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Book online «Forever Worldwide by Zahida R, Anishah A, Ruksana C (best pdf ebook reader for android .TXT) 📖». Author Zahida R, Anishah A, Ruksana C

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going to a chinese all buffet place and eat there. The embarrassing thing was that I cannot use a chopstick to save my life so Raiden ended up having to ask for a fork for me. The guys paid even after all our protests of ua paying. "Do you guys wanna come to Silas birthday bash tomorrow?" Myles asks.We look at each other. "Sure" "Awesome" He replies.Before we left we all exchanged numbers but I needed the bathroom so I couldn't... though I'm pretty sure someone gave my number to the guys.We got back around 10pm. I collapsed onto my bed. The girls walked into my room before I could close my eyes and Ace jumped onto my back."Oof" I breathe out "Da fuq? Get off me" She gets off. "Those guys were soo cute" She says "Especially Raiden" She winks at me. "Shut up" I stuff a pillow into my face. "Oh, I think someone has an incy crush" She smirks. "I don't" I punch her shoulder. "Oh I didn't say you did" "He doesn't and there's nothing to like" "Don't say that, there's a lot to like" Raiven says. "Oh yh, like what?" I say sarcastically. "Hmm.... first off your cute, shy yet out going" Raiven starts off "You get easily embarrassed but you still take risks" "You go out of your way to make yor friends feel loved" Jay says. "You have the moat gorgeous eyes and have the sweetest voice compared to us and the word 'sex' gets your embarrasment radar to a hundred" Ace finishes off. (All that was actually said about me :o ) "Wow, I'm speechless" I say and I truly am "Its all true as well"  "Awe" I gush. "Come on guys, sleep so that we can wake up early and go shopping plus we have to buy Silas a gift" Ace says as she walks out of my room. "Night then" I yawn. "Night" The others say and walk out as well. I get up and change into my pj's before collapsing onto my bed once again.... luckily no interruptions this time. Chapter Nine

Just like we had planned the day before, the four of us had gone shopping and since we didnt know what to buy for Silas, we all chipped in some money and bought him one present. when we first hit the shops, Ace went straight for Top shop. We brought a few outfits for the party tonight. Jay and I split away from the others and went to the music store. "Hey Azaria, listen to this" Jay places the CD into the player. Some beat up music comes up and I could tell that its a remix. "Whoa this is good. Who is it by?" I ask once the song ends. "Dubstep" "I remember you telling me about them" "Yeah but you never did" She gives me a look.I grin sheepishly "No but I just did" I spot a mice and men ablum on my right "Hey Jay what was tthe song by Mice and Men you couldn't remember?"  "If I cant remember then how do I tell you?" She says in a 'duh' tone. I hand her the album. "You might find it in here, check" She puts it into the player. I walk by the instruments. I cant play but I know how to play the piano a little. "Hello can you help me find something please?" A voice from the right says. I turn my head and find a guy looking at me. He looks a year or two older then me. Dirty blonde hair, bright blue eyes, black spider bites, he's wearing black shirt and skinny jeans along with high tops. "Um.... I dont work here" I say to him. He looks up at me in confusion "But what do you need to find? Maybe I can help" I suggest. "Thanks and I need to find a few guitar picks" I look round to where the guitars are. "Hold up one sec" I tell him and walk towards the gguitars. I look around and the picks on the side. I grab a few and what back to the guy. "Here" I put that into his hand. "Thanks" He says with a smile. I return it "No worries" "I'm Luke"  "I'm-" "Azaria" I hear Ace call me. I turn my head. "What?" "What are you doing? We're going to and grab something to eat" She walks up to me but is standing behind Luke. "Helping this guy and I mean Luke find something" I say motioning to Luke. "Well I'm Azaria and that's Ace my friend" Luke turns around and when Ace sees his face she freezes. "Hi" He says. I walk up to Ace and walk my hand in her face. "Earth to Ace, again earth to Ace" I look at Luke apologetic. "Sorry she is not normally like this" "Its ok, I'm guess that she's a fan" I look at him confused. "What do you mean?" "I'm from 5 seconds of summer" I keep chanting that name in my head. Then realisation hits me. "Oh damn, Ace is a massive fan" I say and smack her head. "Snap out of it you idiot, your scaring him" luckily for us she does. "Your Luke Hemmings" She says, looking at him in pure adoration. "Yeah that's me" He says with a tight smile.  "Azaria, tell me I'm not dreaming" I raise an eyebrow and pinch her hard "Ow. Ok I didnt mean like that" She looks at Luke "Um can I get an autograph and picture?" She asks in a way that I have never heard her speak. "Course" Ace gives me her phoje to take pictures with. I take a couple and for the last picture Luke kisses Ace's cheek and three guys walk up behind them and pull funny faces. I burst out laughing, they dont realise what's going on until they turn around. "Hey Luke did you find what you were looking for?" One of them asks him. "Yeah, Azaria helped me" He replies. "Who's Azaria? " Another one asks I raise my hand "That would be me" "Oh hey, we're Callum, Ashton and Micheal from-" "5sos I know" I finish off. "Don't scream ok?" Callum says.I raise an eyebrow "I didnt even know who Luke was until this one came" I kicked Ace Iin the ass causing her to jump and ironically bump into Luke. "Sorry" She says to Luke before turning to me "I'm so going to kill you Azaria" I look at the guys "I'd love to stay and chat but I know that if I dont run in the next five seconds Ace will kill me" They look at the both of us amused. "Ace right?" Ashton says Ace turns around and nods "Are you sure you wanna kill her? I mean you might not have met us if it wasn't for her" I mouth thanks to him.  'your welcome' he mouths back. "I guess, but dont think for a second your off the Ximeria" I smirk "I'd like to see you try Acacia Marcella" She rolls her eyes. "Can you sign this please" Ace pulls out a 5sos album from her bag. "Its like you knew we were here" Micheal says but they all still sign it. Jay and Raiven walk up to us. "You guys we have to go" Raiven says  "I know... this Is Raiven and Jaya, Jay for short" I say to the guys. "Hey are you-" "We know" Raiven and I say giving her a flat look. She puts her hands up in surrender. "How about we grab somethig to eat before we go back to the hotel?" I suggest. "Sure" I look at the guys. "Ya'll wanna join?" I ask unsure. "Sure. Where?" Callum says. "um..... Nandos?" "Nandos it is" We pay fro our stuff and walk towards the front of the store. Funny enoughtthere were lots of girls also guys out there. "Shit someone must have tweeted our location" Luke says. "How the fuck are we meant to get out now?" I ask.We end up taking the back exit and we were wearing hoodies so I faces could be hidden in case someone saw us. "That was a pain, I feel sorry for you guys'' Jay say "How do you manage?" "You never get used to it, its still like a dream that might fade away so we make the most of it" Micheal explains. We get what we want and all of us girls eat how we normally would. We dont change for others, even if the are famous. "Hey what hotel are you guys staying at?, we'll drop you guys off" Ashton says. "The big apple and you dont have to" Ace says. Suprisingly she has started to get more comfortable around the band. "Really? We're staying there as well"  "Cool" Jay says. "Come on we'll drop you guys off since we're going to the same hotel. "How long are you guys staying in New York?" Micheal asks. "Tomorrow is our last day" Ace replies. "Dang, we have a busy day tomorrow. But we'll come see you guys before you leave" Luke says. "I'm holding you guys on that" I say. "Ok"  We all walk into the hotel through thr back because the front was surronded by girls. Before we left, we swapped numbers, twitter and Instagram names. "OMG I CANNOT BELIEVE WE MET 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER!!" Ace screams once we got back. "Neither can I but then again... expect the unexpected" Jay says. "Im going to get some sleep before I start getting ready" I say before walking into my room.

Chapter Ten

I woke up an hour and a half later and showered. My make-up was simple but laughing stood out; Smokey eye shadow, mascara, eye liner and dark red lipstick. I then put my outfit on; white top, the neck was lacy with diamonds encrusting the neck and a small dip at the back, a black skirt that goes from my waist to a little above my knees at the front and is a little longer at the back, black 5inch heels with ribbons at the ankle. I only wore a pair of black studs, chain and a couple of friendship bracelets.  I left my hair in messy waves and put all my nessasery things in  a black clutch before sparying a little perfume and walking out of my room. Jay and Raiven were already ready and waiting.

Jay was wearing a white shirt, black

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