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Book online «Forever Worldwide by Zahida R, Anishah A, Ruksana C (best pdf ebook reader for android .TXT) 📖». Author Zahida R, Anishah A, Ruksana C

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Raiven suggested. A few minutes later Ace taps my shoulder. ''We done?'' She nods and the doors open, I get out quickly, ''Thanks for the tip Raiven, it worked a little'' She smiles at me. We all look out the little glass, that's at the crown of the statue. ''Whoa we're really high up'' Ace comments. ''Duh we're over 90 metres about ground'' I say to her. ''Seriously'' I nod my head. I look to my right and see Jay taking pictures on her camera. ''You finally remembered to change the lens?'' I ask her. ''Yeah, might as well cause I know that I am going to take a ton of pictures'' She snaps another picture. We stay for some more time, Jay took a lot of pictures, some od the view and some of us all. Around 4pm we leave and the journey down was like hell for me, but I managed it.... luckily.bOur bellies rumbled and we got funny looks from people passing by. ''Museum will be delayed a little.... our stomachs need feeding'' Ace says, walking into dominoes. ''PIZZA HERE WE COME!!'' I walk in quickly run behind her with Jay and Raiven laughing in front of me bad thing was that I didn't see the door opening and my face smacked into it and causing me to land on my butt.  ''Oh for shits sake, why does this always happen to me'' I curse. ''I'm soo sorry'' A male voice says ''Are you ok?'' I look up and freeze. This guys is cute! He looked my age, with really dark purple hair with his bangs covering his right eye a little and its a little long but not very long, green eyes that were looking at mine, sharp facial features, black spider bites on his lip an- realising that I am checking him out he smirks. ''Like what you see?'' He raises an eyebrow and smirks even more... if that's even possible. I scowl at him ''No, I've seen better, and for your information, you've caused me to fall flat on my ass and honestly ask me if I look ok? Do I look ok to you?'' I ask him sarcastically as I get up completely ignoring his hand to help me up. ''Your not from around here are you?'' He ignores my question.vI tilt my head to the side a little ''What gave that away?'' I look behind him and see three of his friends looking at us and raise an eyebrow before looking back at the dude. ''I don't know maybe its because the accent you have, nobody has it around here'' He says, I can sense a small accent in his voice as well. ''Nor are you? Your not originally from around here are you?'' A hint of surprise flashes through his eyes. ''No, I'm from Italy but we moved here when I was younger, what about you?'' He asks. ''Can't you tell, I'm from England?'' I ask him with a 'duh' tone.  ''Here for holidays huh?'' I nod, ''Well, I'm Raiden, that's Silas, Alec and Myles'' He points to the guys behind him. Before I can reply Jay comes out ''Az, what's taken you so long?'' She looks up and see's me talking to Raiden. ''What happened?'' ''Nothing'' I reply, she raises her eyebrow ''I might have got hit by the door... but it was his fault'' I point at Raiden. ''Hey, its not my fault that you weren't looking where you were going'' He defends himself. ''Its not my fault that you weren't careful enough to check if there was anyone on the other side of the door before you opened it'' I cross my arms stubbornly. ''Ok how about it was both of your faults... the Pizza is about to be finished if you don't hurry'' She says the last part to me. ''NO, MY PIZZA!!'' I grab her arm and walk past Raiden and his friends. ''Hey Miss. Clumsy What's your name? You didn't say'' Raiden shouts behind me, I stop and allow Jay to walk in front of me before turning back to look at him. ''I'd love to stay and chat but my pizza is calling me.... so GOODBYE'' I walk into Dominoes leaving them behind. ''What happened out there?'' Ace asked me once I sat down. ''What do you mean?'' I ask innocently and grab a pizza slice. ''Jay said that you got into a little argument with a cute guy'' She replies. ''Oh that? Nothing really, he was opening the door, I got hit in the face and landed on my ass'' I say like its nothing and take a big bite. ''Whoa slow down girl, its not going anywhere'' Jay says. ''I'm hungry, I haven't eaten since the café..... I need food'' I reply. ''We all do'' ''Aye, true'' We finish off the Pizza and head out of Dominoes. Lucky for me Raiden and his friends aren't there. We had to ask a bunch of people where the Museum was before we actually found it. We got in and looked at all the paintings and statues.We spent another hour or so in there and took a few more pictures before we left. ''What time is it?'' Ace asks. ''7:30pm'' Raiven informs her. ''Do you guys want to go central park by any chance?'' I ask them. ''Sure why not? We've got nothing else to do'' Ace replies. Finding Central park wasn't that hard. I stopped by the lake and let the others walk ahead of me. ''Hey Miss. Clumsy'' Oh god! I was faster ''Pizza Girl'' I end up running and from the tone in his voice I can tell that he is as well. All of a sudden I find myself on the floor with Raiden on my right on the ground as well. ''You idiot, what's wrong with you?'' I turn and poke him in the arm. ''I'm the idiot? I was calling you'' He exclaims and pokes me back. ''I didn't hear you'' ''Sure, why were you running?'' ''I was looking for my friends'' He looks around. ''I cant see them'' He says. ''Well they were here'' I say. ''Sure'' ''They were'' I defend. ''Whatever you say'' ''Fine whatever'' I get up and dust my jeans and he does the same. ''I was only joking'' He puts his hand on my shoulder. I look at it and notice small marks on it. I touch it with my fingers.                        ''You do it don't you?'' Chapter Eight

"What do you mean?" He asks "I don't know what your talking about" He pulls his arm away from my grip. "You know what I'm talking about" I look into his eyes "why do it though?" I ask him. "How? Why? No you wouldn't understand" he says. From the corner of my eye I can see Jay and the others walking towards us. "Maybe I dont understand" I say "But your not the only one who does it...... bye Raiden" I turn around and walk towards the girls."Hey can we go back to the hotel? I'm tired" I ask "Hey what happened? One minute you were behind us and the ssecond you were gone" Raiven asks. "Nothing" I say "Hey weren't they the guys from earlier?" Jay asks. "Yeah" I mutter. Ace looks more closely at them."They're cute. Especially the one with the purple hair" I don't know why but I felt a pang of something when she said that. "Lets go and stop staring, you'll look like a creep'' I jab her in the stomach. "Too bad, they're on their way over here" She says. I turn my head around.  They were in fact walking in our direction,  Raiden never once took his eyes off me.  "Hey" Alec is the first to talk. "Hi" Ace says and looks him over "Um guys?" They all look at me "I'm hungry" Ace and Jay smirk. "What are you hungry for?" Ace wiggles her eyebrows.  I smack her arm. "Not that you dirty girl, ew" I grumble and scrunch up my nose. "You sure?" She asks. My cheeks flame up a little so I put my hoodie over my head so that it covers my face. "Shut up" I mumble. I hear her and Jay laugh and high five each other. "Anyway, I'm Ace, this is Jay,  that's Raiven and this lovely blushing girly is Azaria" Ace puts me into a headlock but I managed to get out because her grip was very loose. "I'm Alec, that's Silas, Myles and finally Raiden" I can feel Raiden's eyes on me. I raise my head "Now that you know my name,  you don't have to call me Miss. Clumsy or Pizza Girl any more" "Why? We like calling you that.... well more like Raiden does" Silas says and smirks. "Yeah, yeah" My phone starts to ring. I look in my back pocket and in my bag but its not there. "Shit" "What happened?" Raiden asks."My phone is ringing but I can't find it" "You might have dropped it when we fell" He says "Come on" He grabs my hand and pulls me to when my phone might be. The ringing does get louder and not even five minutes later I find my phone. I answer and am instantly attacked by my cousin. "HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO ANSWER A BLOODY PHONE?!!" Rue screams.I wince a little "Um.... I kinda lost my phone" I mumble. "Anyway, you wouldn't guess what I found out" She says. "And what's that exactly?"  "I heard my parents, yours and Kyra's parents talking" "About what?" I lie back onto the grass and put my phone on speaker, not caring if Raiden hears our conversation.  "Well if you see Kyra and her minions then you'll know why" She says. "Rue what are you talking about?"  "They were talking about Kyra and her minions going to the same places that you guys are and keeping a tab on you" "THAT BITCH" I exclaim. "I know right? Anyway I have to go but you didn't hear this from me. Ok?" She hangs up before I can even reply. I scream causing Raiden to jump a little. "Azaria what happened?" Jay runs up and asks me. "T-that bbitch is coming" I say in a monotone voice, lack of any emotion. "Who?" Alec asks at the same time Ace and Jay shout "WHAT!" "She's going to be in the same places we are, Rue just told me" "She is such a suck up, a complete watch dog for your parents" Ace exclaims. "I know" I sit up and groan "I'm soo glad that I can move out soon" "Wait, hold up" Alec says "Who is this bitch your talking about?" "Kyra Stokes" Raiven says in a flat tone. "Kyra and Azaria have hated each other for soo long and nobody really knows why" Jay says. "Why do you hate her so much?" Raiden asks. "No reason" I say. I feel my stomach rumble. "I NEED FOOD" I shout and jump up "FEED ME" I exclaim. They all laugh at my outburst. "Come on, she'll get cranky if she isn't fed" Ace says "Where do you wanna eat?" She asks us. "I dunno" The three of us say.I look at Alec "Any suggestions?" "Hmmm.... Chinese?" We all end up

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