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Book online «Crazy for Me (Under Heavy Editing!) by V.A. Monaghan (read more books txt) 📖». Author V.A. Monaghan

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Chapter 5

Natalie's POV
I was hanging out in the band room with Jonah, Blake, Monica, and Camille when I noticed someone standing outside the door in a purple shirt. Those guys had been following me all day. I figured Tate told them to watch out for me. They took it to the extreme in my opinion. Someone bumped into me in the hallway making me drop my stuff and suddenly there's some guy getting into the kids face about showing respect to a woman. I assured the kid that I wasn't mad and walked away.
"Okay guys, lets try this again. I need heavier bass and a little less key board." I told them, turning back to the front of the room. With the microphone in my hand, I waited for for my entrance. Monica and Camille came in with the the bluesy ooo's and I eventually joined in with the beginning lines to Rumors by Adele. I don't really like the mainstream stuff but even I couldn't deny this girl could sing.
We really started getting into it and I began to move around a bit more. We were practicing for the All-City Band Festival. I finally realized the figure standing at the door was Tate. He walked in after he realized I knew it was him. I smiled as I sang "Bless your soul, you've got your head in the clouds. She made a fool out of you, and boy, she's bringin you down!" and walked him over to right in front of the band, who were giving me skeptic looks.
I sang "to" him and danced teasingly in front of him. I watched as his eyes lazily watched my body, catching every turn and curve, every crease and movement. I felt beautiful under his eyes, as if no one could compare to me. But I broke the spell. I had to. There was no way in hell I was gonna get involved with this guy.
"But rumor has it he's the one I'm leavin you for." I finished, winking at him. I saw him gulp slightly.
"Okay guys. See you on Friday. It's our final practice until the festival on Saturday."
They nodded at me, grabbed their stuff, and walked out. I turned to look at Tate.
"Damn girl. Didn't know you could sing like that." He said, smiling at me.
"There's a lot of things you don't know about me." I answered turning to grab my bag but hiding a smile.
He murmured something that sounded like "Hope to change that" but all I did was give him a confused look. He just shrugged and turned and started walking out. I followed close behind him. I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't help myself. I watched him walk. He had a swagger that could only come naturally, not forced. His purple shirt was kind of baggy and his pants sagged just to where you could see the top 4 inches of his black boxers. I couldn't stop myself from licking my lips. He turned around just as I started licking my lips and he smirked.
"Enjoyin the view?" he said with that sexy, low voice of his.
"Whatever kid. I gotta be somewhere. What are you doing here?"
"Where do you gotta go? Ain't no way in hell I'm letting you go somewhere without me. Your brother could show up." He asked, avoiding my question.
"I have dance practice."
He looked confused, "You go to dance classes?"
I snorted, "Fuck no. I'm part of a crew. Crypt Crossers. We're finishing up a routine for a battle on Friday."
"Jesus, for having no friends and bein into that rock shit, you do a lot of stuff."
I just shrugged and slid into the passenger seat in his car. I already knew how much of a contradiction of myself I was. I really didn't like hip-hop music. I was a metal head all the way. But I did love the way the beat would pound and my the air around me. I was a good dancer and even the doubtful Jamion (our crew leader) couldn't deny it. The Crypt hadn't really wanted me to join but after seeing me dance at a club one night, they couldn't let the chance pass them by.
Tate got in and started the car. I pulled out my iPod and hooked it up to his iPod jack. Then I turned to Make it Rain by Travis Porter and blasted. We started driving to Base Park, a park with a bridge that we danced under. The song changed to Show Me the Money by Petey Pablo. This is the part I couldn't wait for. We were mixing those two songs and another one and during this part, me and the other 2 girls in the crew were getting a solo. It's gonna be B.A. and everyone knows it. It's too bad really...that the gun shots barely warned me.

Tate's POV
We pulled up the the park she practiced at and Natalie got out. I hopped out and started walking next to her. It seemed like everything happened in slow motion. The Escalade drove past slowly and the window began to roll down. I saw the barrel of a gun start to come out of the window. First thing that came to my head? To save Natalie. Actually I lied. The first thing that came to my head was "Oh shit". I dove and tackled Natalie to the ground, covering her body with my own.
4 shots rang out and I was just waiting to feel a searing pain on some part of my body. But it never came. Instead, I heard crying from about 30 feet away. There was some black guy bleeding out on the side walk. Natalie turned and saw what I was looking at. Her eyes got wide.
"Jamion!" she cried out, jumping up and running over to the guy, blood bubbling out his mouth.
Watching a guy bleed out was nothing new to me. Half of the times I'd seen it, I'd been the one who shot em. I heard sirens a few blocks away and I snapped back to attention. The cops didn't have nothin on me but I still didn't wanna be brought in and get interrogated. I ran over to Natalie and dragged her away by her arm.
"We gots ta go ma. I don't need no 5oh gettin into my business." When she still kept tryin to get away and back to the guy, I knew I had to hit her low.
"They'll bring you in and then send you to live with Nate again."
Without a second glace back, she ran ahead of me, hopping into my passenger seat. I glanced at her as we were driving back to my place. She had tears coming down her cheeks but she didn't make any sounds. Jesus Christ...broads these days got no backbone.
When we pulled up to my house, my moms car wasn't there. She worked a 5-1 shift tonight. Natalie didn't get out of the car until I pulled her out and lead her inside. I had to duck to get through the door as usual. I walked into the living room where she had turned on the news. There was a Breaking News line at the bottom of the screen. It said "Drive by shooting, Victim in critical condition and is not expected to live".
"C'mon. Let's go to bed." I ignored the clock that only said 6. Neither of us were hungry and there was nothing else to do.
She must've been thinking the same thing cuz she followed me up the stairs and into my bedroom. I had just started to turn around to ask her if she wanted me to step out so she could change when I was suddenly pushed onto the bed. Before I understood what had happened, she was on top of me, pinning my arms above my head and a sneaky grin on her face. Usually, I could've easily sat up, but my arms felt like lead. She only let me go for a second...only so she could take off that tank-top she was wearing. TJ (Tate Jr.) got excited faster than usual. That damned lacey bra she had on we makin me forget everything...except her. She smirked when she felt TJ on the inside of her thigh. I felt my face turn red. She dipped her face close to mine. She licked her lips a little and then kissed me. It was all over from there.

Chapter 6

Natalie's POV
I woke up to Tate covering half of my body. I can't believe we did that. I couldn't ever see myself doing anything like that...especially 3 freaking times. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 10:30. There was no way I was going to school. I'd just text the band later. Suddenly, Tate's phone started going off. All he did was let out a snort. I reached over him and answered it.
"Hello?" I said, my voice low and husky from sleep.
"Ay..uh..is this Tate's phone?" said some guy
"Yeah. Hold on. Lemme wake him up."
"Tate," I said shaking him, "Baby, get up. there's someone on the phone for you."
"Hmmm..what?" he said gruffly.
"Babe. There's someone on the phone for you." I repeated
"Mmmmm..who's it?"
"Who's this?" I asked the man on the phone, "He said it's Jonjon."
He bolted straight up at this, the sheets only coming up to his waist, and grabbed the phone.
"Ay man, what's up?" he said reaching for some basketball shorts thrown on his bedroom floor and slipping them on, "Naw man, I ain't busy."
He started to walk out but then suddenly turned around and said, "Hold on a sec." He bent down and kissed me softly, but passionately, on my lips. Oh...THAT'S how I could go 3 times.
He grabbed a pair of clean boxers and a wife beater and walked out. I slumped into the pillows and blankets surrounding me. I had had boyfriends before and never did anything more than kiss them. Did it make me a slut to sleep with a guy who I'm not going out with? Are we going out? I could tell he was... experienced just by the way he touched me and made me feel. He knew what he was doing. I was just lost and letting my instincts take over rather than think too hard about anything. The first time, I'd surprised him. The second time, he had wanted another go. By the third time, my adrenaline was pumping and I was needing it more.

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