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Book online «Siren-chapter one by Anna Garcia (latest novels to read .txt) 📖». Author Anna Garcia

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fact that Mrs. Perez was standing in back of me as this happened. “Ms. White, you better have a decent explanation for throwing that piece of paper at this young lady’s head.” She said. “Uhhh...”was my only reaction (smart right?) “Save it” she snapped. “Meet me after school today for your punishment.” HAHAHAHA! I heard in my head. I glared at Niki. Crap. I sighed. Oh well. “Fine” I said. Then I sulked back to my seat and plopped myself into my desk.
“Ohh, shut up.” I said when I saw Casey’s reaction. “What?” she said, obviously trying not to break out laughing. I narrowed my eyes at her and said “You now she always gets away with everything.” “Uhh, huh” she said. “You stink.”I said crossing my arms. “I may stink, but at least I’m not in trouble.” I through an eraser at her head. “HEY!” she yelled. “Ms. Simmons you know that I don’t allow yelling in my class room, you meet me after class as well!” Mrs. Perez roared. “Now you are.” I said.
She muttered an explicit. “Now Casey, no cursing during class.” I joked. She through a pen cap at me. “Ha, you misted!” I whispered triumphaly. “Do your work.” She said annoyed. “Aww you still love me don’t you?” “Work, now.” She barked. “Fine.” I said in a totally fake, sweet voice. She rolled her eyes at me. “Come on Casey you know you can’t stay mad at me for long.” I said, milking the fact that we have been friends since grade school. “Yeah, that’s one of the qualities I hate about you.” She said as she hugged me. We heard someone clear their throat and we both looked up.
Jack starred back at us. “What?” I said. “You guys shouldn’t be doing that.” He said. “What? Hugging?” I replied. “Why, does it turn you on?” Casey asked. Jack rolled his eye at us as we untangled ourselves. “No, you could get in trouble.” He said. “Since when in the world did you start to care if we got in trouble?” I asked. “You know what, you’re right, I should have said nothing.” he said. “Because it turns you on, right?” Casey said with a smile. “You’re hopeless.” He groaned.
“Ahh we’ve heard worse.” I said, “for instance take this morning when you called me stupid.” “I didn’t call you stupid.” He said. “But you thought it, which still counts.” “I didn’t think it.” He argued. “Yes you did.” I said getting up from my desk. “If I remember correctly I called you mindless.” “That’s the same thing!” I yelped. “No it’s-” “Mrs. White and Mr. Camden, stop this a arguing now!’’ Jack cursed under his breath, but apparently too loudly because Ms. Perez then said “Mr. Camden, I do not under any circumstances allow that language in my classroom, you shall meet me after class along with Ms. White and Ms. Simmons!” He clenched his fists, through the handouts he was passing out at us, and then stomped back to his seat. I sat back down, a little pleased that I got jack in trouble (Ahhh, he deserved after calling me mindless ;).
Casey was staring at me a little funny. “What?” I finally said after a couple minutes of this. “Well, it’s none of my business, but what were you and Jack doing this morning?” she said with a suspicious tone. I starred at her baffled, “You think that Jack and I are, ohh god I can’t even say it.” “So you’re not going out?” I litterly almost gagged and said “What the hell gave you that idea I would rather hang myself before I ever would go out with Jack.”. Apparently that was enough for her because she said, “Thank god!” I laughed.
“Maybe we should get to work.” I said. “What where you doing this morning then?” she pleaded, trying to distract me. “I was tutoring him, now stop avoiding the work, your gonna have to do it anyway.” “Ohh, all, right.” We both started to transfer the sentences on the board to our handout, when the bell rung. “Oops, didn’t get to finish, oh well, I’ll have to do it next time.” Casey said as she put her pen down.
I looked at her and rolled my eyes “You do realize that we have to stay back and that we’ll just get more work right?” I said. She just starred at Ms. Perez who was taking the rest of the class’s work away from them. “Now,” Mrs. Perez said “which two of you are the partners of good, or as some call you, the partners of light?”. Jack who was drinking water almost choked.

“Well,” she said “that’s makes one of you, now whose the other?”I slapped my hand to my forehead out of frustration. “What the hell are the partners of good?” Casey asked. “I sense that you are asking because you do not know which leaves you my dear.” She said pointing to me. She raised her hands and turned into a huge tree thing. “Casey?” I said “Yeah?” she asked me scared as hell. “Hide!” for once in her life she did as told. Ms. Perez came towards me and I backed away reaching in my back pack. I turned to face Jack “Distract her” I whispered. He nodded and took out a bronze sword from his back pack. Ms. Perez, if that was even her real name, turned around and ran full blast toward Jack forgetting that I even existed. I quickly opened my backpack and took out a multicolored bag. I got up and fumbled with the zipper. “Umm... Ashley, I don’t mean to be pushy, but hurry the hell up with whatever you’re doing!” Jack yelled as he swung his word left and right fending off Ms. Perez.

Once I got the bag open, I ran at Ms. Perez and threw the it at her. She turned at it hit her right in the face exploding. She disappeared into black dust that floated away. “What did you through at her?” Jack asked. “Faerie dust.” I said starring at the spot where Ms. Perez vanished. “How did you know that that would work?” he asked. “I didn’t, for all I know it could have made her stronger.” I said. “You threw that at her even though she could have become stronger and then killed me!” he said getting angry. “Well she didn’t, so-” “W... what just happened?” Casey said as she stood shakily from under a desk: her hiding spot. Jack and I turned to her. “Umm…well…” Jack started. “We kind of, sort of… Uhh…” I mumbled. Casey fell and lay limp on the floor. “Casey!” I yelled. I ran next to her side.

“That was close a close call, any longer and I wouldn’t have been able to erase her memory.” A woman said to the back of my head. I turned to glare and found myself face to face with our principle, Mrs. Meyers.

I starred at her in shock. “Hello Mrs. M.” Jack said nodding towards her. “What did you do to her?” I said when I was finally able to speak again. “I erased her memory. I thought I already said this?” She said speaking to Jack. “What I mean is,” I said gritting my teeth “why is she on the fucking floor passed out!” Her eyes widened. “How dare you-” “I really don’t care if you yell at me for cussing at you, what I do care about is the person I’m knelling next to that is past out!” She looked at me, not surprised that I was able to read her mind. “Look, Ashley, she is passed out because it is one of the side effects of erasing a memory, so calm down, she is going to be fine.” She said. She turned to Jack, “Take her to your house, and make sure the barrier is up, I need to find out how she knew you two were here.” Then with a flick of her rist she vanished.

“I don’t like her.” I said as I got up. “Well it’s not like you liked her that much before this happened, so no big difference right?” Jack said giving me a knowing look. I had a flash back to the time when Casey and I tee-peed Mrs.M’s office, ahh good times. We heard a knock on the door and we both turned.

“Hey Jackie-poo are we going to leave for class now?” Niki purred from the other end of the door. Jackie-poo? I will not laugh I told myself about five times before I failed miserably.

“You know,” I said in between laughs “that almost makes up for the past fifteen minute.” Remembering the incident that just happened I turned to look at Casey but she wasn’t there. “Where did she go?” I said turning to Jack. I caught a piece of a thought that was “Mrs. Meyers”. “She’s with Mrs. M?” he nodded. The look he gave me said not to ask anymore. I was about to argue when Niki said “Who are you talking about?” “Niki,” I said gritting my teeth intending to tell her off and tell her to mind her own business, when Jack said, “We’re talking about Casey I just woke Ashley up, she was sleeping during class, and she wanted to know where Casey is.” I glared at him, he glared right back. I think Niki got a little jealous because she through her arms around Jack and said “Come on Jackie-poo lets go, we can’t be seen with this thing.” She said nodding towards me. I rolled my eyes at the attempted insult.“Sorry Niki I can’t go” Jack said, taking her arms off his shoulders, “Mrs. M wants Ashley and I to go to her classroom right now.” Just seeing the look on her face when Jack said Ashley and I made me smirk. I heard a brief thought ‘she trying to steal my boyfriend!’ I looked at her like she was crazy.

He turned to me and said “Come on lets go.” I nodded and went out the door but I heard I’ll follow them. After we both got out of hearing distance from Niki I said “Your girlfriend’s going to follow us.” He turned to me “Seriously?” I nodded and said “I heard her think I’ll follow them.” “No not that,” he said “I mean, I didn’t know that she’d follow me, but you think she’s my girlfriend?” I stopped, “She’s not?” I said. “No, she isn’t” he said turning towards me. I shook my head “You better set her straight then, because she thinks she is.” I said. He sighed. “Man that was faster than I thought it would be.” He said. He must have seen the look of confusion on my face because then he said “When vampires are close to humans for long periods of time, we tend to cast an accidental spell on them, which causes them to grow an attachment to us.”

“How do you undo the spell?” I asked. “I have no idea; this is the first time it’s ever happened to me.” He said. “You know, I might know someone that can help with that.” I said. He thought for a moment then shook his head and said “No, Mrs. M said to go to my house, we can’t go any were else.” He started walking, but I stopped him when I said “We can’t go to your house any way, if Niki follow us there she could find out what we are.” “Fine,” he said “where are we going?” “Mrs. Meyer’s office.” I said.

He looked at me like I was crazy. “We are going to go
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