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Book online «Give Me Courage. by Alyza (recommended reading TXT) 📖». Author Alyza

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I thought of this book when I was watching Dateline NBC. It was about bullying and I myself don't like bullying at all. I think it's degrading for the victim and can cause long-term problems.

So I'm writing this book as a reminder for the victims of bullying that there are people out in the world that are willing to help and stand up for them.

That not everybody are rude and merciless.

Soooooo, I hope you enjoy. :Q

On with the story! Mwahahahaha!


Have you ever felt like you're not wanted?

Not welcome in the places you should feel the most relaxed and safe?

Have you ever felt scared to enter what's suppose to be your safe-haven?

Where you're suppose to feel secure?

Ever felt like if you wear or say the wrong things, look at the wrong person, something horrible might happen? That if you do something someone doesn't want or like you to do it'll turn out bad for you?

Have you ever, in your life been scared to walk out of your own house?

Everyone has had these feelings before. When there not welcome, wanted, scared.

But eventually the feeling does away.

For most people that is.

For me. No.

These feelings never fade. I'm left with the fear and unacceptable pain everyday of my life.

Always having the fear of leaving my house and going into the outside world.

This fear is caused by one person. I'm just gonna tell you straight out, High School can be a bitch. Kids in High School can be bitches.

My fear is caused by a girl that goes by Mimi Stone. I just call her bitch. If you want you can call her that too. I wouldn't mind. I'd actually appreciate the support.

She a fake, plastic bimbo. Mimi Stone is a walking STD. Slept with almost the whole school so far. By the end of the year she'll probably succeed.

She breaks apart couples that have been together for years and doesn't feel an ounce of shame or pity.

She breaks heart. She breaks apart lives. She can ruin lives by a single word. She is evil, heartless, merciless, fake, rude, mean, selfish, inconsiderate, vulgar, malicious, obscene, inhumane.

She is, Mimi Stone.

Chapter 1:

I am dreading today.

Why you may be asking?

Because it’s Monday, a school day.

I am probably the most bullied kid at school. No one knows why I’m bullied. Everyone say I’m pretty, smart, fun.

I am all those things but I have no friends that can conquer that.

I thought High School was suppose to be the best four years of your live.

Ha, whoever said that was ridiculously wrong.

For people that have friends and aren't terrorized everyday maybe it’s fun.

I have yet to find out what’s so fun about High School. I have yet to find out why Mimi Stone torments me everyday.

I’m not much of a fighter. I know how to fight I just don’t like to. I don’t like hurting people even if they hurt me first.

Mimi Stone has been terrorizing me ever since Middle School. I didn’t know one could hate another as much as I hate her. And it’s weird because I’m usually a bubbly person outside of school.

Outside of school where nobody knows Mimi Stone mentally and verbally kills me.

She doesn’t hit me. She hasn’t hit me since 7th grade when she tried to punch me in the face, I grabbed her hand and pushed her down with it.

My life has been hell because of Mimi Stone.

It’s only sophomore year, meaning that I have to spend two more year with her. Great Huh? Please note the sarcasm.

Right now I am getting ready for school. I’m going as slow as I can because I really don’t want to go.

“Zoë! Are you almost done?!” My Mom called up

“Yeah!” I yelled

I slipped on my red Vans and grabbed my bag.

Today I am wearing a red long-sleeve shirt and black skinny jeans. My hair is in it’s natural ringlets going down to the middle of my back.

I don’t wear make-up because I don’t think people should. It can make you break out and stuff.

I opened my door and ran downstairs to the living room. My house is huge, like Grande. My Dad’s a doctor and my Mom’s a lawyer. I’m thinking about going into law because how much it pays.

But I want to go to art school or drama. Art clears my mind and relaxes me while Drama is my escape for the real world. They both calm me down and allow me to think properly.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my brother, Zachariah, sitting there. He turned to me and looked at me with sad eyes.

He knows what goes on at school. Does he help?

No, not at all. In fact he’s Mimi’s boyfriend.

Want to know the thing that messes with me the most? Sure you do. Zachariah is my twin. I thought twins were always suppose to have each others backs.

Always stand up for one another. Because of Mimi Stone, I lost my twin. My other half, the one that was there the whole time I was in my mothers womb. My big brother. Gone because of Mimi Stone.

Zachariah and I used to be inseparable. Even when Mimi started bullying me in Middle School he was there. Ever step of the way,encouraging me to go on.

Then in 8th grade Mimi asked him out. Of course he said yes and she forbid him to talk to me. For twins, or any siblings for that matter should not

stop talking because someone else said so.

Zachariah is a totally different person now,

I don’t know what happened to Zachariah my loving, encouraging brother.

To me my brother died along time ago.

I set my back on the table and looked at him without emotion, then walked over to the cabinet. I got out a granola bar, opened it and took a bite. I could feel eyes on me and I turned to Zachariah. He was looking at me with sad eyes once again. Then my mom came in.

Zachariah and I always act like we’re the twins were suppose to be. Fake smiles came onto our faces.

“So lil’ sis, how was your day yesterday?” Zachariah asked

“It was alright. Nothing special. You?” I asked giving him a glare on the inside

He winced like he saw it. What I really wanted to say was, ‘What do you think?’

but of course I didn’t because Mom’s right there.

“Great. I got an A on my Spanish test. What’d you get on it?” He asked

We have the same Spanish class. We have pretty much all our classes together. It’d be awesome if we could talk but I know that won’t happen.

“I got an A too. The test was easy.” I said as my mom walked out of the kitchen

My fake smile dropped and I grabbed my bag. I don’t hate my brother I just hate what he’s become. I don’t think anyone can hate their twin. No matter how bad they screw up.

“Zoë…” He trailed off

I turned back around, “What Zachariah?” I asked in a cold voice

He winced again and shook his head, “Nothing. Never mind.”

I never used to call him Zachariah. I would always call him Zach or Iah. But things change. People change.

He changed for the worst.

I shrugged and walked into my Mom’s study.

“Bye Mom. See you after school. Love you.” I said

“Bye sweetie. Love you too.” She replied not looking up from her work

I walked back out and grabbed my keys that hung on the wall. On my way to the garage I passed Zachariah and he still looked sad. Every time he see’s me he always has the same look on his face.

I don’t want his pity. I don’t want anyone’s pity.

When were at school Zachariah bullies me right along side Mimi. Everybody that doesn’t know why I get picked on hate my brother. Every time he bullies me the same questions always erupt.

Why would he do that to his twin?

What’s wrong with him?

How could he?

Those questions may be the easiest question in the world to answer. Popularity changed him. Mimi Stone changed him. I don’t know how he doesn’t know she sleeps with every male in the school. Everybody else know. I bet my other big brother Alex who lives all the way in Florida knows she a slut.

If Alex was here he’d beat Zachariah to a pulp for bullying me. Alex knows everything that goes on in my life. When he was here he was my rock. Mom and dad are so busy with work that they don’t notice my change in behavior.

Alex and I talk almost every night before I go to bed. He always asks the same question ‘Is Zach still bullying you?’

When I say yes he usually growls loudly and you hear smashing. And I can’t lie to him because he always sees through it.

He would tell me how Zachariah and I were inseparable through our life. That when we were little we were always by each others side. We used to gang up on Alex and he would always win because we were little and he was four years older than us.

I love remembering those times when Zachariah was here. That guy in my kitchen is not Zachariah. He may look like my brother, may sound like him, may have the same blue eyes as me and the same black hair. But he is not my twin. My twin is gone and one day I really hope he comes back.

I unlocked my car and got it. My car is my baby. It’s a gray and black Lamborghini. Amazing.

I started my baby and opened the garage door. Then I backed out and drove to school.

School is my living nightmare. People usually wake up from their nightmares but I don’t I’d rather stay asleep for the rest of my life.

Because in this nightmare I either have to wake up and face it or die dreaming. I choose to face it.

Please Lord, give me courage.


Is it possible for you to hate your family?

Possible to hate your sister?

Your twin at that?

Is it possible to for your family to hate you? Yes, there can be a possibility.

Possible for you sister to hate you? Most definitely.

Can your twin hate you? I have encountered that question since 8th grade.

Is it possible for Zoë to hate me? Does she hate me?

Those questions haunt me everyday of my life.

They never seem to get out of my head. I think about those questions all day and when I think they could go away when I sleep I dream about them.

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