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Read books online ยป Juvenile Fiction ยป My Hateful Life by Peyton, Aaliyah , and Kayla (i read books .txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy Hateful Life by Peyton, Aaliyah , and Kayla (i read books .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Peyton, Aaliyah, and Kayla


Life. What a funny thing it is. Well, to other people. To me, it's just a pain in my fucking ass. No one really understands anything. Their al clueless. I want the to rot in fucking hell. All of them. Even the best of the best. Rot in hell, biotch!
As you can tell, my life sucks. It's ashame. Why did I end up with the shitty life? Well, an okay shitty life. "Adison, get up! It's time for school," yells my 10 year old sister.
"God, I'm on my way out, Lilly!" She pisses me off a lot. Almost everyday. She's a pain in my ass. But, you gotta love her. Well, most of the time anyway. I look at myself in the mirror, then put some eyeliner on. "There," I say to myself. "Maybe a little bit of make-up will get him to notice me." I walk out of my room, to run smack into my brother, Darius.
"Woah, twin. Watch where you're going. you almost knocked the towel off of me." Ah, well shit! this is my twin brother, but I'm older than him by 20 minutes.
"Well, go run along and put your make-up on goth boy," I snicker.
"Hey! that was like 2 long years ago." I start to walk away.
"Yea. And I just brought it up 2 short minutes ago. Bye now, twin

." I grab my back-pack, and head out the door.
"Adison!" yells my best friend, who I have a crush on. "Wait up!"
"Nah, I'm good," I just barely whisper.
"What?" he asks, catching up to me. I curse under my breath for not being fast.
"Oh nothing." I turn my head to smile at him, but his face stops me. "What's wrong?" He falls to the ground. "Damn it, Jake, if you're playing a trick on me, you're dead." I walk away from him.
I wander around, waiting for Jake. Then, somehow, I'm standing in a dark alley like it was calling me. Weird. Then, someone grabs me. I scream. Then, I faint.

Chapter One

I have a heart problem. That's what made me faint. "Adison!" Jake screams. "Come on

. Wake up. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just having a little fun." I moan.
"Hospital," I whisper.
"What?" he asks.
"Take me to the hospital."
"I will, Adison." I hear dialing. "My best friend has fainted, and she needs to get to the hospital right away." Another voice speaks. "Adison Manner." Then, I hear sirens.
I blink a few times, then take in my surroundings. The hospital. "Oh thank God, Adison. They wouldn't tell me what was wrong with you," says Jake.
"It's my heart. I have a problem with it. Especially when I'm scared." His face turns white.
"What didn't you tell me this before?! We tell each other everything!"
"No we don't. Especially you!"
"What am I hiding?" he asks.
"You're hiding the fact that-" I shut-up.
"You want to know something? I like you. I always have. And you like me. You just won't admit it."
"I like you. There. I admitted it." He walks to my side. "Now can we please stop arguing?" I nod. "Good. Cause I'd rather do this." he leans down, and kisses me gently on the lips.
"Can I leave the hospital now?" I ask against his lips.
"Yes," he breathes. The nurses come in, and help me up.
"Go back home, and get some rest," one of them tell me. Well, hasn't this day been fucking awesome? Hell yea, bitch. It has.
"Jake, you can go to school now," I say as I walk into my room.
"No. I should stay here. You are my girlfriend, you know." This again?
"Yes, I know. We had this discussion on the way here. Remember? And you're also the most popular at our school and I'm not

, I say harshly. "My life is shit compared to yours. How is this going to work?" I had to get this over with.
"Easy. Wear more make-up. Here, I'l show you." He grabs me and sits me on my bed. He pulls up a chair, with my make-up bag in his hands. "Close your eyes." He does God knows what to my face for 3 short minutes, and then hands me a mirror.
"Woah." I look at my face, astonished that it still is

my face.
"I put a little blush, blue eye-shadow, and lip gloss. Oh, and wear that eyeliner everyday." I look fucking beautiful!
"How do you know how to do this?" I ask. He blushes.
"My sister made me do make-up for her once. I taught her, and she taught me." His younger sister is 14, and he's 17, and I'm 16. I feel ad for him. Living in a house with 3 (technically 2) girls. His mom, his sister, and his cat. Wow!
"Well thanks for teaching me. Now," I say, grabbing his arm, "out. I'll see you tomorrow." Whe he doesn't move, I swing a fist at him. He ducks.
"I'll leave. But first," he leans down. He kisses me gently. Then, harder. His lips made mine tingle.
"Get a room!" yells Lilly.
"I'm in one, so...Hahaha!" I yell back. Then, I go back to kissing Jake. He makes me forget my worries. I back away from him slowly.
"Are you okay?" he asks, worried. I smile.
"Yea. I just thought of something that scared me is all. It's okay. Now, go." He shakes his head once, and leans down to me. He kisses me like this was are last one. Hold up. Nuh-uh. I am not going to deal with that! "Wait," I say as he starts to leave. He looks at me curiously. "What are you hiding from me?" He looks down, embarrassed that I found out.
"Uh, well. I'm leaving tomorrow. I'm not coming back. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. But, I will see you tomorrow." I gasp. What the fuck is this all about?
"And, why are you leaving?" I ask, knowing the answer.
"You. Remember? We made this deal. You told me not to go then, but to go now." I couldn't believe it. The time flew by so fast.
"Yea. I know," I say, starting to cry. Hot tears start to stream out of my eyes. "I love you. You need to know that. But, you could've given me a week advantage. This way, I would be prepared. But, what about our relationship?"
"Uh. I don't know. I have my laptop, and we both have a skype account, so we could do that. But, I'm going to miss you soo much. I don't want to leave, but this is an opportunity of a life time."
"And so is being with me," I whisper. "But, we can't always live like that. We're going to have to move on."
"What did you say?" he asks.
"We're going to have to move on." He shakes his head.
"No, no, no. Before that." Huh?
"That we can't always live like that." He shakes his head again. What the hell?
"Before that," he encourages. What is he getting at?
"That being with me is an opportunity of a life time." His face goes blank. "Shit! You weren't suppossed to hear that. I just whispered it. I'm mad, okay?"
"I just can't believe you would be that selfish." I laugh weakly.
"I'm not being selfish. I'm thinking about our future together. And, you know that it's hard for me to open up my heart. You're the only one I have. No one believes in me. And if you're leaving, I don't know-" I stop because I couldn't breath. It was hard for me to say this.
"No. Do not

make this about you." I shake my head, and smile.
"Just hear me out." He nods. "All my life I've known that I've been abandoned." He starts to talk, but I cut him off. "Don't interupt. I mean that, I was adopted. My original parents left me, and then my adopted mom left me. How do you think that made me feel? It made me feel like I was a nobody. Why do you think I went gothic for a year? Because I thought I looked cool?

No. Because I was lonely. I didn't have anyone to turn to. And then, you." I smile. "You came along. Made me happy. You got me out of my funk. And now, now that you're leaving, I know that no one cares about me, personally." I point my pointer finger at me. "And don't say crap about how you love me. I know

you don't. If you did, you would tell me everything!"
"But I do." I laugh harshly.
"No you don't. You're a wolf. There I said it. I know, now leave before I really

get angry. Bye now," I say. I wave at him, and he steps back as I close my door. For the first time in months, I cry. I cry, and I cry, and I cry. I'm not ashamed of crying. Crying makes you feel. I don't feel. At least, I didn't. Now, I do. And I like feeling. Even if it means to feel the worst things ever. Hatred and sadness.

Chapter Two


Text: Our idea. do not copy.
Publication Date: 06-06-2011

All Rights Reserved

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