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Book online «Saved By the Man by Vanessa Lynn Gilbert (best thriller novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Vanessa Lynn Gilbert

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There were a row of counters around the classroom and cupboards. There also was a smart board at the front of the classroom and a white board by the door. I starred up at the digital clock above the board and said, “Only 30 more minutes.”
“Zoe, you are so slow.” Erik stated as I walked out of science. “Shut up Erik you aren’t so fast yourself sometimes.” “Well, today I’m faster than you.” “Whatever Erik, whatever,” I said. Erik laughed and then pushed me. I hit the wall with a smack and then I said, “Rape.” Erik laughed and said, “Oh you know you liked it.” I looked at him and said, “You want me to like it.” He laughed and shook his head. “Hey are you gonna be okay in advisory?” Erik asked. I looked at him and shrugged. “I guess we will see.” Erik looked at me and asked, “What would you say if he asked you out again.” I sighed and said, “I hoped you of all people would either know the answer of not even bring it up. I’m gonna tell him hell no and say that I’d rather be eaten alive by a bunch of rats.” Erik looked at me open mouthed and said, “Wow seriously.” I looked up at him and nodded. “I hope to never get on your bad side.” I smiled and then said, “See ya later.” I quickly and quietly walked down the hall and ignored everybody. I was happier but at the same time pissed off. I got to my classroom and walked over to my assigned seat and sat down. Thanks to everyone in this damn advisory we were in study hall lock down which meant nothing but reading or doing homework. I looked at my backpack and then looked at the board. Writing in big blue letters it said, “You are not to move, not to speak, and are to only be reading/doing homework.” The classroom like the rest had tile floor, plain white walls, and there is a white board in front and a black board in the back. I sat down and pulled out my book that Sara wrote and signed for me. I smiled when I saw the picture of me and then a single tear ran down my cheek. It was a picture of me in the hospital just before school started. “Hey, babe how are you?” A husky voice appeared. I looked up and say Carter standing in front of my desk wearing the usual tight t-shirt, baggy pants, boots, and he had a cap on that was facing off the side. His sharp black beady eyes were staring at me…well a fraction of me. I looked down at the part of me he was starring at and saw that my button down, long sleeved shirt was gapping open and showing some of my cleavage. I quickly and embarrassingly buttoned up that part and then slouched in my seat. “Hey why’d you button up?” He asked. “Because you don’t get to see that anymore you don’t have the privilege to be admiring them not even from a far.” I got up and walked towards the back of the room to get another book when Carter reached out and was about to grab my ass…till I grabbed his arm, twisted it behind his back, and pushed him onto a desk. “Don’t you ever touch me there again you worthless piece of no good shit.” I said. Carter was suddenly out from under me and was now behind me, one arm around my hips, and the other having my left arm behind my back. “Listen, bitch, you’re mine. Okay, we declared that. Remember I said you’re mine and you said duh I’m yours so I get to stare or touch anything I want.” As Carter said this his arm that was gripping on to my hip was starting to drift down a bit. “Stop it Carter!” I screamed. Carter stopped but turned me so I faced him and then slapped me. “What you gonna do?” Carter asked. I gasped then tried to escape his grip. “No one’s here, no one can help you I can just do whatever I want.” He said with arrogance in his voice. Carter then lifted me up and sat me on the desk. He was now in between my legs holding me by my hips and pulling me close to his body. I lifted my hand to hit him but he stopped me with one blow to the ribs. I took a deep breath then said, “The teacher-,” but Carter cut me off with a, “She won’t be here she’s ha paying back a favor.” I tried to scream out but I could barely breathe. I couldn’t hit him I couldn’t scream anymore I was frozen in fear when suddenly I heard a zipper…whose zipper I don’t know. Carter laughed. A sudden knock hushed him up and then came the voice of Erik, “Mrs. Jenson…Mrs. Jenson.” Carter laughed quietly. Suddenly the handle moved and the door opened. Carter loosened his grip probably in shock over the door not being locked and I quickly took the advantage and knocked him on his ass. I jumped off the desk and quickly ran towards Erik tears in my eyes. Erik pulled me into a hug and looked up at Carter. “Zoe, are you okay? You’re freezing cold…why is your shirt half way unbuttoned?” Erik asked. I looked down and saw that while Carter was sexually harassing me he was able to unbutton half of my shirt and thanks to that now my bra and cleavage was vulnerable for any eyes to see. Erik quickly took off his jacket and put it on me then zipped it up. “Come on; let’s go see the nurse and the principle.” I nodded then went with Erik. We walked down the hall his arm around my waist pulling me close to his body in protective way. The commons were still filled with people and they were all still talking but stopped when they got caught of me in Erik’s jacket, his arm around my waist, and probably a red spot on my face from when Carter hit me. Everyone just watched in silence as they saw Erik walk me to the nurses. We walked in the nurses office and I could feel the spot he hit me get red and puffy. She looked at me and asked, “What can I do-,” Erik stopped her and then closed the office door. The nurse looked afraid but I would be to if a huge 9th grader who was suspended from school for a month for getting in a huge ugly fight came in and shut the door. After the door clicked shut Erik walked in front of me and looked at me as if to get permission before looking and revealing what had happened. I nodded and he then grabbed the zipper and unzipped the jacket. I would have been happy for this moment if it weren’t for the fact that I was just sexually harassed and the fact that I would and will never do that till I am married. As he unzipped the jacket and showed the nurse my half unbuttoned top, my unbuttoned and unzipped jeans, and of course then explained what happened you could see the horror in her eyes. The horror of just imagining what happened. She sat me down on a bed in the back and said that she’d be right back and she need me to strip from my clothing to see if I had any other bruises. I sat on the bed starring at the ground tears hitting and landing on the tile. Erik kneeled down and lifted my chin. “Hey, your okay…your okay.” He said. I looked at him my eyes red, my cheek hurting, and feeling so violated that I couldn’t even say that he was right. He saw the feelings in my eyes and knew that I didn’t think I was alright. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight whispering that I was going to be okay and he wasn’t gonna leave my side till he was sure I was okay. He never showed this much affection for me…never. I guess when my life is in danger or when I have a mental break down he does but...the nurse walked in before I could finish the thought with the councilor on her heels and the principle to. Erik stopped hugging me and stood. “You can leave now Mr. Charter.” The principle said. “No, I’m not leaving until she tells me to leave.” Erik said. I smiled at him and nodded at the principle. The principle looked at Erik then at the councilor as if asking if that was a good idea. The councilor shrugged and said, “Okay.” They looked at the now bruise on my cheek and my shirt that was missing some buttons. “Zoe who did this to you,” the principle asked. Tears filled my eyes when I thought his name. “C-carter,” I said tears escaping my eyes. Erik sat down beside me and pulled me so that he had one arm around my shoulders and the other hand reaching over my right leg to my left leg. I hid my face in his shoulder and started crying again. Today was just not my day. “Zoe I think we should call your mom and tell her what happened.” The councilor said. I wanted to protest to say no…but my mom deserves to know when her only daughter gets raped almost by her ex boyfriend. I nodded and then looked up at Erik. “Erik you can go. You don’t have to stay here.” Erik looked at me and whipped away a tear then said, “You’re right I don’t…,” oh great me and my big mouth, “but I want to.” I smiled at him and then started to relax. The principle left and said she had to go talk to Mr. Rapist or Carter and then the councilor left to go call my mom. “Erik, I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to ask that you leave.” The nurse said. “Like I said I’m not leaving unless-,” he began to argue until the nurse said, “Zoe has to get undressed.” Erik blushed then said, “Well I’ll be right out the door when you’re done come get me.” I smiled and nodded and watched as he left the room. I quickly undressed from the filthy clothes and into a huge shirt, sweatpants, and socks. I opened the door and pulled Erik back into the room with me. Erik and I walked over to the bed and sat back down. “Ah…my head,” I said. “Zoe you’ve got to lie down.” Erik told me. “N-n-no…” I said drowsiness suddenly taking affect. I looked up at Erik. He smiled and slowly laid down and brought me to lay right on his side. I slowly closed my eyes and let a dream state take place.

Chapter 3
I woke up and looked around. Erik was gone and I was not at the nurse’s office. I was in a small room, white tile, white walls, and white furniture. I looked around and saw flowers and cards. I was in a hospital…my guess. The grey metal door that faced my bed opened and Erik walked in. I smiled every time I see Erik my fears…worries…and my world just…disappears. Erik looked like he had been through hell. His black hair was a mess, he had the look of a worried husband or boyfriend, and he looked as if he was scared or depressed. “Hey you,” I said my voice a bit husky from sleep.
“Hey,” Erik said almost a whisper. “How are you doing?” Erik asked as he sat in the seat right by the head of the bed. I
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