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Book online «Enchanted by Leah (books recommended by bts TXT) 📖». Author Leah

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/> "Good. I'll be over in an hour."

"Awesome," I said sarcastically. The girl can drive you crazy but you can’t help but love her. I really hope Michael isn’t coming. That would be awkward. Especially him telling me he still loves Kelsey and only likes me. I mean I don’t love him or anything but it still hurt thinking about him loving another girl.

So, I got up and went to the kitchen to get some coffee. Then I heard a knock on my door. Wow. Really? I thought she said she'd be here in an hour. I opened the door to see not Kelsey but Danielle. Oh what now!

"I need to talk to you." She looked like she'd been crying. Her eyes were red and her nose was stuffy and her hair hasn’t been washed today. I haven’t seen her look this upset since Dan. Crap there can only be one reason she looks like this again.

"I kinda have to get ready. I'm going with Kelsey to go look for a wedding dress." I said trying to avoid what is to come

"Not now. I don't care what you're doing." Then she walked in and shoved a letter into my hand. It was from Jacob to Lisa. Oh crap. Now this defiantly brought up some memories from the past I would rather have kept hidden.

"What happened?" I asked her innocently.

"Jake's dead. Because you killed him to. I got the letter before Lisa got home so she hasn't seen it...but she will. Imagine how pissed she will be when she finds out what you did." Shit I’m screwed.

Chapter 4

It happened our junior year of high school when I started all the drama. Danielle was the new girl and I had to show her around. My best friend Dan talked and talked about her for weeks before he got enough courage to ask her out. And lets just say I was pissed.I'll admit I didn't love him, but he was mine, and I didn't want some other girl to have him.



"Hey Nikki!" I looked up into those bright hazel eyes and immediately knew it was my best friend Dan calling my name.

"What?" I said.

"Mr. Daniels wants you to show the new student around. Her name is Danielle. She's in the office."

"K. Thanks for telling me." I went to the principal’s office and went to Mr. Daniels office.

"Nikki thanks for coming. Danielle this is Nikki and she will be showing you around. Ok you may go girls."

"Hi Danielle so can I see your schedule so I can show you where your classes are?"

"Yea sure."

She gave her schedule to me and I looked over it we had all the same classes together, so I told her she could just follow me around. We walked to our first class which is biology. The only empty seat left was next to me so she sat down. It was silent. Then the teacher came in and started class. I already knew how to do the stuff we were doing so I just sat at my lab table thinking about Dan. I thought about his hazel eyes. I thought about his perfect smile and his dark brown hair. I imagined myself running my hands through it. And his lips pressed up against mine and him telling me he loves me. I thought about that all the way through biology. Then we went to geometry. All seven of our classes flew by in a blur. When it was time to go home I went to Dan’s car and waited for him. I saw him coming with Danielle.

“Hey Nikki, Danielle is going to ride with us.” I could tell he had a little crush on her already. I felt jealousy flare up inside me. I wanted to grab her and throw her in front of a bus. But I just had to deal with it. So I got in the front seat. Before I closed the door I heard Dan ask me if I could let Danielle sit in front seat. You know I think that might be the moment where I actually started to hate her. So I got out and went to the back seat while she sat by Dan. I was seriously pissed off right now. I think she has it out for me already even though she barley knows me. Every time I tried to talk she interrupted me. I’m going to end up slapping her if I don’t get out of this car soon. It seemed like forever before he dropped that bitch off at her house. After she got out I got out to get into the front seat.

“She’s really something isn’t she.” Said Dan. It wasn’t really a question so I just ignored it.

“So, can I go to your house instead of going home. My dad just got out of rehab.” Two months ago my dad overdosed on Meth and had to go to the hospital. Then they sent him to rehab for about a month and a half. And when ever he’s gone for that long him and my mom tend to do it and they don’t even care that I’m there most of the time.

“Yea, my mom would love it. You’re like the daughter she never had.”

“Yea I know.” And we left it at that. It was so quiet the sielence was eerie, because it’s never quiet between us. He noticed it to so he turned on the radio. I looked out side and saw the sun shining, I heard birds singing, and saw children playing I never have time to notice how peaceful these things are to me because I’m always running from someone. Or I’m always trying to be happy that I forget the importance in life. I wish I could change my life, but you can’t change fate. If we could there are so many thing I would want to change. I heard someone calling my name so I stopped daydreaming long enough to realize we were at Dan’s house.

“What were you thinking about so intently? I was calling your name for like five minutes, I was starting to get worried. I thought maybe you went into a coma or something.” I looked at his face to see he was concerned.

“Sorry I kinda was just off in my own little world.”

“Yea I can see that anyway lets go inside.” We walked in and we were immediately greeted by the aroma of fresh chocolate cookies.

“Have I mentioned that I love your mother.”

“Yea, I think you mention that every time you come over her and now I’m starting to think you’re in love with her or something.”


“Is that Nikki I hear?” She said as she came out of the kitchen looking as graceful as ever. With her sleek brown hair and her bright blue eyes and her smile like a kid on Christmas.

“Yes it is. Hi Mrs. Chandler.” I say with a huge smile on my face she’s like the mom that I wished my mom was.

“Hi sweetie, I haven’t seen you in so long you need to come over more.”

“I’ll try.”

After that we ate cookies and just hung around watching the movie Elf then I heard my phone ring.

“Buddy the elf what’s your favorite color?” I said as I answered it and I heard Dan and his mother just laugh.

“Red, because that’s the color that’s going to be coming out of your head if you don’t get home right now.” I heard my dad scream through the phone.

“I’ve gotta go sorry.” I saw Dan get up and go and grab his keys.

“I’m actually going to walk thank you though.” I said then ran out of the house without saying goodbye.

This isn’t the first time I’ve done this and I know they’re getting worried but they can’t know about this. If they did then my life would be ruined forever. But I get home that night and as soon as I walk into the house I was punched in the face. I try not to think about what was to come but I couldn't help it.

"You bitch, I didn't tell you that you could go anywhere after school. Did I? Nope I didn't."

Then he threw me over his shoulder and started to walk up the stairs. I was scared to death he usually just beats me down the stairs and leaves me there.

"Daddy, please you don't have to do this." I started crying because I'm terrified.

"Yes I do. Someone has to discipline you. You need to learn that you can't do what you want when you want. And I can find no better way to do this." I heard him say as he opened my door to my room. He proceeded to close the door and lock it. Then he threw me on my bed and got on top of me.

"You're going to make daddy happy today,instead of mad like you always do. Got it?" I heard him say as he slowly started undressing me. I looked into his deep green eyes and they started hungrily back at my terrified ones.

See why I'm so screwed up now. I feel like I need to ruin other peoples lives. I get mad because if this wouldn't have happened I would be perfect. But since I'm not I guess that I'll just keep 'killing' people or making them as miserable as I can. So that I feel better about my pathetic life. I should have just killed myself but too late for that now I guess. Anyway back to that night...

After he was done with me he started talking.

"Baby I love you but you need some sort of discipline in your life. Understand?" He was waiting for an answer so I numbly nodded my head to show that I understood. Even though I didn't understand at all. What could posses a father to do this to his child. What have I ever done that was so wrong?

"Good. Goodnight sweetheart I love you." Then he kissed me on the mouth one last time and left my room. I Iook around to see mu clothes scattered on the wooden floor. But I don't get up to get them. I just lay there for hours and hours without moving. I hear my phone ring but I just left it there I could care less who was calling. I just laid there having a pity party for myself. I didn't cry though. That night I promised myself that I'd never cry over that bastard again No matter how much he hurts me.

And to this day I have kept that promise. I haven't shed one single tear over him since that night. Even when times got hard I just remind myself of the promise, and of that bastard, and I fill my heart with enough hate, that I literally cant cry.

Chapter 5

After the flashback, I opened my eyes to see I was in my room.

"Oh god, Nikki are you okay?"

I turn my head to see Kelsey on the other side of the bed.

'Yea I'm fine, but how long have I been asleep?"

"Like 3 hours, and you weren't asleep, you
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