Crazy for Me (Under Heavy Editing!) by V.A. Monaghan (read more books txt) 📖

- Author: V.A. Monaghan
Book online «Crazy for Me (Under Heavy Editing!) by V.A. Monaghan (read more books txt) 📖». Author V.A. Monaghan
I screamed and threw my phone at the brick building I was standing next to. It shattered into pieces and I started walking, completely forgetting about the guy who had been standing right next to me.
“Hey! Hey Natalie!” I heard him call out behind me, “Hold on a sec. Do you need a place to crash for tonight?”
Tate's POV
I over heard everything that her brother said to her. He hit pretty low. She was pissed too. She had thrown her phone against the building next to us. She started to storm off into the night. I don't think she realized that I was still there.
Before I changed my mind, I called out to her, “Hey! Hey Natalie! Hold on a sec. Do you need a place to crash for tonight?”
She stopped and turned around to look at me.
“You barely even know me.” she pointed out.
“Yeah, but I know how it is with family troubles.”
She nodded slowly and said, “Thanks...I'm gonna have to pick up some clothes though. I have school tomorrow.”
I nodded back and told her to wait while I ran back inside.
“Ay man,” I said to Jonjon, “Natalie needs a place to crash. You mind if I bounce?”
He smiled at me and pounded my fist.
“What did I tell you man? She's perfect for you. And she's gonna keep you on a leash...I can already tell you're whipped. Go ahead and make her a real woman.” He laughed.
I walked out and lead her to my black 2012 Cadillac. I even opened the door for her just like I know my mom would want me to.
“So where we headed to?” I asked when I got in.
She told me an address that lead us to a neighborhood that was probably the nicest in town. I tried not to look around at the huge houses. We pulled up to a house with a white picket fence, I almost gagged about how perfect the house was.
Natalie saw my face and chuckled.
“I know. My brother and his wife are kind of uptight.”
I pulled up the driveway and stopped behind a silver BMW. She got out and walked up the steps and through the double doors. I sat and waited...and waited...and waited. I finally got pissed off. Is his chick tryin to play me? Cuz if she was I was gonna bounce and she can stay here with her rich ass brother. Of course that was before I heard something crash from inside.
I jumped out of the car and ran inside. I didn't know where I was going so I just followed the screams that lead me up a huge staircase. I ran into the closest opened room and found some dude standing over Natalie. He had his fist raised and she was crying on the floor with a cut across her forehead. Next to her was a broken lamp.
“Ay!” I yelled pulling my pistol out from my belt and holding it sideways, pointing it at him.
He turned around real fast and his eyes got big when he saw the .45 aimed right at his fucking head.
“Who the hell are you?” He asked me.
Ignoring him I looked at Natalie.
“Get a bag and put as much stuff in it as you can. I'll buy you whatever you forget.” I told her.
She nodded quickly and started scrambling around. I kept my eyes on this little bitch who thought he was a man. I've killed men, I've stolen cars, I've even blew up a meth lab. Something I will never do is beat a woman. If it takes beating on a girl to make you feel like a man, you obviously got problems.
Natalie jogged back from what I'm guess was the bathroom and nodded to me. I put my gun away and looked at her brother.
“If you report this to the police, believe me...I'll find out and you're gonna suffer long and hard before I pop a cap in your ass.”
“Come on! We have to go before Macy gets back!” Natalie whispered hurriedly in my ear.
I turned and ran down the stairs behind her.
“Don't come back you little cunt!” Her brother yelled at our retreating backs.
We ignored him and hopped into my car. I pulled out of the driveway and sped down the road. The first thing I thought as she leaned over and kissed my cheek softly was that Jonjon was right. This girl already had me whipped. Chapter 3
Natalie's POV
I had managed to get upstairs into my room before Nate came up and started yelling at me. It hadn't taken long for him to react to me ignoring him while packing my bags. He began pushing me. I hit the wall hard, knocking down a picture of me and my dad. He threw my lamp at the wall above me and a piece came down and slit my forehead. I couldn't help but scream blood murder.
Neither of us had noticed Tate had some in until we heard the cock of a gun and him yelling at Nate. He told me to get all of my stuff and that he'd buy me anything I'd forget. I hustled to get everything around before Macy showed up. She'd call the police on the spot. I ran into my room and told Tate we had to leave. After Tate basically told Nate that he'd torture him to death if he called the police, we ran out to Tate's car, Nate yelling at me from the doorway.
We sped down the road and I couldn't help it. I leaned over and kissed Tate on his prickly cheek. He smiled slightly but kept his eyes on the road. We slowed down as we got back into his neighborhood. We went down a couple side streets and pulled up to a small cream colored house. It wasn't nice compared to Nate's neighborhood but the house was the most well kept on the block. There were tulips planted around the oak tree out front and in the flower beds in front of the main windows. This didn't look like the house of a bachelor...
“Okay. Don't go crazy on me but I live my mom still.” He said to me.
“Well I guess it depends on how old you are.” I answered scrunching up my nose.
“I'm 17 but I dropped out of school a couple years ago. She doesn't agree with my...line of work. I think she might like you though. I've never brought a girl home before.”
I nodded hesitantly but got out of the car and followed him quickly. He unlocked the door and put in a very long and complicated security code.
We walked in and he called out, “Mom! I'm home!”
“I'm in the kitchen bubba!” called a tiny voice.
Tate blushed slightly at the use of his nickname and lead me into the kitchen. There was a short, chubby woman with shoulder length blond hair standing in front of the stove.
“I was just going to call you for-” she began as she turned around and saw me.
“Hello,” I said, “I'm Natalie-Natalie Croft.”
“Mom...I was wondering if Natalie could stay here for a while. She's going through some tough time with her family right now and needs a place to stay.”
The woman's eyebrows scrunched together.
“Do you have a job?”
“Mom!” Tate objected.
“It's fine Tate,” I assured him, “No, but I have a little over 500 on me and I can get a job if I need one.”
She nodded slowly and a warm smile formed on her face.
“'s fine with me as long as I get 200 a month. That includes me cooking and cleaning. Do you go to school?”
“Yeah. I'm a senior right now. I have most of my credits though so I only go to school half day.” I replied.
I liked this lady. She was letting me stay here, but with payment. It made me feel more independent. I'd be able to come and go freely without her on my back about it.
“I'm Tina by the way,” she said walking out of the room and up a narrow set of stairs, “I'm going to bed if you guys need me.”
“Night mom.” Tate called out.
I smiled at how he was obviously protective of his mom. I wish I had someone like that.
Tate's POV
I really hadn't thought my mom would've asked for rent from Natalie. I was surprised when Natalie was okay with it. After mom went to bed, I grabbed Natalie's bag from by the door and locked everything up. I took no chances what so ever with my moms safety. I brought her bag to my room. She walked in behind me and looked around. I hadn't really expected to have a girl over otherwise I would've picked up. There were clothes thrown everywhere and my bed was unmade. We stood there awkwardly for a second until I spoke up.
“I'm gonna go take a shower. You can just toss my stuff into a pile to make room for yours.”
“Okay, sounds good.” she answered, not meeting my eyes.
I grabbed a clean pair of boxers and basketball shorts and walked into the bathroom. I didn't really know what I was supposed to do about her. I was just gonna have her crash here for the night but that ideas out the window. But how can I just let her go back to her brother? He's a fuckin douche and he deserved more than a warning.
I sighed as I walked back to my room, my body still dripping water. She was laid down but she wasn't asleep. Her eyes were on me when I walked in and I felt them on me the whole time I put my bandana and hat up in the top shelf of my closet. My eyes locked eyes with hers as I laid down next to her. It was so weird for me. Usually when I was in bed with a girl, I had them moaning my name, not just looking at me like they were waiting for me to do something.
“I set the clock for 6:00.” she finally said.
“Okay. Wake me up at 6:30.” I answered.
She just looked at me.
“Thanks Tate.” she said.
“No problem. What he did wasn't right and you needed to get out of there.”
She just nodded and closed her eyes.
“How old are you.” I asked before she completely fell asleep.
“16. I skipped 6th grade.” she said before turning her back to me and falling asleep.
Damn. 16 years old and she had me twisted. And I really didn't even mind.
She woke me up at 6:30 like she said
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