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Book online ยซMy Personal Fallen Angel by Emily Walton (best english novels for beginners txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Emily Walton

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my eyes.

" Fashion statment. don't you know? All crimanally rejected kids are getting them. There's don't actually go off, though." he rolled his eyes too.

" Not a morning person, are you?" I faked a smile again.

" Absolutely not." i said, shaking my head and sitting down at the island, the same time a horn honked outside. Jannet glanced outside.

" That's your ride, Shannelly." I groaned, grabbed an apple, and joggd outside with my stuff. I threw it in the back of a nice blazer, black with silver specks.

" Hey." I said flatly, staring out my window in the front seat as we drove off. They grunted in response, and I realized it was a dude that was driving me. And one I might get along with at that. Out of the corner of my eye, I say fingerless gloves, a button up shirt rolled up to firm forearms, and a tattoo peaking at the edge.

"Alan said you were a bitch with a sarcastic edge. Is that true?" he said suddenly. I flicked a full glance at him, but he wasn't looking at me.

He had layered, brown/black hair. He also had hazel eyes, the kind That could cut you like a knife.

" Depends on who you are." I said, taking a bite of my apple, letting it sit there for a moment before speaking.

" In otherwords, yeah." he made a sound that sounded more like a laugh, but was still a grunt.

" I'm sorry if I seem rude, but I just got up not 15 minutes ago, and i'm the worst morning person you'll ever meet." I rolled my eyes.

" I'm pretty sure i've met myself before." He shook his head.

" He was right, you are a sarcastic bitch." I shrugged. It was silent for a few seconds as I ate my apple.

" So what's the tracer for?" he asked suddenly. I stopped chewing for a moment, then swallowed.

" Probation." I said flatly. He flinched at my tone.

" Well, duh. What for?" I sighed, then rolleddown my window and threw my core out the window.

" I attacked an officer, or some shit. I don't remember exactly waht went on that night, and I was hung-over at my sentencing."he nodded, but he was scowling now. We drove the rest of the way in silence.

chapter three

"Hey, I never got your name." he said as we got out. I glanced at him as I got my stuff out of the car. I knew I had about 3 minutes in the parking lot before I had to get inside, or my tracer would go off.

" That's because I didn't give it. But you can guess if you want." I said, rushing towards the door. I knew we were one of hte first people there, but the tracer regulations said I had to be in my clasroom by 8:45, and it was 8:42.

" Wait up." he said, jogging to keep up with me.

" Why are you in such a hurry?" I turned into the classroom I was showed the day before, and sighed. then I pointed to my leg.

" That thing is as annoying as hell when it goes off." he nodded, then slouched into a chair in the back.

" This your class, or did you just try to avoid me, Angel?" I frowned.

" My names not Angel." I said flatly, slipping into the seat in front of him. There was no teacher, and no one else was in the room. I heard him laugh.

" Well, you wont tell me your name, so I gave you one." I turned to face him.

" What makes you think I'm an Angel?" his eyes flashed, and for an instant they were almost as black as mine.

" Your not. That's the point." I shook my head.

" No, this is my class." I turned around, and I felt him lean in.

" What are you doing at the Kornets house?" he said, and my hair fluttered in my face with his breath. I shot him a glare.

" Foster care." I said flatly, then gave him another piercing look.

" Now back off." I said flatly again. The teacher came in.

" Ms. Shanelly Hosten, i'm guessing?" he said cheerfullly. I groaned inwardly. Cheerfullness in the morning was not my cup of tea.

"Yeah, that''s me." he nodded.

" I have you in the seat next to Thor, if you would move, please." I gave him an annoyed look, then got up and slid into the seat next to, apparently, Thor.

" Nice name." we said at the same time. I shook my head, then got out my ipod -thank you, ex-boyfriend - and started listening to it as people started coming in. When everyone ubruptly sat down, i turned it off, and roll call began.

" Cheri...John...Garren....Hope....Vivian.....Faith......Ullissen...Macy...Bobby...Jarren...Shanelly..." I raised my hand, and all eyes turned to me.

" Thor... Korry....Frank." he finished off, then turned to me.

" As you all know, we now have a new student. Would you come up, please?" I sighed, standing up and walking towards the front of the class. Mummurs erupted as they saw my tracer. By the time I was at the front, the room was buzzing with talk.

" Class." the teacher said and everyone shut up.

" Thank you. Shannelly, is there anything you want to tell us?" I shrugged, and the teacher turned to the class.

" Anyone have questions for Shannelly?" a few hands went up. He caled on a red headed girl.

" Why do you have a tracer?" I shrugged.

" I attacked an officer, I think. I wasn't quite right that night, and I didn't really pay attention at the sentencing." I shrugged again, and a few mummurs were let loose, but was silenced by the teacher. Hands went up again, more than last time. A guy with dyed black/red streaked hair got called on.

" Why did you attack an officer?" I sighed, leaning against the teachers desk as he sat down behind it.

" I didn't mean to. They found me at school, after hours, and, like I said, I wasn't right that night. They tried to get me to go with them, and I swung. They swung back." I shrugged. A blondes hand shot up, and the teacher called on her.

" Have you been arrested before that?" I nodded, grinning and letting my eyes flash, making hers buldge.

" Yes. Quite a few times, in fact." my hair fell in my face, and her eyes went back to normal size.

" Why did you get arrested?" someone said, and I recognized Thors voice. I sighed, closing my eyes, and recited my crimanal record.

" Assault, Battery, Possession of drugs, Under age drinking, Possession of alcohol, Grand theft, Assulting Officer, Robbery, Shop lifting, and a few other 'Possession of ' charges." I looked up and met his eyes.

" I was also arrested for Murder, and Attempted Murder, but I was never charged." I turned back to the teacher.

" Done?" he nodded, eyes slightly wide. he announced we had a free day as I went back to my chair.

chapter four

by the end of the day, the school was humming with the news of the new senior, who had an criminal record that was now as long my arm. I called John, my officer, and asked him if I could stay in the library till 5, and he reluctantly agreed, informing me that he would pick me up.

So, after school, I went into the library and sat down, planning on doing homework. I had Chemistry, History, Math, and a Language paper I needed to write, and I had a feeling that Alan would make sure that I didn't get it done.

So, I was sitting in the back of the library, listening to my Ipod, almsot done with Math, History, and Language, when a hand came down on my shoulder. I jumped, ripping my earbuds out of my ears. I whirled in my seat, to be eye level with an angry looking Thor.

" What!?" I hissed.

" Aren't I giving you a ride home?" he asked. I shook my head, turning back around.

" Nope, John is." he sat across from me, stradling the seat.

" Who's John?" he asked, a mild tone to his voice. I growled.

" He's my parol officer. What's it to you?" he rolled his eyes.

" Well, I-" I cut him off.

" You have a barbell?" i'd seen a flash of metal as he spoke. He grinned, then stuck his tounge out so I could see his black and white checkered barbell. I shook my head, glancing at my watch. It was 4:45.

" Shit." I said, grabbing my stuff, trying to shove it into my bag. His hands stilled mine.

" What's the matter?" I shook my head.

" He's gonna be here in aproxamitaly 10 minutes, and I have to be outside by then." He shooke his head, and in one fluid movement, stacked all of my textbooks and scooped them up. I scowled, but then sighed and fallowed him to the door. We stood under the pavilin.

" Did you really do all those things?" he asked suddenly. I shrugged.

" At one point in time. Sometimes I did it, and didn't get caught, other times, someone else does it, but I get in trouble. I call it getting even, and normally don't hold grudges." I shrugged again. A hunter green mustang pulled up, and john stepped out. I reached for my books, but he started down the steps. Johns eyes widened.

" Hello, Thor." I frowned, especially when Thor answered.

" Hello, Officer. How are you?" John leaned against his hood, glancing at me. Thor set my books on Johns hood, then turned to me.

" Be ready at 8, ok?" I nodded.

" Thanks, Thor." he nodded as

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