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Book online «Just My Luck by Elena A. Vedenova (best manga ereader txt) 📖». Author Elena A. Vedenova

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a hand over it.
“I’m a few blocks from the house. Now calm down before you have a heart attack!” I instructed him through the phone.
“Don’t you dare tell me to calm down! And you’re the one that is giving me a heart attack! If you didn't run away, I would have never had to freak!”
I couldn’t help it, I started laughing. And the harder he yelled over the phone, the harder I laughed until all of my sides ached and I was having major trouble breathing.
“OK... ok… I’m…coming…” I managed to say between gasps of breath. “I’m coming. But this dinner better be good! You interrupted my alone time!” I said and hung up before he could yell some more.
After finishing my cigarette, I started walking home. Slowly. Just cuz I knew that it would piss Vlad off. An evil laugh threatened to escape my lips, but I held myself in check. I didn't want my new neighbors thinking I was crazy, well crazier than usual. I had to smile at that.
I finally made it up the front porch steps when the door flew open and out came Vlad with a very pissed off look on his face. I laughed at his expression, patted his check like a baby, and walked inside.
The kitchen was a disaster! It looked like a tornado invaded it. Looks like whose ever turn it was to cook, just ordered pizza and sandwiches. Along with sodas and chips.
“Welcome to the madhouse,” I muttered to myself as I dug out a plate and went to the sink to wash it. After getting a slice of pizza and a handful of chips, I walked over to where all the guys were sitting, in the living room. There were no seats what-so-ever, so I simply walked over to where Vlad was sitting and sat in his lap. He looked at me weirdly, but I just nodded my head towards where all the guys were sitting, taking up every piece of furniture, even most of the floor. Vlad looked like he understood and just wrapped his arm around my waist to keep me from falling off. I just rolled my eyes and dug in. I was halfway done with my pizza when one of the guys suddenly spoke up,
“Hey! How come Vlad gets to touch her like that and I don’t” he said motioning to Vlad’s arm around waist.
“I’m her brother you sick moron!” Vlad answered simply, his eyes never leaving the TV screen.
“And he’s the only I trust not to do anything!” I added with a mouthful of pizza.
Just then Vlad looked away from the TV long enough to run his hand up my thigh, while looking whoever spoke up in the eye.
“I think you’re the sick moron now,” I said, swatting his hand away and standing up. I went to the kitchen. The quiet guy was there, washing his plate. I walked over where he was standing and put my plate into the sink.
“Don’t expect me to wash it for you,” he said in a gorgeously low voice that was making my knees weak.
“I…I don’t expect you to?” I stammered. It sounded more like a question than a statement.
“Good,” he said, and I could swear I heard a smile in his voice.
He was about to brush past me, but I had a strange need to stop him and keep him here a little longer.
“S-s-so what’s your name?” I asked the first thing that came to mind.
He just raised an eyebrow at me.
“W-we are going to be living together for who knows how long and I want to start learning the names of the every guy here.” I said. I was impressed. Usually when I stuttered it meant that I was going to make a complete fool of myself, but I was glad that I didn't this time.
“Kayden,” was all he said.
I stuck my hand out and he just stared at it.
“It’s called a handshake,” I said reaching for his hand. As soon as our hands touched it sent a little shiver down my back, but I kept my face unreadable as I shook his hand. ”It’s nice to meet you Nathan, my name is Alyssandra... Ali for short”
“Yeah ok,” was all he said before stalking back into the living room.
After I washed my plate, I started cleaning up the kitchen, learning where everything goes. I plugged my head phones that I always kept in my pocket into my iPod, which I always kept in my pocket too and turned on Statistics by Lyfe Jennings. I was singing along while putting the left over pizza slices on a plate when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I quickly spun around to see Kayden standing with his hands shoved in his pockets and looking around the huge, almost spotless kitchen. I had a habit of keeping everything clean, which I got from my grandma. Even while I was barely even myself, puking with mu head in the toilet, I made sure that none got on the floors.
“Umm… I don’t think that the kitchen has ever been this clean,” he commented as he leaned on the door frame. I was about to start drooling. Kayden was sooo majorly HOT!! He had midnight black hair, and equally dark eyes. He was super tall! I would guess about 6’3” considering that the top of my head barely reached his shoulder.
“R-really?” I said. Shock so clear on my face that I heard a little low chuckle escape his lips. Those gorgeous, full, juicy, naturally pink lips that most girls would kill for.
“Yeah. And by the way you’re not really supposed to clean if it’s not your turn to cook.” He said.
“Oh, well, whose turn is it?” I asked.
“Hmm, well I guess I just made your job a little bit easier,” I said, looking him in the eye. “I'm still not done though, and sense it’s technically your turn, you get to help me!”
Kayden looked at me like I just lost my mind. “What do you want me to do?” he said finally.
“Well, for starters, you can put this in the fridge,” I said, handing his the plate of leftovers.
It went on like that for 20 more minutes, not talking other than me giving him orders and him doing whatever I said without questions.
When we finished, I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 11:30pm. DANG! How did the time fly by so fast?! Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kayden finishing scrubbing the counters, his biceps flexing with each jerk of the sponge. And then I had my answer.
I walked into the living room, empty now, and saw that it was messed up too. Ugh damned boys! I thought to myself as I started tidying up the place a little. I noticed the lights turned off in the kitchen and a moment later Kayden walked out.
Kayden made his way to the door, walking slowly as if to not scare me with a fast move.
“Where are you going,” I asked, wondering why he wasn’t heading up the stair to go to bed.
“…wanna grab a smoke before going to bed,” he stated simply.
“Can I come with?” I asked keeping my fingers crossed behind my back.
“Uh… Sure,” he said finally, after giving me a once over, probably wondering why a tiny girl like me would want to tag along to see him smoke.
I almost hugged him considering last time I tried to get out to smoke ended up a total disaster. Kayden waited for me as I pulled on my boots and grabbed my jacket, patting the pocket and making sure I still had my pack in there.
Kayden walked me to a different alley, one further away from the house. Now usually when a girl followed an older guy into a dark ally, it never ended up good, but for some reason I felt safe with Nathan around. It was totally weird.
“So… what are we smokin?” I asked.
Kayden looked at me and started laughing, really hard I might add.
“What’s so funny?” I asked confused as he practically toppled over still laughing.
“You,” was all he managed to gasp out as he laughed even harder at my confused expression.
I just stared at him until he finally regained his composure and balance.
“And why am I all of a sudden so funny?” I asked a bit annoyed at being laughed at.
“You smoke?” he asked in an incredulous voice.
“Well duhh! Why else would I have come into a dark alley with a complete stranger?”
“Well, not a complete stranger.”
I turned away from him and pulled out a cigarette from the pack in my pocket. I lighted it, took a drag, and instantly felt better. Kayden eventually calmed and lighted his own. It was getting a little awkward just sitting there and facing each other while smoking. So eventually I broke the stupid silence.
“So why do you smoke at night?”I asked
“More… calming,” he said. “That and I don’t wanna get caught. Your brother can get a bit scary when he wants to.”
Now it was my turn to laugh like a hyena.
“The big… bad… Kayden… scared… of… Vlad?!” I managed to cough out in between fits of giggles.
“I just don’t wanna get kicked out. Especially that I corrupted his baby sister by bringing her out here with me,” he said, smiling devilishly.
“Corrupted?! Excuse me, but I asked to come. You didn't drag me out of the house by my hair, that’s for sure.”
“Yeah, but do you think that Vlad will really believe that?”
I took a moment to answer, getting my thoughts straight. Ugh, might as well tell him.
“He might believe that I came willingly…” I said slowly.
“Hmm… and why is that?” he asked

Spilling The Beans

“It’s a long story,” I said looking away, not meeting his curious gaze on purpose.
“Well the night is still young,” he pointed out.
I checked my cell for the time, only to realize that it was just after 2 in the morning.
“Well I guess it is…” I said slowly.
“You don’t have to tell me. It’s not like I'm forcing you,” Kayden said jokingly, but I could see that his eyes hardened over a bit.
“Do you know why I moved here?” I asked taking him by surprise.
“Uhh… not really. Something about the parents moving far.”
“Yeah. Well you see, our dad has his own heating/cooling business and one night, a year ago, he got a call with this great deal, a contract and everything, but only if he moves his whole business, and his family, permanently, to Mexico,” Kayden wasn’t saying anything so I looked at him. He was looking back at me, nodding for me to continue.
“My dad couldn’t possibly turn

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