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Book online «Pixie Dust by Amaratsu (good romance books to read TXT) 📖». Author Amaratsu

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"Lillian. If she believes in them, let her. It's not ma-"

"Robert! You don't understand! She says she sees them! Plays with them! Sings and dances! Girls her age should have friends. Be begging for money to go to the movies and such. Not play with imaginary friends!"

"Faylinn is perfectly fine the way she is. Let her have her innocence and youth. Just cause you didn't have a childhood, doesn't mean she can't!"

"Damn it! I mean it, stop telling her those damn stories."

A red faced woman stomped out the house with a ten year old girl in tow. The girl looked at the man who was sitting on the couch as they left with a sad look.

In the car, the girl tried to explain she didn't have an imaginary friend. That what she said was true. That she had been in another world.

The woman would hear nothing of it.


"Niki... Why would Ma say such a thing back then?" I asked the figure beside me. The figure had the body of a child, the kind you knew would be beautiful all its life.

"Your mother can't see us. Only a select few can, you being one." 'Niki' replied. I nodded and threw a stick at a tree.

"Why can I see you?"

"Because you're special. A gift you have."

"...You sounded like that imp thing off of Star Wars."

"Hmm.... "


"Ryu! That Ash book, wonderful!" I exclaimed as I skipped into the store. The old man laughed and leaned against the counter.

"That so? Sore wa subarashiidesu." He said with a laugh.

"English, Ryu, English." I said as I waved my finger at him playfully. He grinned. "There anything new for me?"

"Iie. Not today Faylinn. Gomen." Ryu replied as he came from behind the counter and went to straighten a shelf that some careless kid had messed up.

"Ryu, I have a question."

"Hai?" He looked at me curiously.

"Do you need help around the store? I don't mind working." I said as I skimmed through the tidy shelves and displays. He was quiet for a moment.

"Watashi wa shiran... I'll let you know tomorrow." He replied as he turned back to tidying the shelf.

"Arigatou Ryu!" I hugged him, said my partings, and left for the day. I'll likely be back tomorrow.


"So, Ryu may give me a job tomorrow Niki." I said to the figure. She smiled.

"Wonderful." We laughed a bit for some unknown reason. After we quieted down, I looked back at her and smiled.

"Can you grant wishes Niki?" She shook her head. "Well, that's not good. You should be able to!" I puffed my cheeks out with aggravation. Her laughter sounded like bells.

"Wishes belong to fairy it does not. Wishes belong to the genie." She replied. I eyed her wearily before sighing.

"You still sound like that imp thing."

"An imp I am not!" She puffed up a bit herself, making me laugh.

CHAPTER 7: Papa!

"Papa! NO! Don't take my papa! He didn't do anything!"

"Faylinn, get back in the house."

"B-But Ma! Those men are taking Papa!"

"Hush Faylinn. He's going where he can't hurt you or me anymore."

"I don't want him to go! He hasn't hurt me!"

"Faylinn Lorelle! If you don't get in th-"

"Papa! Papa!"

"Faylinn, get back here!"

Flashing lights illuminated the night sky at the Lorelle household. Two cars were awkwardly pulled into the yard, one squishing a flower bed. Men were standing around talking, some were putting a resigned man into one of the cars. A crying girl yelled for the man she called 'Papa'. She tried to escape the clutch of the woman who sent the men to take her 'Papa'. The man sat in the car for a bit, watching with red eyes at the crying child. He threw open the door and ran to her.

He told her he was sorry. He didn't mean to hit her.

She said she didn't hurt. She said she only wanted him back.

He nodded and said soon. And he ran. Ran down the street, almost as if he was flying.

"Faylinn. Back in the house, now."

The girl watched the back of the retreating figure as the men who came to take him away chased after him. Some on foot. Some in the cars.

And, the flowers were the one who wept with the girl.

CHAPTER 8: Doodles keep me entertained...

School. The place to be educated, to learn, and to me, sleep.

Not that I ever get to. The teachers all seem to pick me out for everything. Humming, doodling little faries and such in the margins of my paper, laying my head down, eating, day dreaming; I'm the one who gets picked out. But when I see people do the same thing, she never calls them out.

Like now this instant...

Shit. She took my test. Just 'cause I was doodling again. What am I supposed to do while I sit here and wait for everyone to finish. It's not my fault English comes easy for me.

She's probably gonna mark all of the questions wrong again like last time. And watch, when I confront her, she's gonna say "Opps, I'm sorry Ms. Lorelle." And then correct half of them. I give up by that time. It's not like I am going anywhere soon.


"Faylinn! Wait up!" I stopped and glanced behind me to see another girl running towards me. The girl is dark skinned, with dark hair and dark eyes to match. She was on the pudgy side, but that made her, well, her.

"Fay..." The girl whined as she caught up. "Why don'cha wait for me anymore?" I shurgged at her question.

"Don't feel like staying here anymore than I have to, I guess. Aylen... What do you have on your face?" I ask bluntly as I point to the swirly designs around her eyes.

"Oh! The eyeliner? I was bored. Do you like it?" Aylen asked as she spun around with a giggle. I watchit the designs glitter as the sun hit it.

"Its... Its pretty." I said quietly before walking off. Aylen quickly followed.

"Fay! Fay!"

"Stop calling my name."


"Niki... What do you think of Aylen?" I asked the shining figure that sat sbove me in the tree. She shrugged.

"Okay she is." She smiled a bit.

"Oh. Her designs on her face reminded me of you." I said boredly. "Just saying."

"Pretty they were."


"An Imp I am not."

"You sound like it."

CHAPTER 9: Dear You


I'm writing in this damned thing again. Oh, don't think it's because I like or even want to. I'm trying not to fail my grade right now.

So yea. What should I write about? Well, I don't know either.

That's just great.

Okay... Maybe I should write about what my mother hates so much. Imagination.

Or better yet, fairies.

God, that's what I want to be. To be able to fly among the stars and clouds and moons and such. To have the wings I've always wanted, beautiful and magestic. With colors that are bright and shimmery.

I have a friend named Niki. She's a fairy...one that sounds so much like that imp thing on Star Wars. Yoda! Yes, that's right. She doesn't look like him though. She's prettier and quieter. Her eyes are the prettiest green and her skin is the palest white. Not ghostly white, but pretty white. And she's always there for me. Always.

She's been there from the begining. Since before my father left. Since before I even knew of fairies. She told me of a world so much different than this. Where everything is perfect. And I've been there a few times. But not for long. I'm always dragged to the present before I can explore the world to much.

Shit, ma is coming. Sorry. I'll leave now.

CHAPTER 10: Betrayed by your's truely


Things have always been in routine. Always. The same things in the same places at the same times.

But, I should've known it wouldn't be like this forever.

Ma found my spot in the park yesterday. That's why she came to talk to me. To hit me. To yell at me. Like always when she's mad.

She said I needed to stop with the foolishness. That this has gone to far.

"You're a teenage for Christ's sakes! Where are the friends you are supposed to have? Why aren't you asking to spend the nights at someone elses?"

Those were her exact words. should know. She says it all the time.

And I explained to her, that not all friends were for her to see. Not all friends I could sleep at. Not all friends were human.

She threatened to send me to a special doctor. One to cure my madness. She told me my appointment is tomorrow.

I'm not crazy. I think I'm pretty sane actually. I am smarter than most. I am quicker than most. I think and process information that it takes some people serveral minutes to. It all comes so easily to me.

So easily.

I wonder what the doctor is going to say. I'm going to laugh when he tells Ma I'm perfectly fine. Because I am.


CHAPTER 11: You really want to know?

"Why did your mother send you here today, Faylinn?" A probing question.

"She thinks I'm crazy." Simple. Easy. To the point.

"What do you mean by crazy?" An uneasy feeling.

"She thinks I use my imagination to much." Truth be told.

"Doctor, she does! Its not healthy for a child her age to still be believing in such non-sense." An angry shout.

"That so? Faylinn, tell me. What do you believe in." Another probing question.

"I don't believe in anything Mr. I know there are fairies. I've seen them. They talk to me. I have a special friend. Her name is Niki. But Ma doesn't beleive me. I don't care if you do." More words. An explanation.

"I believe you. Don't worry. Mrs. Lorelle, would you please step out a minute. I would like to talk to your daughter." An underlying message. Can't make it out.

"Fine. Just cure her insanity." A angry voice. Slam of the door.

"... Faylinn, tell me ab-" Quiet then spoken.

"I'm not insane Mr. I'm not." Interuppted.

"I know. I know. Now, tell me about your friend Niki." Questioning. Friendly. Alarms.

"I can tell her anything. She was always there. When Papa left. When mom turned to a bitch. Niki is always with me. If not in front of me, she talks to me through our telepathic connection." Hesitantly.

"Did she tell you that you two had the telepathic connection?" Curious.

"No sir. I looked it up. How else would I be able to hear her through my mind?" Matter-of-fact.

"What is she telling you right now Faylinn?" Dread. Curious. More alarms.

"She's telling me that you're a bad person." Point blank.

"How so?" Curious. Too curious.

"She said I

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