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Book online ยซDeadly Afterlife: A New Life by "Artemis" Lykiaos Nightshade (pdf ebook reader txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author "Artemis" Lykiaos Nightshade

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Josh's POV

"We have less than thrity minutes people. Let's move, move move!" A policeman shouted out trying to revive me.

I am never going back, I will never go back down there, it is hell or was now siince I am now dead and waiting and watching. I wait for death, I watch them with a slight grin on my lips knowing they won't acheive. But what pained me is my family, I know I will never see my family again, well I can see them but they can't see me, nor hear me. A frown then settled on my face. I now sort of regretted taking my own life, but it was for the best, I was a pain to many people, well I thought I was, but when I saw sobs of many people, it pained my eyes and ears. There was all but one person, Brock, he hadn't let down a tear, his face like stone, but his mouth curled into a devilish grin. He was the reason why I did this. Yes, I admit, I am gay and he was the reason I jumped.

"Josh?" A man asked coming up from behind me, startling me for a meer second.

"Yes?" I asked, trying to make out who this guy standing in front of me was. He was covered in all black, his eyes were covered from the hood in which he worse with his cloak, he worse gloves to cover his hands, and black combat boots; the only thing I can see out of him was his cold red lips, and his round chin nothing more, nothing less.

"It is time, let us take our life into the Afterlife." He told me, gesturing to me the path of the Afterlife.

I turned my head over to my shouler to say a final farewell to my family and to the people to used to bully me, now regretted going it in the past. I turned my head back fowards and followed the mysterious man upwards.

The "Stairway of Heaven" it's what most people call it but really it is called, "The Stairway to The Afterlife or Home".


By the time we reached to the top, the man dressed all in black told me to state my name, age, and how I died. Before I could ask him any more questions about what I outta do afterwards, he was gone.

A loud noise came rushing down my ears, deafening me, I covered my ears to block the sound, but it can still be heard.

"Your name?" A bomming voice commanded.

"Joshua Flemmington." I shouted out, my hands still covering my ears.

"Your age?" He asked again.

"Eighteen." I replied back, now placing my hand on either side of me when the loud noises settled down. I really hated loud noises.

"And lastly, how did you die?" He asked, waiting paitiently for my answer.

This was the anwser I dreaded most, I hated when people would ask me, "why did you do it?" or "why did you die"? This man was asking me how, who does that?

I took a deep breathe and told him, "I jumped, off the Golden Gate Bridge."

"And into the cold water," He said, finishing it out for me as I nodded my head. "Alright Joshua Flemmington, you may enter."

I entered with no hesitation and no regards, when I entered, it was nothing what I have expected, nothing.


There were grim reapers of all kinds: death, messanger, time traveler, etc; poltergeists, angels of all kind: guardians, archangels, regular angels, healers, etc but not all angels wear halos, sing melodies, and wear all white, well they dobut that is only when they go to work; there were also devils, but they weren't the kinds you seen them in movies or stories, of course they they bat wings but being all red and with horns? Fairy Tails and they are actually nice, if you don't be so quick to temper them, yep, they are very quick-tempered.

These are also people, people who have been on earth to livebut died either of natural causes, accidents, wars, or even like me, suicide.

Amongst the whole crowd was a young man whom I had never seen in my life. His blondehair madehim look spectacular, he looked muscular yet he didn't look too buff, average size Ithought.When he turned his head sideways to talk to the other angel, whom I believe was an Archangel, i made out with the color of his eyes, perfect lips, and perfect profile.

His eyes were brown, like chocolate, his lips like cherry color, and his wholeskin itself, a creamy color. I now felt myself daydreamingas I admire the angel.

"Checking him out huh?" A girl teased, making me jump slightly out of my trance, which made her giggle. "Alright, the man you are drooling over is named Evin, and he's a guardian angel, pretty neat huh? But guardian angels have the msot jobs, while other angels do little, well I wouldn't say little, they do much but the guardian angels, they watch over almost twenty-four seven. They watch over the people who are needed the most, even if they don't think."

I looked at the girl and then the man back and forth about let's say....thriteen times.

"I'm Lexi Stoner," Lexi greeeted with a smile, shaking my hand. "And what is your name?"

"Josh, Joshua Femmington, but just Josh, please." I said, trying to smile. I wasn't so sure whether I can trust her.

"Well Josh, welcome to the Afterlife, I cannot wait to see what you become," She said walking away towards her friends but then stopped when I shouted out who she was. "I do not know Josh, just came here not too long ago, two weeks ago I believe."

I nodded my head and shouted out a thank you before she returned to her friends.

I had to admit, she looked very familiar, but for right now, I couldn't put my finger on it. Was it someone I am met? Seem? Liked? Or dreaded? All these questions ran through my mind, I felt like exploding.

"Hey you look like you're in pain," A man said, his tone soft and his touch solft as well. His hand was on my shoulder, conforting me. "I'm Evin, Evin Marks."

This was the very man I was admiring, the man whom Lexi told me about. I struggled for words and I felt myself turn red at the full sight of him.

"Josh...Josh Flemmington." I stammered whihc made him chuckle, I felt so embarressed.

Moving his hand from my shoulder and around me, he smiled down at me and told, "come, and meet my friends."


"Wow, you must have been beaten up real bad." A woman said, who I found out was a healer. A healing angel possesses elegant hands which glows when healing and seven wings.

I nodded my head in reply as I took my first sip of wine. I hit my throat like a rock which made me cough. Another man who was beside me, patted my back hard, but not too hard.

"You outta be careful laddy," He said with a devilish smile. I can already tell he was a devil but the angels didn't mind a devil hanging around with them. "I am Lucius, a devil as you can already tell," we shook hands with each other, I felt my hand burn a little, I winced and flinched. "Sorry laddy, my hands are literally on fire."

This had been the best welcome I had ever received, all of these guys seem nice but I was too quick to judge.

There was a poltergeist in which are very rare, well I found out from Lucius whon told me that poltergeist are the ones people believe are the most haunting and dwell in Oujia Boards. But again, fairy tails.

The poltergeist stopped and looked down upon me, his expression looked grim and his smile kind of scared me. His voice was calm but also stern.

"How long have you been here?" He asked and I told him I just got here a few minutes ago. "Hm, alright, since you are new I will give you that."

'Give me what?' I thought but before I could ask him, he left.

"Don't mind him, he is a teacher and he had been feeling a bvit lonely and sober because there aren't many poltergeists jsut like him," Ashton, an Archangel said, chewing on an apple. "There would be a big celebration if a new poltergesit came along. They are quite famous, well we are famous amongst the living but here, it is the poltergeist becasue the rarest of the rares are legendary."


I thought about what Ashton said, as I drag my bags to my new room. I had found out a while ago I was sharing with another.

Once I reached my new dorm, I placed my stuff down, knocked, and waited patiently for an answer. I heard the door jingle as if someone were tryign to unlock the door. The door flew open and Evin was standing there with a grin and his eyes were filled with laughter.

"You are a ghost now silly, you can go through things now. Let us try again," He said closing the door in front of me. "Just go through."

I took a deep breath, gathered my stuff, and went right through the door.

"There, wasn't so hard huh?" He said, helping me with my things. "So, we are roommates, this should be fun."

Oh yes, loads of fun now I am stuck with a guy whom I believe to have a total crush on.

After we put my things down, we settled onto his bed and talked before announcments.

"This feels like regular school." I complained when I read our scedule.

"May seem that way for a while, but once you know who are to be, it won't seem much like school." Evin explained with an "award winning" smile.

I felt my heart pump as I read on further, trying to not stare at him.


Evin's POV

He looked so cute all red, flustered, and embaressed. I was afraid, afraid he might be homophobe or anything else. I had decided we should just remain as friends, rommates, etc.

"When do we eat?" He asked me and I chuckled at the question. He turned red and looked away, I didn't want that, I didn't want him to look away, he looked so cute.

"We eat whenever we please. What? You hungry? We just ate not too long ago!" I said, deciding to tease him a little.

I received a pouty face in which I couldn't take it, I came up to him as he was trying to get away, I finally reached him and pinched his cheek with a smirk on my face. His face felt cold like the rest of us but soft, like a newborn child.

When I saw his

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