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Book online «All about my Creaturish Life by Dylan Langhi (red novels TXT) 📖». Author Dylan Langhi

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friends. They all ran outside and took me to the bathroom. Mary hit Darren on the side of the arm on accident. He felt guilty and wouldn’t talk to me or Marshall the rest of class.

Chapter 4
“Can we stop?” I ask all the girls.
“Stop what?” Sally May ask.
“Stop doing the I don’t date thing we are in high school we need to start dating and I know perfect people for every single one of ya’ll!” I say as happy as can be.
“Well if you want to because we all heard you say that you would date Marshall if you could.” Ella said. Everyone nodded. I took a piece of paper out of my notebook and wrote down who should date who.

Sally May = Grayson
Ella - Gecio
Mary - Marco
Allie - Roboto
Sam - Skylark
Alice - Polo

There perfect for each other they have a lot in common and I know they all like each other. I gave everyone there date paper and they all nodded in approval. We walked back to class and I guess Darren swapped partners now my partner is Marshall.
“Do you want your jacket back?” I ask Marshall
“No you keep it.”
“Are you sure?”
“Thanks.” I said and gave him a hug.
“Hey Marsh did you hear the news?” Grayson said.
“No what?”
“The princesses are finally dating! I‘m dating Mary.”
“Stop kidding!”
“He‘s not.” I say quietly.
“Really, why would I lie about that?”
Marshall got down on his knees “Dylan will you go out with me?”
I nod, he jumps up, picks me up, and gives me a hug. And every guy that’s going out with my friends do that to. They put us down and we get back to our project. All I could hear in the room is people whispering and passing notes. Everyone started staring at Darren who just sat there staring at Marshall and me with his hand balled into a fist. I looked at him with a if-you-do-I-will-brake-your-hand look and he relaxed it. We carried on our work, except Darren who stared at us. I got cold so I snuggled up to Marshall.
Bring Bring the bell rang. Instead of the football players carrying me the football captain (Marshall) picked me up and carried me to my next class.

Chapter 5
I’m happy Marshall has all the classes I do. But that’s because at the beginning of the year he changed all of them to mine. He sat me down on my desk and stared into my eyes.
“I will never hurt you. And if anyone does I will make it all better.” he said and he pulled off his face to make me laugh. I think its funny when he does it because when he puts it back on its upside down. Which it happened and I forgot all about the Darren thing. Almost all the girls that liked Marshall came to me and gave me the evil eye. I took it as a compliment. Mr. Hollowweb walked in frowning like usual. “Today yall are going to gym so get out of my classroom. And whoever has Mrs. Labrinith will stay in there,” he said.
All my friends and I got carried to the gym and watched everyone all the fouls play Scream Football and the ghouls play Scream Tennis. Mostly the fouls. Since we don’t play scream sports we watch them have fun. The zombies that where playing, hit us with there arms because they weren’t stitched on good.
“All zombies come here!” I scream they walk over to us I get my needle and thread out and start fixing there arms. “Now no more hitting us for a while okay.” I say politely. They all stare in a why-did-you-do-that way. I smiled again and watched them go back and play.
“Wow I cant believe you did that princess!” A football player named Jocko screamed.
“Got to be nice at times right?” we all scream. All the guys laugh at him and go back playing football.
“Sally May why don’t you play we all know you like sports its not a secret anymore!”
“Well okay only if they let me.” she said. “Hey boys can I play?”
“Ha you play your only a girl you probably don’t even know how to through a scare!” Jocko screams while they guys high-five him.
“Ghouls can play to!” Alice screams.
“Just let her play and if she gets hurt no more for her.” Grayson said and that was the end of it. She got up and went to play. It was the best I have ever saw, she was the only ghoul that played and it was as good as the boys!
“Wow Sally-May” the coach walks from his scare-room, “that was amazing would you join the ghouls scare football team?” she nodded and that was that she got what she wished for.Just seeing her play a sport with boys makes me want to do something. Like scare volleyball, scareleading, or even scare basketball. Something just to have something to do. But what?
“Marshall come here!” screams Makalu. That’s one of the girls that are insane about Marshall.
“What?” he says.
“Is it true that you and Dylan are going out?”
“Yea why.”
“Just wondering” she says and walks away gagging. “She makes me so mad!” I whisper to my group.
“Why? She can be cool at times!” Alice said.
“She hates me now because I‘m dating her dream guy.”
Alice gets up and walks over to Sally-May who is sitting with all the guys. She pulls Roboto. She walks out of the gym with him and five minutes later she walks in smiling.
“What’s your problem?” Mary ask.
“Nothing just thinking. So about the Darren thing.” she said back.
“What about it?” I say.
“Are ya‘ll going to scream or what?”
“If he screams first then yea we‘ll be cool but if not then I’m going to act like he’s not alive!” I say and I guess Darren over hears and comes up to us.
“Can we not help you?” Ella ask and we all burst out laughing.
“I need to talk to her.” he said.
“Fine I‘ll talk to you but doesn’t mean anything!” I say. He pulls me over to the side. He has a tight grip on my arm and I started screaming in pain. Marshall stands up to see what’s going on. Darren releases as soon as I say ’LET GO!’.
“Marshall its okay you can sit down!” I say. “So what do you want?”
“I want to apologize for how I acted.”
“I accept.”
“Good friends?”
“Friends.” I say and I hug him for my apology.
“Dylan, will you come here?” Marshall screams. I shrug and sit down right next to him. “Are you two friends again?” he ask me.
“Yea why?”
“Because the way he treated you, I don’t like him but if you do then you can hang out with him I wont stop you because I‘m not you. But if he hurts you again I’m a” he stops and stares into my eyes. “Just please tell me if he hurts you again because I promise it will never happen again!” he says.
“Okay, and why don’t you let him sit with ya’ll and get to know him better?” I say and Marshall nods.“Bad Reaper” I wink and walk away.“Line up its time for your next screams!” Coach Scare-O-Meter screams. Everybody leaves except for me. I just stand in one spot staring at a shadow that wasn’t mine. I looked around no one is there. Something touches my shoulder, I turn around as fast as possible. Nothing was there. I turn back around to stare at the shadow but this time is was moving. I walked over to it, but it started running so I followed it. It disappeared in the ghouls locker room. I walk in as quite as I can be because it could be something that could be stronger than me. I found the shadow but this time it looked like it was getting attacked.
“Hello anyone there?” I ask. “If there is please show yourself.” After I said that this little girl came out. I scream because I have never saw anything like it but I’ve heard bad things about them. I didn’t know what to do. Should I run, hide, or hurt her?
“Are you a---” I say but she interrupts.
“Yes I‘m a five year old human girl and you have to be a vampire from the books I read!” she squeals.
“Yea so what are you doing here?”
“I don’t know I‘m scared. Monsters are everywhere and I don’t know what to do will you help?”
“I don’t know just help me can you take care of me until I become a monster?”
“How are you going” I say but I stop when I see her little eyes. They look just like my pet bats, and his eyes are so cute! “Sure what’s your name?”
“Isabelle Bites, and who are you?”
“Dylan Bites nice to meet you. Now come I will take you to my friends house to see what you‘ll become.” I say I pick her up. “Push the window open!” I say. And she does so. I through her threw the window and jump out. I pick her up and run as fast as I can.

Chapter 6
I stop by my house real quick. I put the little girl down and let her walk in with me.
“Momma Daddy come here!” I scream. They walk in drinking blood wine. “This is Isabelle Bites do you know who she is?”
“Isabelle! Is that really you we have waited for you for months!” my mom says. It looks like she’s fixing to cry.
“That cant be her she‘s suppose to be older than Dylan.” my dad says.
“Mommy? Daddy? I missed you so much what happened?” Isabelle screams and jumps into there arms. I stare for a minute.
“WHAT’S GOING ON?” I scream.
“Dylan this is your little sister. She used to be older than you, we had her five years before you but some men took her away when we went down to the earth. She was only five when it happened and I guess she finally came back!” my dad said. I looked at both of them.
“Well how come she isn’t a vampire then?” I ask.
“She was until she got taken away.” my mom says. “I guess we have to turn her into one!”
“I‘ll do it.” I say and pull her to the side. She looks at me worried but I don’t care I take her to my bedroom and bite her neck. My mom and dad walks in twenty minutes later. She was finally a baby vampire. They stare at her and that’s it. I go back to
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