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Book online «Camra Girl?!?! by Leanne Yerdon (snow like ashes series .TXT) 📖». Author Leanne Yerdon

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She said. She gulped as my fingertips glided up her cheek bones.

"Are too.... Dont deny it." She glared at me.

"Dont tease me." She spat and turned away and started walking. I laughed. If she were in my shoes it'd be the other way around. She walked quickly and pushed through a door. She held it open and looked through the hallway. Then she quickly pulled me in. I looked at the door. A gold plaque was against it reading:

Callistra "Cally" Johanson Mo:#1

I tilted my head.

"Mo: #1?" I asked. Cally plopped on the bed inside and nodded.

"Yeah im the number one model for the time being. Thy chane the end part a lot." She said smugly and turned the tv on. I turned to see atleast 10 racks of clothing against the wall. It was a huge room.. it had a desk with a light then a dresser with a mirror and makeup and some posters on the walls theere was a mac laptop and a radio and cd player with speakers then pictures of Cally in golden frames. Then was a big flat screen tv and the bed. I plopped beside her.

"Do you think im weird?" Cally asked looking at me. I chuckled. She looked away sadly. I stopped.

"Oh your serious?" I asked. She nodded.

"Well depends on what you mean by weird." I said. She sighed.

"Like im a weird-" She was cut off by a knock on the door.

"Cally are you in there?" My jaw dropped at the sound of Jason's voice. Shit.. Cally's eyes were wide. I looked at the big glass doors there was brown doors behind it. I grabbed cally and pulled her inside. I shut the doors with a bang.

"Shit shit shit." I said under my breath.

"What the-" i cut cally off by covering her mouth. Before she melted in his arms. i wanted one last moment. I could see it in her eyes that she would easily go back to him. I gulped then came closer to her. I took her hand.

"Could i have one moment before you go back to him?" i asked pulling her hand up to my lips and kissing it. She tilted her head confused.

"Whose he?" She asked. I pushed her against the wall and kissed her lips. She didnt fight it. I knew she knew what I meant. I wouldnt care aslong as i got this. For 1minuet or 10 minuets i just wanted one moment. Her arms fell around my neck. One of her hands playing with my hair as she kissed me. I wrapped my arm around her waist. My other gliding down her leg. She moaned slightly. I smiled and pulled her closer. I didnt want to stop. But i knew better. I pulled away breathlessly. I pulled my arms back to my sides. She looked at me and bit her lip.

"I just wanted one moment..... I dont care if you go back to him... it doesnt matter." I said. She looked at me.

" are the weirdest boy i have ever met.." She said. I nlaughed.

"I have needs." I said. She laughed.

"So do i but i control them better... I gotta go talk to jason." I sighed and nodded.

"Go ahead.. I'll wait in here." i said. She nodded. I opened the door for her and hid in the clothes. She walked out. I watched througha crack. Cally opened the door. Jason hugged her. I sighed and shut the door. I slid down the side of it and sat on the floor. I knew it..


[[[[[Cally's POV[[[[[[[[[[[[[


He gulped then came closer to me. He looked down and took my hand.

"Could i have one moment before you go back to him?" He asked me. i tilted my head confused.

"Whose he?" i asked. He pushed me against the wall and kissed my lips. I didnt fight it. I had an idea this was about Jason. My arms fell around his neck. My one hand fell into his hair. I played with the strands of his hair. His arm wrapped around my waist. My heart raced. His fingertips glided down my leg. I lifted it and he gripped it and kept it against his side. I moaned slightly. He smiled and pulled me closer to him. I didnt want to stop. His lips so soft against mine. He pulled away breathlessly.

"I just wanted one moment..... I dont care if you go back to him... it doesnt matter." He said. I looked up into his eyes.

" are the weirdest boy i have ever met.." i said. He nlaughed.

"I have needs." He said grinning. I laughed.

"So do i but i control them better... I gotta go talk to jason." He sighed and nodded.

"Go ahead.. I'll wait in here." He said. I nodded. He opened the door for me and hid in the clothes. I walked out.

End of Recap.

I walked slowly to the door of my dressing Room. I opened the door slowly. Jason was leaning against the wall. My jaw dropped as I saw a tear gliding down his cheek. He looked up. He beamed and launched himself at me and hugged me tightly.. I breathed in. He smelt so good.

"I'm so sorry... I didnt mean to she was my ex girl friend its over between me and her.. I love you Call's I really do.. i just made a mistake. Please forgive me." He said to my shoulder holding me ever so tight. I lost my breath. Stay strong Cally... I said to myself. Oliver popped into my head. I pushed him away. My hand on his chest.

"You cheated the day after we started... You said u'd never hurt me... I want to be your first priority not your second after I catch you.. You even knew I was coming you vould have been a least bit secretive." I said sternly. He sighed and put his hand on mine.

"I messed it up.. I'm used to it.. I'm done.. I only am going to be with you." He said staring into my eyes. I wanted to melt right there. But then i rememeber who was in the closet. I smiled.

"I have someone better that thinks of me first..." I said. He sighed.

"I always thought of you first i kissed the girl out of charity." I scoffed.

"I didnt know you were that nice to people you do that for boys too?" I asked sarcastically. He looked at me.

"No need to be rude..." He said sadly. I sighed and looked down. He pulled me in to him. He looked at me.

"You remember that time we kissed? We both got tingly all over... That means its special.." He said. I looked at the closet.

"I wanna be friends..." I said looking down. He Sighed.

"Okay... But when you wanna be together again... I'll be right there." I nodded and kissed his cheek. He smiled.

"Jer is out there waiting.." I nodded.

" I'll be out in a bit.. I have a friend coming." I said. He nodded.

"Oliver?" He asked. I nodded. He sighed.

"I hate to say it but yeah he really does like you...He gave you the same look I did." I nodded. Kinda already knew that.. I thought smirking. Jason waved and walked out shutting the door behind him. I turned and ran for the closet. I flung the doors open. Oliver fell to the floor on his back. He looked at me. I smiled and dropped to the floor. I kissed his lips gently. His cheeks got red but he still looked at me confused.

"You arent gonna be with Jason?" I smirked and shook my head.

"I got someone better." I said smiling. He beamed and pulled my face to his and kissed me. I pulled away breathless.

"We're gonna have to dial it down when we get out there." i said smiling. He sat up and turned to me.

"Your modeling with him now?" He asked. I sighed and nodded. I jumped up and lended him a hand and helped him up. He pulled me in.

"....I love you." He said pulling me tighter to his chest. I nodded.

"Love is a strong word..." I said eyeing him. He chuckled.

"Yes, I know this. That's why I said it to you." I nodded.

"Would u be mad if I didnt say it right yet?" I asked. He chuckled.

"No, I wouldnt." I smiled.

"Good." I said and pulled him in and kissed his lips and walked out to the studio. Jer saw me and smiled and hugged me. He then saw Oli. He beamed. Oli looked more like scene guy then ever. Jer was gay and he loved scene guys.. I have to tell him Oli's straight. Oh well this should be fun.. Jer played with Oli's hair and giggled.
"Who is this beautiful man you brought with you Cally?" He asked. Oli looked at me horrified. I hid my laughter.

"His names Oliver... Or you could call him Oli." I said smitking.

"Ooo Oliii.. That is a very nice name... My name is Jaredzzz But people call me Jer.. With a E instead of an A.. Heehee." Jer giggled. I couldnt helo myself. Jer was such a flirt and oli looked like he was about ready to turn and run.

"we've met before sir." Oli said. Jer giggled. I laughed silently.

"Yeah once upon a dream... I would have remembered you but have you seen Sleeping Beuty the play? Oh its wonderful.. Ecspecially when they sing Once upon a dream... You should see it with me some time.. ." Jer said playing with the hood of Oli's sweatshirt. I bursted out laughing. Jer looked at me.

"He's the same guy I brought with me last time... He's my new special friend." I whispered the last parts. Jer groaned and walked toawards the camra.

"See all the cute ones are straight i never understand that..: Hot....Pecks...Like a monkey." I chuckled at the last part and looked at Oli. He glared at me.

"You couldnt have said something sooner?" He asked. i giggled.

"You get me later your fine." I said winking. He beamed.

"Hell yeah.". I chuckled and walked over to the camra and got ready. They teased my hair and then me and Jason posed together.


"Brain freeze!" I said holding my hands up to my forehead. Oli laughed licking his moose tracks icecream. We sat at the Fat Matt's icecream place. It was right across from the school. I saw as kids flooded out of the school. Oli looked down.

"What are you doing?" I asked he looked at

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