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trousers. He also had a distinct accent.
“Which is worse Sam; her forgetting about Tom or forgetting her personality? Which would you prefer?” The guy sat on my left chirped in. He had luscious green eyes. They were so pure and round. They were beautiful.
“This is defiantly worse. I didn’t think the spell would have such a profound effect on her.” The one on my right said. He had light blue eyes and blonde hair. “Is there any way we can get the old Lucy back?” He asked the one in the middle.
“Is my name Lucy? What do you mean the old me? Who are you?” I asked again but no one answered me. The person on my left got up and left the room and I could hear him sobbing in the next room.
“We can remind her of what her life used to be like. Get some of her doodles out and her pictures out. Did she have a diary or anything like that that could remind her of her life?” The person in the middle said. The blonde boy got up and walked out of the room. I was on my own with a really weird person and a sobbing boy who had beautiful eyes.
I tried to think of a name for the boy with the green eyes. I thought I knew it but I wasn’t sure. “Josh?” I said out loud. The sobbing stopped abruptly and the boy appeared again. “You’re Josh aren’t you?” The boy nodded. “You have beautiful eyes.” I said quite quietly but he must have heard because he came closer to me. He kept on edging closer until he was almost as close to kiss me. “I have an idea.” He said and sat on the bed. He plucked the sheets out of my hands and folded them on my lap neatly. He leaned towards me and I instantly leaned towards like it was the right thing to do.
He kissed me like out first kiss was; sweet and gentle. He kissed each point of my mark like Sam did when he kissed me and then he moved his hands around my body like Tom did when he tried to rape me. Knowledge flooded my mind. I remembered everything about my life apart from my personality. That was just a blank space but I knew who people were and what Josh had said before the amnesia kicked in. “You said you loved me.” I said to him in a quiet whisper. He nodded and then pulled away. Sam came in the room and sighed a sigh of relief when he saw I was near enough back to normal.

Chapter Twenty Two

Josh came and got me for school the next day. He told me when I gripped his hand that everyone knew about the amnesia and the different me and to just ignore anyone doing anything wrong and either him or Sam would be with me in lessons. “Don’t worry. No one’s going to bother you.” Josh said as we came to Combat.
Everyone started to stare to see if there was anything visibly wrong with me. I felt really shy when everyone did that and hid behind Josh to stop people from staring at me. Josh turned to face me still holding my hand. “Why do they stare like that? It’s really intimidating.”
“Well. The guys stare because you are the hottest girl in the school and the girls stare because they wish they were you. Don’t feel intimidated by them. It’s their normal behaviour around you.” Josh said back and turned me to face everyone with him. I gripped onto his hand so tightly when we went in and I had to sit on my own. I can’t believe he didn’t complain about it.
When Professor Reeves explained what we had to do, Josh moved over to sit with me. He said he always did but I’m not sure. No one bothered me that lesson and no one said a word about me that I could hear. Josh had to help me all through the lesson because I couldn’t remember what I had to do. I couldn’t remember anything of what I was meant to do.
When the bell rang everyone got up and packed away. I packed my things neatly in my bag and picked it up. Josh had to pack my bag that morning because I didn’t remember what lessons I had or what I needed. Josh gripped my hand and led me out of the classroom. People were still staring at me as I came out of the classroom. I tried to hide behind Josh again but he wouldn’t let me.
When we came to my next classroom – Josh told me it was Performing Arts – Sam was waiting outside the door for me. “People in this class won’t bother you either. I told Professor that you would prefer to sit and watch and see if you can gain any more memory back.” Sam said as we approached him. Josh squeezed my hand and then hugged me. He said he would see me at break and left me with Sam. He squeezed my shoulder which made me wince. Everybody was watching that and stared at me in disbelief. What was their problem? How did I normally act around Sam? How was I supposed to know?
Some one came out of the crowd and walked towards me. I remembered her face but nothing about her. I sunk back against the wall trying to get as far away as possible from this girl. Sam turned to me mirroring the girl’s astonished look. “Lucy. Don’t you remember Angela?” I shook my head and Sam grabbed my hand and led me over to Angela. She threw her arms around me. “I’m so glad you’re al right When I heard what had happened to you I was so worried and I wanted to come and see you but Sam and Josh stopped me. You do remember them don’t you?” I nodded and as I smelled her hair, I remembered her and everything that she had done for me. I pulled away from her. “Sorry I didn’t remember you.” I said to Angela and then walked back to Sam and shuffled up beside him. He was smiling at me, happy that I remembered Angela?
The bell went and I walked into the classroom and sat next to Sam. I watched the class intently trying to remember anything and everything. Nothing came to my mind through the whole lesson and when the bell went, I got up and Sam led me to the hall. I found Josh sat on a table with Angela and he rushed over to me and gripped my hand. He led me over to the table and sat down next to me. People were stealing glances at me when I thought they weren’t looking. I got really nervous and self-conscious. When I said this to Josh he just laughed. “They are looking at how incredibly beautiful you are. Don’t be self-conscious about it.” He said to me kissing me on my cheek.
When the bell went for next lesson, Josh stood up and gripped my hand and pulled me up. He leant into me and then kissed me on my lips. He was sweet and gentle to start then hard for a bit before there was a cough behind us. He pulled away from me and we both turned to see Angela looking at us like a teacher. She tutted and then walked ahead of us. Josh squeezed my hand and pulled me along to my next class.
The day went on like that. Josh sitting with me in the lessons he had with me and Sam with me the rest. I didn’t talk in any of my lessons and I didn’t do anything either. I just sat and stared at other people to see what they were doing. Sam and Josh made me drink blood every hour to make sure I kept my strength up. Sam even tried to get me to bite him but I remembered enough of my life to know I didn’t do that.
When I got back to my room, Josh was sat on my sofa. I jumped when I saw him but he seemed to be expecting things like this for a while. As he got up I noticed a pile of papers sitting on my coffee table. I asked what they were and Josh smiled. “You’re going to be back to normal in no time after I’ve finished with you.” He said into my ear as he hugged me. He pulled away and gripped my hand and turned to Sam. “I can take her from here. I’ll give her blood and look after her.” Much to my surprise Sam just walked out of the room and shut the door behind him.
Josh pulled me over to the sofa and sat me down. He then spread out the papers in a circle behind me. He then made a circle of white candles around the papers. There was a gap in the middle big enough for two people to sit cross legged. Once he had finished, he came back to me and pulled me up and led me over to the circle, careful not to move any of the papers or candles. We both sat cross legged in the centre of the circle. Josh pulled out a piece of paper and a knife. He handed me the paper and then picked up the knife. “You say the words and then drink blood from me. That’s the only way to get you back to your normal self.” I nodded and looked down at the paper.
As I started to read the words of a complicated spell, Josh pulled the knife back and slit his wrist. I could smell the blood but forced myself to carry on with the spell. When I finished the spell, I leant into Josh and put my mouth on his wrist. I started sucking and pain and pleasure filled me to bursting point. I wanted to stop but I couldn’t. I continued sucking Josh’s cool and sweet blood while knowledge overpowered the pain and the pleasure. I remembered everything of my life’ my childhood, school, becoming a vamp, everything.
As I remembered, I was able to pull away from Josh and stop his bleeding. I rubbed my fingers over his cuts and he moaned with the pain. I got up and tried to pull Josh up with me but he had passed out because of the blood loss. I cast a levitation spell on him and made him float over to the sofa and lay him there. I ran over to him and cut my neck with the knife he used and pressed it against his mouth. I squeezed the cut so blood would ooze out and into Josh’s mouth. As the first drops went into his mouth, he swallowed and sucked. The pleasure was intense and refreshing and memorial. It reminded me of Sam and how he did this to my wrist and I did it to

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