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Book online «Camp Fright by Ana Fuentes (classic english novels .TXT) 📖». Author Ana Fuentes

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Welcome To Camp

Ana's P.O.V

“Can you believe we’re actually here?!” I squeal, looking at the campsite with pure love. One summer. Away from parents and family. Just hanging with friends, and having a blast. I'm so glad I'm here. I take in a deep breath and smile.

“Omg! I know right?!” Yetzi squeals, making me turn to grin at her. I snort for the second time at what she’s wearing.

Damn, that girl needs to learn how to dress herself. I mean doesn’t she get tired of wearing all the stuff her mom wants her to wear? Yeah because everyone is going to believe she wants to dress like that. Who wears a puffy white jacket in the middle of summer? That’s right, no one does. But who cares about how she dresses, the point is I love her. She is one of my bestest friends. Since 7th grade, and that was like two years ago.

Plus, I dress weird too. But I do it by choice, even though my mom hates how I dress. Calls me a clown and yada, yada. But hey who gives a shit. Why am I even thinking about that now. I won't let my moms insults bring me down, not this summer.

I let out a sigh as the other kids start arriving. “Come on Yetzi, maybe we should sit down.” I complain, as I sit down on the grass. “My feet are tired as pooh” I add stretching out my feet in front of me.

"I've been standing for suuuch a long time." I lay my palms on the ground as support. I close my eyes for a brief second while I lift my chin up to the sun, and smile wide.

"Not even Ana! Only like 5 minutes." Yetzi says, making me shift my focus to her.

I squint my eyes at her, "Okay, 10 minutes." I correct myself.

"Nope, still 5 minutes." She looks toward the entrance at the cars passing by to drop off their kids.

I look at my black combat boots and smile at how worn out they are. Have I ever mentioned how much I love combat boots. I've had these for a whole year. They're my first pair, I remember how happy I was when my mom said I could buy them. Now I need new ones. But wait, don't people say that worn out and old things have character? Does that mean my boots have character? They just got a thousand times cooler.

“Yetziiiii come on, sit with me. I'm lonely and I don't like being lonely. Plus the grass loves you, it wants your butt to kill it. It's sole purpose is to let people sit on it.”

“How do you know what the grass sole purpose is?”

“I'm a ninja.”

“Really now?” she raises an eyebrow questionably at me.

“Okay, okay, I'll tell you.” I look from side to side at my surroundings, look up at Yetzi and whisper, “Can you keep a secret?”

“Yeeeees.” she says.

I motion with my finger for her to get closer. She gets closer and leans her ear toward me.

“I'm Mr.Porter” I whisper, then laugh in her ear.

She pulls away, and hold her ear, “You bitch!” She laughs.

I beam up at her.

“Dude for real, sit down.”

“Nah, I’ll get dirty.” She replies, frowning down at me.

I look up at her, “Dude, you are so uncool. We came here,” I stretch my left arm and point to the trees and camp, “Too get dirty.” I grin smugly, wiggling my eyebrows “You know, to get down and dirty with the boys…or girls. I don’t judge.” I add.

“Ana, that’s gross!” She says making a disgusted face.

“Aww come on dude I was kidding.” I reply, rolling my eyes jokingly at her.

“Still,” she insists, “It’s gross as hell. You know I only love Harry Styles.”

I make a grossed out face at her, “Ewwwwww! Now that’s nasty!”

“Shut up! Harry is beautiful!”

“Beautiful my ass!”

“He's my husband.”

“And I’m Santa Clause”

“You are pretty fat,” she says.

“Fuck you!” I say laughing.

She smiles down at me, “Just kidding bitch.”

“Yeah, whatever.” I reply laying down on the grass. I look up at the sky, and let out a puff of breath. Is it wrong that I don’t even know where I am? I think it is. All I remember is getting picked up by Yetzi at like 5 in the morning, and sitting in a car trying not to fall asleep. I guess I didn't bother to look at my scenery. Huh, maybe I should do something about it. I wonder if Yetzi knows. She's a smart girl. She can solve my dilemma.

“Hey Yetzi?” I begin as I sit up and fix my sitting position so I’m now sitting crisscross-applesauce.

“Yeah?” she answers, turning to look at me.

“Do you even know where the fuck we are?” I ask looking up at her.

“No, not really. I mean I wasn’t paying attention to the road, I was listening to music.” She responds sitting down on her luggage. Her purple one to be more exact.

“Same here.” I say, picking the dirt of my nails. When did they get so dirty?

“Yeah I know,” she begins, “You were drooling all over my backseat.” She grins at me.

“Hey!” I whine, “I was NOT!”

“Sure.” She retorts rolling her eyes at me.

“Bitch,” I mutter under my breath, smiling. I reach into my green hoodie pocket and take out my Ipod. I untangle the earphones, shove them in my ears, and turn it on. “Ahh!” I yelp yanking the earphones off, “Too loud,” I mutter. I turn the volume down, and put the earphones back in my ears.

Soon The Bomb Dot Com V.2 by Sleeping With Sirens is blasting through my ears. I stand up, shove my Ipod in my pocket and point to Yetzi.

“Prepare to be amazed dear friend!” I yell. In other words prepare to be embarrassed! Muah-ha-ha. And then I start rocking out. I act as if I’m playing an air electric guitar, stick out my tongue, and shake my head back and forth, and side to side vigorously.

Then Yetzis giggles fill the empty air, causing me to smile.

Mike’s P.O.V

I tap my fingers on my leg to the beat of You Me At Six’s Bite My Tongue. Man, this song is super amazing. Best creation since like sliced cheese.

I feel someone tap my shoulder, and I turn to face Eric. I raise my head questionably.

“We’re almost here dude,” he announces grinning mischievously at me. I smile and shake my head at him.

You see, the thing is Eric has this “great plan”. His “great plan” apparently is one of his crazy ideas. He has those a lot. But I honestly think this is the stupidest yet. He plans on fucking girls this summer. A lot of girls, and by a lot I meant like the whole camp. But as if that’s going to happen. He’s not banging anyone this summer.

He'll remain a virgin for as long as he lives. He hasn't even dated anyone. Or tried to talk to an girl. He's way too shy, like me, to ever ask a girl for sex.

I mean not trying to be a buzz kill, but he’s only 15. We’re only 15. Sure, we’re at THAT stage. We want sex. We want it bad. But that doesn’t mean we’re getting it. Unless we manage to find some drunk or stoned of their asses girls. But we'll be surrounded by 15-16 year old girls here.

Oh shit. It can happen. We might actually lose our virginity. If they're drunk or high.

But wait, it's not like I want to lose it to some drunk chick. I want to lose it to Sammy. She's the only girl I care about. Even though she turned me down already. She's the only girl I love. Fuck I have to forget about her. This isn’t healthy.

Anyway, back to Erics plan. You have to know how it all started.

You wouldn’t even believe how he got this idea. Okay, so it was one day after school, we we're out eating, before his dad picked us up. We were at Taco Bell ordering, when this two hot blond chicks passed by. You should have seen his face. Practically drooling. Sure, they were hot, but nowhere near as attractive as Sammy.

Anyway he turned to face me and whispered “I have this amazing plan that involves us getting banged!”

To be honest when I heard him say that I instantly thought of Sammy. With her beautiful pale freckled face, and her short black hair. I was intrigued at first.

But then I heard his plan.

I basically choked on my Taco. Luckily I had ordered a coke, so I drank it until I was able to stop coughing.

That had been a week before school ended. Now today is the first day of summer vacation. And we're on our way to this camp in Wrightwood. Pretty cool, huh? A whole summer away from parents and responsibilities.

Also one away from Sammy. Turns out she didn't want to come her, like I had been hoping. That's the worst part. But maybe this is what I need. Maybe once and for all I’ll forget about her. She turned me down already when I asked her out. And that was like a year ago. Yet I didn't get over her. I'm not over her. I feel like I love her more than I did last year. God, I'm so pathetic.

“Mike check that girl out!” Eric exclaims pointing out my window, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look to where he's pointing, to where a girl is… dancing?

Well more like playing an air guitar.

“What the fuck is she doing?” I ask, taking an earphone out, and turning to face him.

“Isn’t it obvious?” he responds, raising his eyebrows questionably at me.

“Uh, no bro.” I retort, shifting my attention to the blue haired chick rocking out on the grass. She seems familiar.

“Trying to attract male attention, duh.” He hints staring at her intently.

“How do you know that?” I ask.

“It’s how girls work dude, learn your womenalogy.”

“Womenalogy?” I question, turning to look at him.

He grins smugly at me, “I DO have a little sister you know,” he insists. “I know how women work.”

“Little,” I mutter. I look out the window once again. How come I feel like I know her from somewhere? I’ve seen her before in school. But this girl has blond tips.

“I think I know her man,” Eric confesses reading my mind.

“Same here, from school. I’ve seen that hair before,” I add, hoping the chick raises her head so I can see her face. Or maybe the car stops moving.

And it happens. The car comes to a stop. And she raises her head.

“Ana?” we both cry out at the same time.

I turn to look at Eric, and find him looking at me.

Let me explain who this “Ana” chick is. She’s this weird girl, I mean she’s loud and never fails to catch my attention, along with a lot of other peoples. She dresses, well how can I put it. Not bad, but- well it’s like her own style I guess. Bright colors and shit. She’s like a bomb, a loud colorful bomb. We had P.E. Together. I had sometimes seen her with Sammy.

“Something’s off,” Eric begins.

“Huh?” I ask.

“I got it!” he exclaims, “That ginger girl isn’t with her.”

“What- Ohh!” I respond.

“Yeah,” he says, “She’s hot.”

I snap my head towards him and shoot him a ‘What?!’ look.

“The ginger?” I ask.

He grins at me, “No, Ana.”

Ana’s P.O.V

I come to a stop and raise my head, I turn to look at Yetzi.

“Did I impress you?” I ask putting my hands on her shoulder.

Yetzi smiles at me, “Dude you’re so weird.” She responds.

“Aww Yetzi,” I respond putting a hand to my heart. “I know you love me.”

“Yes I do Ana. I love you.” She admits.

“Now a kiss,” I purr, puckering up and leaning towards her.

“What?! NO!” she shrieks, turning away.


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