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an outstanding discovery! How an ectoplasmic ‘ghoul’ combined to one’s chromosomes is a mystery….” As he ranted on, everyone stared at him because of his ‘smart talk.”
Finally Pilf said, “Kamikaze, are you there?”
“Oh, sorry.”
“Hey! Don’t be calling my spirit a ‘ghoul’! He’s not evil or anything, he just wanted to escape from those cramped pages. To get some freedom; how would you like to be stuck in a book?” P.K. raised an eyebrow challengingly. The hobo briefly poked his head in, change in his hand. He walked past the doorway, holding The Justice Nerds’ Plan Book of Plans and Awesomeness.
The hobo is a lie.

Chapter -1
(The somewhat Normal Chapter)

The day was Tuesday, March 2nd, 2011 ½ , but I’m not for sure. The time is sometime around 35 minutes past 11:30. The place is inside my epicly awesome castle of sweetness (not the nice way). I call the castle “The Castle of Some Guy Named Noraax”. In the master bedroom of the cool-looking castle, Xaaron Green, or better known as Noraax, The God of Thundaa, was wide awake, but was also day-dreaming of his crazy and depressing past.

Noraax and Xavian were on their way to their favorite Mexican food place called “Talking Tacos”. They were about a half mile away when R.F.’s (ha, ha) phone rang. It was his best friend P.K.
“Hello? Yeah… sure we can hang out. When? No, I’m not doing anything. Yeah, I’ll pick you up right now,” R.F. said.
“I thought we were going to hang out?” Noraax whimpered.
“Well this is more important!” R.F. yelled as he pushed Noraax out of the car. The car was still moving so Noraax rolled and slammed into a tree.
“Stupid Xavian, he is so mean,” Noraax said to himself as he dusted himself off. R.F. had shoved Noraax out of the car at an Electrical Plant. “Well, if he thinks that he can get away with this, he’d better think again!”
With that said, he walked into the Electrical Plant, which was located right next to a Nuclear Waste Plant, which was right next to a “Talking Tacos”. Noraax started to shuffle his feet on the ground, causing friction and little lightning flashes to flare out of his awesome hair. The lightning flashes soon became lightning bolts, and they began reaching for anything they could grasp throughout the room. Moments later, the lightning bolts managed to reach their way over to the Nuclear Waste Plant, causing it to scientifically-impossibly change into a radioactive lightning wave. With the combination of radioactivity and the lightning, it became a fatal weapon. The radio-active electricity shot from the Nuclear Waste Plant and hit Noraax. The shock threw him into a transceiver and it continued to shock him. The constant electricity flowing into his veins evolved his molecules. His cells electrified, his eyes glowed, and his fingertips sparked. Then a bright light flashed, and the flash was blinding. Noraax fell out of the sparking metal twine.
Smoking and steaming, he laid on the gravel, sparking once in a while. The time passed by, coming upon the verge of night. Noraax awoke, covered in ashes. He crawled over to a water puddle, and in the reflection his eyes were a light, glowing yellow. The glowing yellow faded when he began to blink. He climbed to his feet, still furious from his brother’s betrayal.
He walked to the gate, stumbling all the way. He headed straight for “Talking Tacos”. By the time he reached the restraint, R.F. was sprinting out the front doors towards some apartments across the road.
“What in the world is he doing?” Noraax wondered, confused. As he crept closer to investigate, he ran into a change-loving hobo pushing a shopping cart with a redneck in it.
The redneck flew out of the cart from the impact, and Noraax was knocked backwards.
“Watch where you’re going!!” Noraax growled crossly, getting up and dusting himself off.
“CHANGE?” the hobo said innocently, cocking his head to the side.
“Do you happen to know where I can find a turtle?” the redneck asked.
“QUIET!” Noraax thundered. Sparks crackled through his hair and he pointed a finger at the redneck. A bolt of energy erupted from its tip, reducing the redneck to a pile of blinking ashes. Noraax turned back to the hobo.
“Would you like to be my minion?” he asked. The hobo raised a filthy eyebrow suspiciously. Noraax hesitated, then bent down and pried a penny out of some gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe. He held it out, and instantly the hobo snatched it from his hand excitedly. He bit it, seemed satisfied when a crunching sound came from his teeth, and saluted stiffly.
Noraax grinned.
Minutes later the two had followed R.F. to the apartments and the hobo was giving Noraax a leg-up into the window.
“Hold your position ‘til I get back, soldier,” commanded Noraax.
“CHAAAN—“ said the hobo.
“Keep your trap shut!” demanded Noraax while covering the hobo’s mouth.
Moments later (inside the house), R.F. ‘flooded’ his way out of the bathroom and into the living room. There was something said, but Noraax could not catch what it was. Then R.F. walked out as the family gazed in shock and confusion. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an elephant came charging out of the wall of the building and nearly crushed him.
Quickly, as R.F. was distracted, Noraax leaped in for the kill and pulled out a frying pan. WHAM!!

Noraax faded from the daydream. He blinked and rubbed his eyes. He walked towards the door. He looked out into the hall and then entered it. He then strolled down the hall and stepped down the stairs. He went into one of the five kitchens to get a glass of water.
“Late night?” Cinderblock asked as he came out of the fridge.
“Why were you in the fridge?” Noraax asked. C.B. just stood there confused.
“Don’t you sit in the fridge to think?”
“What’s wrong?”
“Well, I’ve been thinking of my past,” Noraax said as he sat on a stool.
“Oh, you mean how you got your powers?” C.B. asked as he grabbed a whole roasted pig out of the fridge.
“Yes, it was a long time ago and I got shocked by radio-active electricity. So, yeah.”
“Well, I remember when I was a youngster, when I got my powers,” Cinderblock said as a tiger’s arm came out of the fridge and scratched his back. “Gosh darn it!” C.B. grabbed a chair. “Back you demon, back!” He pulled out a Taser from the fridge and shot it at the tiger. The tiger fell to the ground foaming at the mouth. C.B. grabbed the tiger and stuffed him back in the fridge.
“Okay?” Noraax said in confusion.
“So, where was I? Ahhh, I remember. It was a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far away. Ha, ha, I love star wars… sorry.” The scene faded to the past. Cinderblock was at a construction site.

“Now where is that dumb hobo…” Cinderblock muttered angrily to himself. Every single day the hobo would sneak around pilfering random objects like light bulbs and doorknobs, and it was going to stop! If the budget for his current project kept going towards replacing things, the apartments were never going to be finished and he would most likely lose his job. He wasn’t about to let some homeless guy be the source of his ruin.
“A little help would be nice!!” C.B. roared up at the sky as he stalked around an unfinished wall.
A large flashing arrow appeared in the air above a cement truck that was about to lay out sidewalks.
“Perfect,” Cinderblock whispered, grabbing a shovel from the ground. As he advanced on the cement truck, shovel at the ready, he saw movement. The hobo was climbing up the side of the machine, towards the empty driver’s seat.
“Wha—Get down from there THIS INSTANT!” C.B. bellowed angrily. The homeless man locked both of the doors, and started to rummage around, looking for any signs of change.
“No! No, no, you get—don’t do that! Ba—no! Bad boy! Get out of the truck!”
“CHAAANNGGE!” exclaimed the filthy hobo, pushing random buttons, causing the truck to go hay-wire. As C.B. yelled at the hobo, the poor homeless feller spotted a big red button. “CHAANGE?”
“Wait, what?!” inquired C.B.
Without hesitation, the hobo pressed the obsessive, red button, knocking C.B. into a random hole. Then, the barrel of cement on the back of the truck started to pour cement into C.B.’s hole. An electric line was also down there where they cut through. Blinded by the wet cement, C.B. grabbed the cut electrical line, which shocked him. But there was also a magnetic field and the electricity made it more powerful. The magnetic force separated his cells and put them back together with the cement molecules. A few moments had passed as the hobo walked to the hole and smiled an evil smile. Then a hand came out of the thick wet cement. C.B. crawled up out of the hole covered in the gooish mush. The hobo’s smile turned into an evil frown. The hobo pulled out a con and bit it, then threw it at C.B.. C.B. blocked the blast with a cement wall that formed out of nowhere. The hobo, in shock, ran as fast as he could.

“So yeah, that’s how I got my power,” C.B. said as he was balancing on a unicycle and juggling three chicken legs.
At that moment Vosh walked in and noticed that Noraax had a face of unquestionable questionableness. “Vat?!” he said. “Vat are you talking about?!”
“How I got ‘me powers,” C.B. responded.
“Ha! My story is better than yours!”
“Well, then prove it!”

It was a long time ago, back in Aissur. I lived in the poor part of Wocsam, the capital of Aissur. I did not live the life of a saint. When I was about 13 years old, my father taught me how to steal. Then when I was 14 I fell into a gang. The gang was the Assurian Mafia. The day that I was promoted to a captain, the Mafia found out that a radiation plant owner was not paying us anymore for protection. The “Don” ordered me to go to the plant to break some legs. When I arrived two guards blocked the front door. So I snuck in. I went to the top floor and found the owner. I kicked open the door. He said,
“What are you doing here, who let you in?”

“And you know what I did?” Vosh asked to anyone that was listening.
“I don’t know… what did you do?” Noraax said.
Well, I was thrown through a window and fell 13 stories to the ground. I broke both of my arms. The radiation of the plant soaked into my body and re-healed my arms. The radiation gave me powers to SHOVE anything.

“That’s a nice story, thank you,” Noraax interrupted.
“I’M NOT DONE!” Vosh screamed. “Time for flashback!”

So there I was with my new, super-powered arms, when I realized my anger at the owner for shoving me off a building 13 stories in the air. Eventually, I made my way up to the same floor as the owner.
“Kee-AH!” I screamed as I shoved my way to him. Sadly, he stepped aside. I flew out the window and I fell to hard ground. However, this time I pushed on impact to not take any damage. Then, I said, “KEE-AH!” and with one push, the building skidded its way off a nearby cliff.

Vosh patted his tummy affectionately. “All this story telling makes Vosh hUNGRY!” He yanked open the door of the fridge to find

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