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Book online «Final Warrior by Benjamin Lopez (bill gates books to read TXT) 📖». Author Benjamin Lopez

As Ryan woke up this morning all he could see was the bright shining sky that seemed shimmer in his face as strongly as the luster of silver metal. His eye were still stiff from the fight and he was starting to wonder how his life would of end up if he had never made the deal. And it seemed to Ryan that his father wasn’t being all that honest in his promise even though the world nearly fell on him.
Just as Ryan finished his thoughts a tall light skinned girl in her fourteens came in wearing a pair of Nike’s and skinny jeans witch made her look more stunning as the locks of her hair came rolling down her face. She also seemed to have had dance lessons since she made a three-sixty twirl in mid-air and nearly broke wall inside(fine I'll say you the world best dancer slash actress).
"Come on Ryan it time. We’ve got to meet up with Anna and Cheyenne."as she said that the ground started to shake like the rumble of a nuclear explosion. Then it died down as the dust from the earth rose up Ryan found him self coughing his lungs out.
"What was that!" Ryan said as he began to dust him self off "This was the reason for meeting up with Anna And Cheyenne. Don’t you see Ryan the dragon is running a mess.".Just then the satyr,and some kids who were doing arts and crafts came running out yelling out "DRAGON! THE DRAGON IS BACK TAKE COVER AND RUN ROR YOU'R LIVES!" as scraps of metal and embers flew outward from the craft house that was now half broken and burning to ashes.
"Now lets see you didn’t tell me this till now and you just let it run a mess Rachael. Well that real nice now that the dragons in charge-" .Ryan could tell Rachael was getting embarrassed by the sarcastic in his voice but in a weird way Rachael found his sarcasm funny and delightful.
"Well it was just that ... You have all ready been on a quest and fighting a metal dragon would only hurt you more. And any ways the children of Hephaestus are getting it". As she spoke Ryan could tell she was right and she also seemed careful showing signs of a new found kind of courage and for a moment her eyes gleamed with pure joy and satisfaction as she reached over to hug Ryan when lightning boomed over head scaring Ellen Rose Potter (who happened to be a child of Demeter )and David Archer.
"Okay I promise by the river Styx and all divine ,thing not to do any life threatening things for a week or until I recover I shall return to fight only in the case that it benefits Olympus or my beloved"Ryan promised in a sort of sarcastic manner as if he was joking but he wasn’t.
Ryan knew a oath on the Styx would be valid and he would be held to it in any way. But to Ryan pleasing Rachael was more important than saving Olympus but Ryan knew it just wasn’t rational thinking.
Just then Rose Potter came running in yelling "THE DRAGON IS OUT AND IT'S HEADING TOWARDS CABIN TWO! IT WILL ANGER THE GODS FOR NOT STOPPING IT!HURRY STOP IT!".At this moment Ryan could tell Rose Potter was getting worried since Zeus had made a deal and keeping Hera's cabin unharmed was a big part of it.
Then wind started to churn out of nowhere and Ryan flew backward towards Ellen nearly making her fall into the river. As the wind turned into a small tornado the children of Boreas came rushing in using all their strength to keep it from turning into a hurricane. And then came the worst thing Ryan could imagine a storm spirit .
"Es -ha ha were free son of lightning and young warrior. The world shall fall in your own hand and the gods shall pay notice to my immortal mother and the mistress of evil!You all will make fine appetizers young warrior and a good prize for my mistress and for us es" out of no where thirteen other storm spirit appeared and were in different forms most of them as winged men but some were horse. All of them seemed to be made of clouds and dusty storms but as Ryan lifted his lance it swatted away and land on the roof of a cabin.
"Oh gods this can't be"Ryan said as the wind seemed to separate the lake in half and flooding half the cabins out their.
"That was just a taste of our power young half bloods we will rise again and we will be more powerful than ever! But we'll settle for you half bloods for now"the ventus said. As he went to attack Ryan at his leg. Rose attacked with the hilt of her sword cutting the lead Ventus and that lead Ryan into a fighting frenzy.
As the other storm spirits found out their leader was out of action and mostly unconscious they all left but, to Ryan surprise two stayed and attacked the dragon.
It now seemed to Ryan that the Venti were now on his side but he knew what the dragon meant to Leo who rebuilt it past summer. In part of his mind he knew the venti had special orders to do this. Ryan figured that the venti knew what the dragon did and why Ryan and the Hephaestus cabin hadn't dissembled it.
"Come on bring your worst ...we can take it! We know your plans and the sooner you act the faster we will figure out your plans!"Then the second ventus turned toward Ryan as to say 'challenge excepted adversary'( okay it may have been more like this 'uh -lets fight um and yeah hope you lose).
That when Ryan realized that the first ventus he fought was now on Leo's trail consistently swirling wind around Leo to keep him distracted "Oh you did it now -Prepare for some Leo fire power providing the heat since-Well that's not important but I hope you have reserved a room in Tartarus ".Just then Leo spun a ball of fire as big as a basket ball and then flung it at the ventus as the ball of fire hit him it disintegrated into a gust of wind.
"Silly mortal -wind brakes fire I will BRAKE! you son of the fire god"Just then as the first ventus finished talking Leo through a fire ball as big as the lake it's self and as he got ready to fling it the wind picked up . Rachael got thrown into the line of fire"Leo! Don't throw the fire ball I know how hot the fire is and it would kill Rachael to have those types of burns"Ryan said with the particular emphasis of urgency. But as he finished Ryan found Leo had flung the fire and was trying to reel it back."Oh gods what have I done?"Leo said.
"Reel it back Leo she can't die!"Ryan said as though the world was at it's end."Then as the wind swirled around Ryan pushing him to cabin six were he lay-ed unconscious after the fall.
As Ryan lay-ed there half dead surround by hundreds demigods who would die in the hands of the ventus he couldn't shake the feeling of quilt and what could he do he was half dead but not alone. Ryan could not sense who but he could tell some one was in his dream or pre-death hallucination.
As Ryan tried to make sense of what was happening he heard a sound as he turned he could hear it come into focus.."Hello Ryan don't be scared I’m on your side remember."a voice


Text: Ryan loves Rachael The world ends in the hand of a Tah
Publication Date: 06-03-2011

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