.

Down the Thames came an elegant looking boat softly lit.

‘Oh that looks lovely said Steffi that must be the Donna Campbell,’ she exclaimed.

‘Uh, no’ said Deon.

‘The Donna Campbell behind it,’ he added.

Sure enough the plush looking boat carried on and in chugged the Donna Campbell.

A few Jaws dropped, most notably Steffi’s, while others sniggered, particularly Deon who made no effort to hide his amusement. Mara looked at James and smiled as if to say typical.

Whilst the teachers embarked, the boat staff loaded large silver trays, bottles of wine, beer and what looked like stage props.

Mara tried to mingle with some off the teachers if only just to put on an, I’m fine, front. She chatted to a few of her colleagues she had never really spoken too while at school including the Manuelle teacher.

‘How long have you worked at the Poly Steve?’

‘Three years, it’s a shit pit,’ he said with a raspy voice she recognised.

‘Do you work for a supply agency?’Mara blurted out.

‘Yeah I need the second income, I’m training to be a funeral director; course fees are pretty high, but that little earner has disappeared cause they closed down the company. I have to admit it was a bit dodgy,’ he laughed.

‘How come?’

‘The office was a horrible

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