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Book online «Twigs by H.Morgan (to read list TXT) 📖». Author H.Morgan

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would be less noticable in black. I grabbed my booksack which was devoid of all books. I had stuffed it full with all things that I thought would come in handy on our journy. At the door, I noticed Em's shoes were gone, so I figured she must have skipped breakfast and left. Headed to the kitchen, I noticed all of the girls were seated around the table. I pulled out a chair next to Big Rache. Grabbing the box of Coco Pebbles, I shoook it only to find it empty. I'm the only one who ate Coco Pebbles.
"What's wrong skinny bitch?" I looked at Big Rache, who had an overflowing bowl of MY Coco Pebbles.
"Oh you know, I just don't like it when bitches think they have the right to take things without asking." And then I did the unthinkable. I grabbed the bowl of Coco Pebbles and poured them all over Big Rache. "Ask next time."
"YOU ARE DEAD DO YOU HEAR ME MONA? DEAD!" Rache's voice got lower with every word. I decided not to stick around and ran out of the home. Once I was far enough away and figured Big Rache couldn't catch up by now, I slowed to a walk and took in the sights around me.
As I walked down the end of the street that our home was located on, I couldn't help but notice all of the families saying their good-byes. Mothers and Fathers saying goodbye to their only kids. There was a lot of tears on my way to the park that day. Tears for all of those poor families, and tears for what my family could have been like. Once I was in the park, I took notice of all of the small things that I would normaly ignore. I saw two birds sitting on the monkey bars. They were both female red birds. I could tell by the dullness of their feathers. For some odd reason they reminded my of myself and Emily. Once I reached the tunnel, I looked around to make sure I wasn't being followed and ducked into the tiny tunnel. Emily was huddled up at the end of the tunnel. Anyone just passing by wouldn't notice she was there. She had on a black hoodie so her face wasn't visisble from where I was crouched.
"Jack's already at school. He text and said that there were men in black suits everywhere, and as soon as you walked into school they took some blood to account you present. He said they are not going to let anyone out, and are going to bring them to the UGF today. " Emily said without one breath. 'Of corse they were bringing them to the UnderGround Facility (UGF) today' I thought,they have everyone under the same roof and wouldn't have to round them up.'

"Wow, this is serious shit!" I replied to Em.
"Yeah, I kinda figured that with all the meetings."
"Oh hush smart ass." I playfully said to Em. I looked over at her, and saw how she was glaring at her phone. Something about the text she was reading was making her upset, that much I knew for sure.
"What is it?" I ask Emily. I was determined to get an answer from her. Usually I don't push her to open up, but under the circumstances
I would push until she told me what was going on.
"Jack said run, run as far into the woods and don't come out. He said they are looking for everyone who didn't show up because the UGF won't work without both pairs. He said Lonny didn't show up and they killed his whole family because they wouldn't tell where they hid him. He gave himself up to try to save his sister. He was to late though." Em said with tears in her eyes. "Poor Lonny, he wouldn't hurt anybody Mona. He's a giant teddy bear. How could someone do that to him?" This was just as hard for Em as it was for me. I loved Lonny as a brother, and I loved his family just as much. They were always nice to me,and fed me whenever Lonny would notice how skinny I was. Lonny always liked me, from the very first day Em and I met him. Emily liked him more than just a friend, but she never acted apon her feelings.
"Well it's a good thing we have no family for them to kill." I stated. I knew Em would think I was a heartless bastard for saying this, but if I talked about Lonny I knew I would end up crying. I haven't cried in forever, but Em and Lonny were the only family I ever knew, and knowing one of them was hurting was more than I could bear.
Em's phone buzzed in her lap. We both looked at the phone for a second. When I realized she wasnt going to answer it, I grabbed it out of her lap. She didn't protest when I grabbed it like she normally would. "Where are y'all?" the text was from Jack. I hezitated for a second before responding " Somewhere no one will find us." after I sent the text, I threw the phone into the park, grabbed Em's hand and we ran. We ran until night fell and we could no longer see.
"We will stay here for tonight Em."
"Okay." Em didn't pick fights that she knew she couldn't win. After a while of laying there next to Emily, her breath fell quiet and even. I lay there not wanted to go to sleep and leave us unprotected. After who knows how long of laying there, I started to doze off. Just as my eyes closed I heard the distant sound of twigs breaking and dogs barking.
"Em get up now we have to go." As Emily was getting up, I saw a beem of light shinning through the trees. I knew the people and dogs where close. Call it whatever ypu want, but my first instinct was to geet Emily out of harms way. We started running, and the dogs must have heard us because there was a lot of frenzied barking and some one yelled "Over there."
"I want you to run Emily. No matter what you see or hear RUN!" I shouted this at Emily as I pushed myself harder than I have ever pushed myself before.
"Argh!" I saw Emily fall, but it never registered in my mind. All I could think about was survival. I yelled at her to get up, then I realized that she didn't just fall, her foot was caught in a snare.
"Oh God oh God! How bad is it Mona?" I kneeled on the ground beside her foot and looked at how deep the snare was cut into her foot.
"Shit! Okay Emily I'm gonna get this off you. I need you to be as still and quiet as possible. Can you do that for me?" I looked up at her and she nodded weakly. I tore off a strip of my shirt and tossed it to her. "Here put this in your mouth it will muffle your scream." As soon as she had it in her mouth i started to try to get the snare off of her foot. Emily let out a wail of pure pain. The piece of cloth I gave her did no help. Shit. The beam of light got loser. They were closing in on us.
"I don't know what else to do." I wailed. I looked around me and saw nothing useful. I jumped over Emily and started to cover her in leaves. I figured if I could cover her up they wouldn't see her and I could lead them away from my best friend.
"Don't leave me!" Emily whispered. My heart broke right there in the woods.
"I'm not sweetheart. I'm just going to lead them away from you and come back to get you when it's safe." I stood and looked at the place where I last saw the beam of light. They were closer now, and I had to go for my plan to work.
"See ya later Emily." I whispered. As I turned around I started to run. I figured if I get far enough away from her I could then make noise. I turned to look at Emily one last time. She was barely noticible. When I turned back around I ran into something hard. Rock hard. I looked up and found my self staring into the most beautiful pair of amber-colored eyes. Golden Eyes.

The Crew

As I looked up at the golden eyed boy, I took in the rest of his features. He had dark almost black hair with the stubborn jaw of a fighter. He was the kind of boy that disturbed the space around him, filling my entire space with his presence. A very masculine presence. I was 5'8 and looking up at the guy,so he was at least a good 3 inches taller than me. My eyes travled down his body to where my hands were rested. Due to the fact that it was still dark and the moon only provided enough light for me to see his face, I noted that his chest was the sorce of the 'rock' I had ran into. I looked back at his face to find him smirking at me. I looked at him questionly and he cocked his head to the side, listening. I looked back in the direction I had come from, to where Emily was. I was taught to never turn your back on strangers, but I found myself feeling strangely safe around Golden Boy. I found that this name fit him and his golen eyes.I turned back and looked at him.
"W-" He cut me off by putting his hand over my mouth and shaking his head. I put my hand on his, trying to pry off his fingers, but he was not removing his hand. I was frantic now. I wanted to get away to go back to Emily. Hell I wanted to to anything but be here at this moment. I heard Emily whimper and jerked away from Golden Boy. This resulted in him twisting me so fast my head spun and wrapping his free arm around my waist.
"Look." his voice low and husky. His body was pressed against mine and I could feel the heat

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