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Book online «Saved By the Man by Vanessa Lynn Gilbert (best thriller novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Vanessa Lynn Gilbert

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together.” Lisa exclaimed angrily. “Well come on you’ve got to admit they do make a handsome couple.” Sara defended. Lisa shook her head in disappointment. I threw my backpack down by the seat that was behind Lisa but beside Sara. I planted my butt on the seat then asked the question that they hoped I wouldn’t ask, “What are you guys talking about?” Sara looked at me, her silver blue eyes wide open and surprised to see my seating there. Sara was 5”6 to 5”8, pale skin, blond, jaw length hair, and she had diabetes. Sara had the usual black t-shirt on, black tight jeans, and running sneakers. “Oh nothing,” Lisa said. I looked at Lisa not sure if I should trust that. Lisa has dirty blond hair that goes down to her shoulder, brown eyes, and she has tan skin. Lisa was one of the prettiest and most outgoing girls I know…yea she has those days where you just want to die but who doesn’t? Lisa had on the usually tight top, tight jeans, and some type of punk shoes. Sara nodded in agreement with Lisa. I looked suspiciously between my two friends and starting guessing what they are hiding from me. Erik and Ella are going out, um, Erik wanting to ask me out, or Erik and Ella being a couple. Defiantly the last one, I thought. “Guys if you’re hiding something from me you don’t have to.” Lisa and Sara looked at me as I said this then looked at each other. “Well…we were talking about how-,” Sara started then Lisa cut her off with, “Sara shut up.” Sara looked at Lisa and said, “No I will not be silent I will speak my mind.” Lisa laughed and I smiled. Sara was and has always been a dork ever since I’ve know her she has been a dork. Lisa looked at me and saw the tight smile on my face and knew that it was a fake smile and that I was emotionally upset. I shook off the depression of Erik and Ella and looked around the small room. I never really noticed but the classroom was decorated in a bunch of posters and pictures some of his students must have drawn. Lisa looked at me and then at Sara before saying, “So I’m going out with Jason again.” Sara looked at Lisa then gave her two thumbs up, while I just smiled at her and said, “Good for you.” We sat in an awkward silence for more than I can handle, when suddenly a bunch of students just walked in and swarmed the class room. The bell rang and then Mr. Torsion walked in and said, “Good morning class.” Mr. Torsion is married to Mrs. Torsion my science teacher. Mr. Torsion is 6”1, has hazel brown hair, has tan skin, and he is usually wearing clothes for comfort not for looking good.
“Dude come on you’ve got to tell me.” I said to Sara. “No I don’t.” Sara responded total arrogance on her face. Mr. Torsion stood by the door and watched us bicker, a smile on his face, and shaking his head. Sara and I have been bickering ever since she said that a guy asked her out. “Who,” I wailed to know. “None of your biz wax.” Sara responded as she and I walked out. “Good bye Mr. Torsion.” Sara and I said as we walked past him. “Good bye girls.” He responded. “Come on Sara if you don’t tell me I’ll just tell everybody else then they’ll bug you even more than I am, especially Raven.” I told Sara. Sara looked at me wide eyed, she knows I’ll do it, she knows I’ve done this before, she’s seen me do it. Sara sighed looked away and then under her breath so quietly that I could barely hear it she said, “Carter.” I looked at her anger on my face and hysteria in my eyes. “Don’t you dare say yes to him.” I said anger rising in my tone. “Why not, he’s cute, he’s funny, and he’s-,” I cut her off right there and said, “He’s a big fucking jerk with no body’s interests at heart but his own. He’s a liar, a cheater, and a sexist bastard who thinks that all women should be doing is taking care of the house, kids, and pleasing her husband any needs necessary!” Sara looked at me and without blinking and said, “You dated him.” I clinched my teeth together to avoid yelling at her…because I wasn’t mad at her I was mad at him. After a few seconds I calmed down and said, “Yes I dated him but I didn’t know how big a pile of trash and dog shit he was.” After that we walked down the hall in silence neither of us ready to break the tension especially after I had just yelled about my ex boyfriend. Sara and I split ways at the end of the hall, she went right I went left. I quickly paced towards my next class before any one came up and asked if I was going to go back out with Carter. “Zoe! Zoe! Zoe!!” Someone called. “Zoe wait up!” I stopped dead on my heels and looked for the person who was calling my name. It was Robert Frewin the dumbest and most annoying guy in the whole entire school. “Zoe…you…walk…to…fast,” Robert stated between huffs of air. I bit my lip to keep from screaming at Robert to go away but I already was in a foul mood…and he wasn’t helping. “Zoe you look like someone pissed you so off.” Robert said. I greeted my teeth and said, “Someone did now would you please-,” before I could even finish a savior came and saved me. “Hey Rob leave Zoe alone she’s not happy right now and you probably aren’t helping with the foul mood.” Erik said. Robert nodded and walked away with his hands slightly up as if Erik was holding him up or something around those grounds. I turned and faced Erik and said, “Thank you. God I thought I might actually have to kick his ass today.” Erik smiled at me and said, “You wouldn’t have done it, you’re too nice.” I smiled and I could feel blood rush to my face. “I heard about Carter…I’m sorry.” Erik said. I looked up at him with a tear in my eye and said, “It’s no big freaking deal…he is out of my life now…and I don’t care…what he does.” Erik could tell I was lying…I could tell I was lying. Erik wrapped his long arms around me and pulled me into his hug. “Zoe, you don’t have to be so strong right now…you could fall apart if you want to.” I hate the way he can affect me, as soon as he said that sentence I fell apart. Tears streamed down my face and landed on his jacket. I forgot where I was, who I was, all that matters is who’s here, and who’s got his arms wrapped around me. Erik hugged me tighter and was whispering in my ear, “Sh, its okay. I’m here.” Erik has never seen my cry never once…he was handling this pretty well. I pulled away and looked up at him. “I’m…sorry.” I said between shallow breaths of air. “Zoe, it’s alright I’m the one who broke you down.” I sighed and knew this was probably super awkward for him so I whipped away the tears that were on my cheek and put on a fake smile. “Thanks, Erik.” I said. His arms slowly dropped away and as they did he said, “No problem.” Mrs. Torsion finally arrived, unlocked the door and let us in. Everyone pushed and shoved their way through the door and then quickly walked to their seats. Robert and David were seating down already and talking. I sighed and went over to my hell hole. I sat down in the pale blue chair and then looked around the table. Robert had the usual green t-shirt on, baggy pants, and some weird straw hat on top of his dirt brown curly hair that went down to his shoulders. David had on the same old red hoodie he always wears, jeans, and he looked more depressed than ever before. I never really understood why he was depressed. I mean, he has friends, he has a good family (from what I hear), and he is doing well in school…what is he so depressed about. Of course if anyone asks he just simply says, “You won’t get it,” which may be true but I would still tell people. “No dude that’s not what my books about.” Robert said in his usually annoying voice. “I know what your books about and it’s about gay guys screwing other gay guys.” David said. “NO IT ISN’T!!” Robert yelled. I sighed sadly then looked over at Erik. Erik looked at me then his attention got pulled away. I sighed sadly seeing that my plan to just get lost in Erik’s eyes was destroyed and that I had to face Robert and his annoying questions. I turned my face at Robert who was still arguing with David about his book. I miss a lot of things from last year. Like last year I wouldn’t have to worry about guys like Robert cause they were never around and if they were they left me the hell alone. A tear escaped and I murmured so low that I could only hear, “Last year…” “Did you say something?” Robert asked. I looked at him and shook my head then directed my eyes so I was looking straight down at an empty sheet of paper. I quickly dug through my backpack for my favorite green mechanical pencil. My bag was a black hole I put something in and I don’t find it till a few months or even a year later. I finally found my pencil after a few seconds or even a minute of digging. I came back up and let the tip of the lead touch the paper. Ever since the beginning of this year I have changed so much that I can’t even describe. When I was just a toddler my mom said that I would do random stuff or I’d do something that most toddlers would do and get hurt and end up crying. Now I do the stuff but now it seems expected. I guess you can say I like surprising people. This year has changed my viewing of life. I used to think that life was long lived and that if you did the right stuff asked the right people then you would get what you wanted…now I see that life is a pile of shit and we are drowning in it. I kept moving my pencil not really paying much attention to what I was drawing just that I was drawing. My life is like…well it’s like a knot. You get the string all nice and neat then with one wrong move you destroyed it in an undoable knot…and I was making the fucking huge knot even bigger and harder to untangle. I stopped drawing when I heard Robert say, “Zoe, stop drawing the teacher is writing something on the board.” I looked up at the board and sighed…test review. I hated and still hate Test reviews. I quickly stuffed the piece of paper in my backpack and then pulled out some paper that was clean. I quickly scratched the notes and questions on the piece of paper then I just sat quietly as Mrs. Torsion talked. The classroom was pretty big (well it had to be for a science classroom). The floor was plain white tile, the walls where green, blue and white but stripped differently. There were 6 ½ tables and 4 people at each table (except mine and except for the half a table).
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