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Book online ยซwhat did we miss? by bellacullen830 (best story books to read TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author bellacullen830

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Tony stood looking at the empty desk. Thoughts of early that day flooding back like a hurricane. Kate was gone. Shot dead. Gone. Tony always liked Kate, but now he felt empty inside. Yeah he still had Abby the Goth forensic expert. And Gibbs, who was now where to be found probably drinking bourbon and making a boat in his basement. Tony sighed and then there was Tim McGee, no matter how much he teased him or annoyed the hell out of him, he liked McGee in the friend way, almost like the little brother he never had. McGee and him were waiting for Gibbs to give then SOMETHING to do. The elevator made it's ding and the doors slide open. Tony was lost in his thoughts and didn't look up.

It was McGee. He also felt a whole in his heart. He thought back to the first day on the job, he was installing the Internet cables...

"Morning Kate," Tony said. McGee hadn't met this Kate woman yet. But he was lost in the world of nerds. It was hot. Tony had taken off his shirt. He looked like he just came back from the gym.
"Morning Tony. Have you been working out lately?" Kate asked teasing him.
"Yes! Took you long enough for you to notice," Tony said.
"No you are sweating like a pig." Kate laughed. I slide out from under the desk to be looking up the skirt of Agent Kate Todd. Kate screamed, "MCGEE?WHAT ARE YOU DOING DOWN THERE? YOU HAVE 3 SECONDS!"
"I uhh..I was. umm uhh..." I trailed off still looking up her skirt.
"3!" She grabbed McGee's ear and pulled up on it. Bringing him up to eye level.
"I'm- uhh sorry Agent Todd," I mumbled.
"Tony?" Gibbs asked walking into the bullpen.
"Yes boss?" Tony asked.
"What just happened...is what I think just happened?" Gibbs asked.
"In respect for my co-workers, yes boss. And I have to say it was quite disturbing," Tony said looking at Kate and McGee.
"Put your shirt on DiNozzo, this isn't a gym, its a federal office." Gibbs put his coffee down.

McGee sat down at his desk in a huff. Looking at Kate's empty desk. He really liked her. She was better then Tony, even though he could be nice at times. She was a nice woman. He had cried when he got the news. Tony almost jumped off the building. But Gibbs almost killed himself then and there, standing right on that roof. McGee placed so bullet casings on his desk and looked at Kate's desk lost in thought, the elevator doors opened again and Gibbs walked out and into the bullpen looking at his team.

"What do you have Tim?" Gibbs asked in a nice way walking over to the desk. Tony looked up at his boss confused.

"I have some shell casing's from Ari's sniper's nest," McGee babbled.

"OK bring them down to Abby," Gibbs said walking over to his desk looking for something. Tony got up and walked over to McGee and started to look at the casings, "I'm going to get coffee. Can I get you boys anything?"

"Uh, no boss we're good," Tony said, with a puzzled look.

Gibbs ran over to the elevator and hit the button.

"Is Gibbs OK?" McGee asked.

"I have no clue, he is WAY to nice, and it scares me a bit," Tony said watching his boss enter the empty elevator, "I'll get these down to Abby. I guess stay here and do...something." Tony walked down the hallway to the elevator that lead to Abby's lab. When he got into the elevator and hit the button and the doors closed. He looked down at the floor. He couldn't believe she was gone. Or so the team thought. Tony found it very odd how Kate had acted early that morning. Granted Ari did kidnap her some time back. But she didn't seem herself. Not even the time of the mouth for her was that bad. She had flirted before but not as she did that much. She seemed different. Her hair was a different color, a shade or 2 lighter. But to top off all the weirdness they couldn't she Kate. The FBI came and took her body. Gone just like that. Normally Gibbs would have killed someone by now. Hopefully Ari. Maybe Tony was just imagining things. To much work might have been getting to him. But still Kate wasn't herself. The doors slide open and Tony walked out to find Abby sitting at her desk. Laughing. It is Abby do to something like that.

"Tony!" she sang putting her hair up.

"Is everything-uhh- OK?" Tony asked then mumbled, "Is everybody high or something?"

"Yes once I put my hair up! Whatcha got?"

"Shell casings from Ari's snipers nest."

Abby stopped in her tacks, "Oh. OK what does Gibbs need?"

"Well Gibbs only told me to bring these down here. He went out for coffee and asked me and McGee if we wanted anything and he called McGee Tim..."

"OK. "

"I need what weapon this was fired from."

"You what?" Abby yelled at Tony. He took a step back. She continued yelling at him as she turned on her babies and looked at his scared face, "I'm sorry Tony!" She ran over and gave Tony a hug, "I'm going to miss her."

"Me to Abby me too," Tony said rubbing his friend's back.

"Come back in about an hour. I will have just about everything for you."

"Thanks Abbs,"

"Where is Gibbs?"

"Off getting-" Tony was cut off by the sound of a gun shot and shattering glass. Tony grabbed Abby and dragged her over under the windows. Tony pulled out his gun.

"No wonder your so heavy Tony! Your all muscle!" Abby giggled squeezing his leg Tony squat walked to the next window. With his gun out still, "And a nice tush!" She slapped his butt little.

"Do you always act like this as you are being shot at?" Tony whisper- yelled at her.

"I don't know it's my first time." No more shoots. Tony saw a shadow running into the lab. It was Gibbs. He ran over to them holding Abby in his arms.

"Are you guys OK?" Gibbs asked. You could only here the ran hitting the windows and the floor inside her lab.

"Yeah fine," Both Abby and Tony said.

"Call metro and treat this like a crime scene. That had to come from across the bay," Gibbs looked up.

"OK." Tony started to get up.

"What are you doing do you want to get killed?" Gibbs whisper-yelled.

"Right boss," Tony crawled across the fall.

"You know Tony has a nice ass," Abby giggled again and Gibbs smiled and rolled his eyes.


They were really drunk, and they were in LA. Drunk and in the city where dreams are made of. What a comb. They stumbled along the bright streets, people whizzing past them. They got to the house they "lived". They were playing a rich couple. Trying to get the "dirt" as Kate had put it, on the dead couple, which made their case. They had gone out with "friends" from the country club it LA. It was Bel-Air country club, full of rich snobs and people who could sue your ass till you were blue in the face, as their friend Annabel put it. She was nicer then the others. And cuter. She had long strawberry blonde hair, she was small but fast. She was good at golf and had a great smile. But still, Kate was the one Tony wanted. Tony pulled the keys out of his pocket and the two stumbled into their house. It had a huge grand entrance with a chandelierthat would take 15 of both Kate's and Tony's salaries to pay for. Kate walked up the stairs laughing. At the top of the first flight of marble stairs, they both stopped at looked at each other. Kate took Tony's hand. He smiled at her and then she kissed him. Kate was pinned up against the wall as Tony was kissing her neck. She let out tiny moans. Kate grabbed Tony's tie and pulled on it until they got to the over sized bedroom. It had a king size bed in the center, with big windows. A canopy covered the cream colored bed. It had 2 mini chandeliers in the center. Kate turned on the lights but Tony turned them off. She was about to speak but Tony stopped her words with a passionate kiss. They stripped down as fast as they could, and made love. **Flashback** The doors opened with a ding and walked and both walked outside. Tony turned to McGee, "McGee can I tell you something?" "Yeah anything Tony," McGee stopped and looked at his friend who almost burst into tears, "Tony what's the matter?" "I loved her," Tony mumbled looking down at the ground. "So did I," McGee said. "Not like that. Like go out with her kind of way. She was so much fun to be with and after that case in LA..." Tony tailed off. "Tony am I the only one in this whole navy yard who thinks she may still be alive?" "I do too Tim but I have no clue how to prove it." The men walked to their cars and drove to their houses. Tony was deep in thought the whole way home. He slammed he car door, which made the dog next door to him to bark. Tony took only look at the little dog, a shih tzu. His neighbor, who Tony hated, a nosy couple who was ALWAYS looking into his windows, poked her head out the window. "Can you please keep it down? My little baby, Toto over here needs his play. Yes you do!" Mrs. Anson cooed. "No I will not keep it down. Toto is a cairn terrier. Not a shih tzu," Tony nearly yelled making the little yap box yap louder. "I'm calling the cops!" Mrs. Anson yelled at Tony. "To bad they can't arrest me," Tony smirked. "Why not?" "Because I am an federal agent, and I can arrest you, or have them arrest you for disturbing the peace with that little yap box you people call a dog!" "Oh." "Yeah oh." Tony walked up onto the porch of his small 3 bedrooms, 2-bath house and opened the front door. He grabbed the mail, and walked inside. He set the mail down on the little side table next to the front door along with his keys. Something didn't seem right. Tony couldn't put his finger on it. It smelt good. Like perfume. Kate's perfume. She said she never wore it but she did, Tony could smell it. He walked into his small living room. A small bottle with a pink liquid was sitting in the middle of the coffee table. Tony walked over and grabbed a tissue from a box that hadn't been there when he left for work this morning. He picked the bottle up. It was Light Blue by Dolce & Gabbana. It was Kate's perfume. When she would wear it, like when the team would go out for drinks, she would always say it was a gift. But Tony knew she money. And so did her parents and brothers and sisters. Tony walked to the kitchen with the bottle in his hand and gabbed a plastic bag from the cabinet and put the bottle inside. Tony slipped the bag and bottle into his

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