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Book online ยซHeaven and Hell by Emily F. Walton (bookstand for reading txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Emily F. Walton

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It was the first day of school, again. different school, different friends, same, sarcastic sister giving me a ride.

" have fun, diablo." she thought it was so funny that mom decided that the last kid she was going ot have would be named after satan. sucks she died before I turned 3, right? she would have seen I've lived up to the name nicely.

" you too, casandera." I said snidely. she grimaced, nodding. she'd gotten a job at the resturant across from the school.

" when is your car getting here again?" I shrugged, not wanting to tell her it was comeing tomorrow, just to be an ass.

" Dunno. a week or two, at least." she growled and muttered under her breath as she parked outside, and I jumped out of the car so fast you'd think it was on fire.

" hey, if you need a ride tonight, find one, because I'm working late." I grimaced. that means i had to make friends fast. it won't be that hard, really. I looked good, no bragging inteneded, and I was a football and basketball fanatic, so it should be easy anough to fill a slot.


as I drove to the school building, I passed the house that was recently bought. a young woman- older than me, but probably just out of high school- was sitting in the car, and a boy, probably a brother, was locking the door. the girl saw me and waved, and i nodded in response. I turned my music up louder than it already was, letting it drown my head till it was impossible to think straight.

I pulled up to the school, and sat in my car. I usually wait till I had five more minutes, then dashed to get to my class so that I didn't run into anybody.

It's not that I didn't get along with anybody, it's just that i didn't like talking to people. I was the shy girl of the school. no one talked to me, and I never talked unles hte teachers called on me. I looked around the parking lot oalmost vacant of humans, and I saw that young woman looking at me again. she turned away, and said something. I looked past her to see the boy I'd seen locking up her house. he grimaced, slammed the door, and started walking towards the school, which would bring him right by my car. I turned the music down slightly, so that he wouldn't give me an annoyed look, but he looked up any way and met my eyes. after a second of me steadily meeting his gaze, I looked down. He'd froze in front of my car, and so I looked for my chemestry book in the back seat. so I'd be a few more miutes early than normal. better than the gawking boy in front of me. I glanced at him again as I turned my car off, and he was still rooted to the same spot, suprise written all over his face. I nodded in his direction, got out, and strode to the doors.


For a moment, I thought I'd made a mistake on who was in the car when The prep girl came up, but then she said her name was Grace.

so the girl next to me had to be Heaven. and Now I knew why she was ignoring me. she was shy. I slipped the note to her, and grinned when she answered. for a second I was confused, then realized she didn't shorten anything in the note, but used proper grammar. obviously she didn't write notes often. I also found her handwriting amazing. curved, yet delicate, like her. I gave the note back to her, but she didn't answer my question, Just crumpled it and stuck it in her desk. I frowned, and almost wrote her another one before Freddy handed me one.

ok, so there's this bet. about Heaven.

I frowned, confused.

ok, what is it?

I handed it back, and he read it, wrote quickly, and passed back.

whoevr gets n hr pants 1st gets the pool wr doin. so far thrs almost a thousnd dollars.

I felt my jaw drop.

who's in it?

all the senir boys. u n?

I groaned slightly, glancing at her. she gave me a curious look, then turned back to the front.

sur, y not? I can get n any girlz pants.

" How many weights today, Heaven?" coach grater asked, smiling slightly. I shrugged off my gym bag. I was in a tanktop and sweats, and it was last hour, finally. I was in the back, like usual. and, also like usual, coach was my spotter, because there wasn't an even amount of people, and i was the only girl.

" same as usual, I guess." I said softly, sliding onto the bench. he loaded the wieghts on, and counted for me as i lifted.

" oh, hey! there's a new kid today. at least now I can walk around and help some more people. You! Come here!" he said. I slid the bar back in place, sat up, and groaned.

Diablo was heading towards us, still turned and talking to one of the jocks. he turned to face us, and his face froze in shock. the coach laughed slightly

" he likes your looks, girl. most boys in here do." louder, he said

" your new partner in here will be Heaven, son. If you have any questions, ask her. she knows the gym better than I do." with that he walked off. Diablo grinned.

" who's going first?" I glared for a moment at him.

" don't care, Devil." he looked taken aback that I actually talked to him. then his eyes flashed.

" it's Diablo, Not devil." I shook my head.

" same thing." I muttered as I stood up. he slid on the bench, and attempted to pick up the weights.

" God! who was on here first?" I smirked slightly, and his eyes widened.

" you? your kidding, right?" I shook my head. he heistated, then shook his head.

" whatever. help me remove some of this."


I wasn't worried about getting a ride. Grace and her sister was giving me one, whoever that was. she siad it wouldn'tbe a problem. I also wasn't worried about the party tonight. that was easy.

no, what I was worried about was Impressing this quiet person that I was paired with. don't ask me why, but I did.

and she was impressing me. amazingly.

every weight that I'd pick up, she'd pick up twice as much. I'd do so many jumping Jacks in a minute, I couldn't count how many she did. and she hasn't even broke a sweat.

which was good, I think. if she did,Her already tighter than normal shirt would have stuck to her, and I would have come unglued by now.

but I did get to see her smile. just a moment, but it was there. and it made it harder for me to get on with what i was doing.

I was going to ask her to the party tonight. It was starting to bother me, the fact that she could brush off what other girls swooned for. and, I really wanted that thousand grand. so I figured, get her to the party, get her drunk, get the money. all before me first weekend in this town. what a reputation I would have.

" So, Heaven, are you doing anything tonight?" I asked nonchalantly. she looked up at me for a second, about the third time she'd made eye contact for almost the whole hour.

" does it matter? I'm not going to the party." Her bluntness suprised me for a momnent.

" why do you say that? a guy would like to have a girl like you on his arm at a party." I grinned lopsidedly, the way I did that usually had girls falling head over heels. she just looked away.

" no, my sisters the kind of girl boys like to have on there arms at parties. expecially if it's her party." I frowned, then clicked the peices together.

" Grace is your sister!?" she frowned, not meeting my eyes.

" yeah. you didn't know that?" I sighed, settling myself on the leg weight bench across from her.

" No, I didn't. Question. how many are you lifting now?" again, a breif smile.

" 15." I frowned. that didn't sound like her.

" altogether?" she shook her head.

" each." 30. flippin. pounds. what the hell? I loaded five- each- and was breathing heavy in 15 minutes. she'd been doing it for 30 minutes, and she was still breathing evenly.

" ok, I give up. how do you do it?" I said, sitting up. she gave me a long look, and was about to answer when the coach cut in.

" alright, you two. log in and shower." she frowned.

" but we still have 12 minutes before regular time." the coach grinned and crouched down to release her weights.

" yes, but you have to show him how to log in his weight records and shit." I raised an eyebrow, and he froze.

" sorry. I usually talk to Heaven like that. she doesn't care. does it bother you?" I shook my head as Heaven stood up, offering me her hand.

" watch it. it's going to feel like you have sea legs." I roled my eyes, then almsot fell over as my legs turned to jello, as she predicted.

" damn." I said as she lent me her arm to lean on as we went to coaches office to a large binder. I took this as an oppertunity, and, after regaining my balance, moved my hand from her arm to her opposite hip, making her shirt ride up slightly.

" so, you sure you don't want to go to the party with me?" she shot me annoyed looke before pulling away from me and grabbing a pen before flipping the binder open.

" you going to come see how to do this?" she asked in that neutural tone she always used. I studied her a second. she still hadn't fixed her shirt, and her bare skin was now bothering me. thinking of bare skin gave me an Idea. thank my dad that I inherited his six pack. I pulled my soaked shirt off, then leaned over so that I was leaning over her, hands on either side of her, my chin resting on her shoulder, and my front pressed as close as possible to her back. she shook her head.

" it's easy. name, time you used on the equipment, and how many weights you lifted or jumping jacks you did." as hse explained, she filled it out, making it suprisingly easier to understand. I leaned more of my weight on her, and she sighed.

" would you stop?" she asked in that same neutural tone. it was annoying now, so I leaned over her even farther.

" no, I don't think I will. not yet, anyway. promise to go to the party with me and I might." she shook her head.

" NO, I'm

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