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Book online «All about my Creaturish Life by Dylan Langhi (red novels TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Dylan Langhi

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Chapter 1

So let me get this straight you don’t believe in monsters? Well your wrong! Because all of my friends including me are as you say “monsters”. but we are not even that we are loving, caring, and generous creatures. What am I saying we are not loving or caring not even generous, we are who we want to be like I could be Paris Hilton. So we are real but in our own part of the world ours is the best there can be there’s black and brown trees everywhere and no humans, it’s a monsters dream. Except for me and some others like I have to drink human blood sometimes so I have to go to their part of the world. I wish I was normal sometimes I don’t like being a “monster”. It bugs me that people call us that I just wish I could do something about it. But we live just like humans we go to school, we have houses, and we sleep. So what’s the deference between us huh? But anyways I love to have fun with my family and friends. “Dylan get out of your coffin right now!” my mom screamed. Today was Monday. I don’t like these days because I have to go to Monster Crow High. That’s the school that I’m forced to go to. “Dylan Bites get out of your coffin this instant or you’ll get grounded!” my dad yelled. As soon as he did I jumped out of bed and ran upstairs. “Yes daddy” I screamed “is today your big day?”
“Yes my little blood sucker now get dressed and go to school you don’t want to be late again.” he said and started pushing me to the wardrobe room. Its fun when we play like that because we have a game to see who gets finished first. Usually I lose but sometimes he’ll let me win! So I had to get dressed, drank some bloody temple, and ran out for the scarebus. I think its stupid to ride a bus to school because I have my wings! But I haven’t used them yet because I might brake one. I’m such a klutz!So as soon as I got on the bus everyone started clapping for no reason like everyday. I saw my friend Sam she’s a devil literally. I walk over to her while she text’s our friend Alice.
“Who are you texting?” I say in her crushes voice.
“Skylark I told you don’t come near me or I‘ll ___” she stopped “Hey sorry thought you were Skylark he‘s been bugging me for days!” her face turned white. That means she was blushing since she’s red she blushes white.
“Aw you like him! You love him you like him you want to marry him!” I said throwing my homework at the nerd that does it. “Hurry up it has to be done by third scream!” I screamed.
Chapter 2
When we finally got to school some kid picked me and Sam up and carried us off the bus. I nodded in approval to them saying that we would kiss them on the cheek. After Sam and I did the guys ran to there group. They were footballers so we made them look better after kissing there cheek.
“Allie you know how you said that there‘s a new monster coming?” I asked Allie. She looked at her horn stomped her hooves “Yea what about it?”
I stared at her for a minute “Where is it?” I say as nice as I can. She looks around and nays. This new monster is cute! He has to be a vampire he is as pale as me and has the same eye color. He has this cute muscular look when he takes his leather jacket off.
“Dylan this is Darren.” Allie said without looking at us.
“H-h-hi” Darren says staring into my eyes. I cant stop staring into his.
But of course it gets ruined by my “great” friends.
“Hey welcome to Monster Crow High if you need help you can either come to us or the nerds.” I say while getting my brand new “give me the blood” purse. Wow I think I’m in love! But I cant be I’ve never been in love before what am I going to do and what if the group finds out? I’m doomed! I guess I can tell them and we can all live like we use to and have new boyfriends. But right now I cant tell them maybe at a bad time so they’ll understand.
“Dylan hello are you there?” my friend Ella ask me. She’s the best friend that I have and I have a lot of them. After I met Darren I’ve been wanting to go to first scare because I heard he’s in the same class as I am!
After I talked and the scream ringed I let the football players carry me to my first scare. When they dropped me off I kissed there cheeks like usual. As I walked in I saw Darren talking to Marshall the class reaper. He is one of the scariest guys in that class but that’s because he’ll rip his face off if you make him mad. I walked over to them to see what they’re talking about.
“Well here comes my little princess! How do you do your majesty?” Marshall say’s while I stop right next to him. He knows that I don’t like him but he loves me and he protects me more than anything.
“Marshall, I thought I told you I‘m not your ‘little princes‘ but I appreciate you calling me that again.” I said as polite as possible so I could make a good impression.
“Hi again Dylan, are you and Marshall going out?” Darren ask in a quite don’t tell anyone tone.
“No way dude I wish we was but we are just friends. Unless you want to change your mind Dylan.” Marshall says staring at me one eyebrow up.
“You know about my vow with the ghouls unless we change our mind then I‘ll hook you and Sam up I know you have a lot in common.”
“No we don’t!”
“Yes you do you both like scaring people and you‘ll be cute together besides I have my eye on another ghoul.”
“Who is it?”
“Can‘t say but you heard nothing!”
“Fine I wont tell anyone.” He said and that was the last thing he said to me.
“So Darren since your new why don’t you sit with the football players at lunch today ill tell them to be easy on you for today.” I tell Darren, he shrug’s staring into my eyes again like earlier.
“Dylan why wont you date anyone?” he ask me so quietly not taking an eye of me.
“Because I‘m not ready to get hurt I heard when you date and you brake up you always get hurt.”
“Well if I dated you I would never hurt you.” he says. I cant breath, I cant speak all I do is turn as red as a cherry. I walk away still red while everyone stares at me. I have never blushed like this before and to a boy! What am I going to do? I think again. The teacher finally walks in.

Chapter 3

“Get to your seats.” he said. Since my old friend Holly moved and she sat right next to me I sit alone so I think he might have to sit by me! “Everyone meet Darren the new ghoul as Monster Crow everybody welcome him and treat him like you treat everyone.” the teacher says. He points at the chair next to me and makes Darren sit there. SCORE!! HE’S SITTING BY ME YAY! “Everybody get your partner and do experiment 201. Remember no rough housing. That includes you Marshall!” she says and sits in her teacher seat. She’ll probably fall asleep like usual.
“How do we do this?” Darren ask me.
“Open your book and look for page 201.”
“Okay and
“We go from there.”
“Oh okay thanks you’re a good help.”
“Welcome and you know you don’t have to be my partner.”
“Yea so.”
“Don‘t you want to have a guy partner and get to know them?”
“It doesn’t matter if you want a different partner then ill go to someone else.”
“You choose and let me see your screamuale.” I say. He hands me his screamuale.
1. Science Lab - Mr. Doubwell
2. Matholigy Mr. Hollowweb
3. Historic Ghouls - Mrs. Labrinith
4. Gym For Screams - Mr. Scare-O-Meter
5. Artoligic - Mrs. Scare-O-Meter
6.Laung Uage - Mrs. Doubwell
7. Read ‘bout Ghouls - Mrs. Cantgetadate

Wow he has the same classes as me every single one! Same for my friends. Now what can I do if I cant talk to him then he’ll stop liking me and if I talk to him all the time they’ll know I like him. Oh well I have to enjoy it.
“Dylan can you be my partner?” my friend Alice asks me. I look at Darren and he looks at me.
“Sorry I already have a partner. But next scare I will.”
“Okay!” she said and walked off. Darren is still staring at me.
“When will you start dating?” he asks me. I’m shocked again.
“Ask my group it‘s up to them.”
“But its your love life!”
“I know but__”
“But nothing you can choose if you want to date or not.” he screams. Nobody noticed. My mouth dropped open. I couldn’t talk again.
“What did you just say?”
“Its your love life you get to choose who you love, who you want to marry, and who you want to date! Not your friends.”
“I have never heard anyone talk to me like that.” I say in the saddest way I started crying.
“Just stop okay I hate people like that gosh maybe if I did date I would Marshall.” I scream and this time Marshall notices. He gets up and walks over to us. I couldn’t even talk anymore all I could do is get up and run. I ran out of the room so did Marshall and Darren. I turn around my make-up running my face as white as can be. Marshall comes up to me and gives me the biggest hug he could to make me feel better. I allowed him to and I actually hugged him back. I was so sad.
“Marshall I love you so much your always there for me and if I did date I would date you!” I said still crying.
He takes his jacket off and puts it around me. He faces Darren.
“What‘d you do to her she‘s never cried like this at school before.” Darren couldn’t even speak he just went back to the classroom and got all of my

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