To Get To Know You by Amaratsu (e ink ebook reader .TXT) ๐

- Author: Amaratsu
Book online ยซTo Get To Know You by Amaratsu (e ink ebook reader .TXT) ๐ยป. Author Amaratsu
Chapter 1: A Month's Worth of Findings
"Bartender! Give me an'ther shot!"
"Wench, you need to hurry with that drink!"
"Lady! I've bee-"
"Shuddap and hold on a minute!" The girl behind the counter half yelled. She puffed out her cheeks a bit as she poured a bit of vodka in some martini glasses and passed them to someone.
Reiko Suzukawa never really liked the job she had. People were rude and never gave a crap about whether or not she was okay. Oh no. All they came to do was drown their sorrows away in cheap liqour and walk away feeling 'cured'. That's what this one person told her anyway.
Reiko wouldn't know. She didn't believe in drinking everynight like she saw some people do.
"Reiko, don't let them bother you." Said her friend since highschool and who she almost counts as a sister.
"I know Kiki. I know." Reiko pushed a lock of short black hair behind her ear. She watched her pale-skinned friend work beside her. It was a wonder to her how Kiki had always gotten the good people. The ones who weren't rude. The ones who actually conversed to her.
"They're on'y hating cause they know they can't get a tan like you." Kiki teased with a mischevious smirk. Reiko laughed and went to clean some glasses.
"I can't get a tan. I'm already tan enough." She replied with a mock scoff. Kiki laughed and spun around.
"Well, I can see that. You bei'n the only Japanese-American that works here. And the only one I know."
"True." The two laughed together as another drunken male yelled for another shot.
"Shaddup before I stuff this glass up your ass!"
Chapter 2: That's called kidnapping
Reiko never really paid attention to small details before. She never really saw the need for it.
So when she tripped over a mans leg, she instantly felt bad. Reiko didn't notice the man sitting there. She didn't even feel his aura.
"G-Gomen! I'm so sorry!" She said as soon as she got her balance right. The person only grunted.
"Don't worry about it." He said gruffly as he stood. "Don't run like that down the street though. Might just trip on a old man like me."
"I'm sorry about that sir." Reiko apologized again with a deep bow.
"Stop doin' that. Makes me feel uncomfertable." He growled and swatted the girl on the head with a peice of paper.
"Umm, I'm Reiko." She said nervously. He glanced at her and turned away from her.
"I never asked fer yer name, did I?" He asked. The girl shook her head.
"No sir. But I just th-"
"Thinkin' don' help nothin' in this here world. It's hard work and money now'a'days. No more of the people being damn generous. No. People only care bout themselves now." He grumbled as he collected his small, dirty bag and a small instrument case.
That's when she noticed what he was wearing. Baggy, grimy cargo pants and a holey polo. On his head was a torn baseball cap and his feet donned raggedy flip flops. He was almost the same color as the night and his black-and-pepper colored beard was unkempt.
She took his hand without thinking and started dragging him towards her apartment. He only followed, a bewildered look on his face.
"Miss. What are yer doin' ter me?" He asked, sounding sort of angry. She didn't answer. Hell
, Reiko thought, I don't even know how to answer.
"This can be called kidnapping ya know."
"I know."
"Then what are ya doin'?"
"I don't even know Mister."
"That's swell and all, but could'ja let go of my hand? Or loosen yer grip there?"
"Fine. But you are coming with me."
"Damn it! Let go of me!"
".... Fine."
Chapter 3:
The two walked through the dark city, soon going from the busy city to the quiet rural parts. The houses grew smaller and, once in a while, they'll be an apartment building.
Stopping at a small brick home, Reiko unlocked the door with the spare key hidden under the mat and brought the man inside. The man had long given up trying to get away from the 'crazed' lady that drug him all the way here.
And to think, all he wanted to do was relax on his corner. What's with people these days? Snatching old men off their sleeping place and taking them somewhere they had no business being.
"Um... Would you like something to eat?" Reiko asked, unsure what to do now. She slipped off her shoes by the door and hung her coat on the coat rack.
He thought a minute and shook his head. He wasn't all that hungry.
"Tea then?" She asked as she walked towards the small kitchen. He shrugged.
"If ya don' mind Miss." He said gruffly. The woman smiled and scurried off to the kitchen.
The man looked around as he waited. The house was clean. Really clean. The small living room was adorned with pictures on the wall of small kids and herself. The couches were a black, shiny leather with a decorative blanket of blues thrown onto the back.
A medium sized television sat on a rather large stand, along with a game console, games, and a DVD player. Two remotes sat on the coffee table that sat in the middle of the room.
"Here you go. I hope you don't mind, it's a bit hot." The girl said as she came back. She balanced two cups on a silver serving tray, each with a dark, steaming vapor coming out.
"No prob'm at all Miss." He said. Unsure what to do, he took a cup and held it in his hands.
"Why don't you sit down?" She asked with a homely smile. He shook his head.
"I don' want to mess your pretty blank'ts and seats up." Reiko blinked and laughed.
"The blankets can be washed and leather doesn't mess up that easily." She replies and pats the sat next to her. Hesitantly, he walks over and sits down, making sure his back isn't touching the blankets.
"You never told me your name." She said as she blew lightly on her tea.
"Neil Robinson." The man said as he took a sip and visibly winced. The tea was hot, and bitter too. "Is the'r any sugar Miss?"
"I'll get it." Reiko went to the kitchen and grabbed a few packets of Splenda. When she came back, she saw him playing with the remotes.
"That one is to the television. The other is for the DVD player. She explained. He quickly put it down and turned to her.
"I'm sor'y Miss. I should be leaving now." He stood and made a bee-line to the doors.
"Wait! Robinson-san, why don't you come by sometime?" She asked with a curious face. He shrugged and walked out.
Publication Date: 05-04-2011
All Rights Reserved
To my wonderful friend Mario. Whom, without his wonderful prompt, this story would not have been created. Loves and Hugs- Ama
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