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Book online «Blood Dripping Fingertips by Meghan Escott (best ereader for pdf and epub .txt) 📖». Author Meghan Escott

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shirt on. My jumper had been pulled on and my blouse was half undone.
When Sam pulled away from my room, he located my mouth and started kissing me with amazing passion. I did my best not to kiss him back because he had continued to undo the buttons on my blouse. I pushed on his shoulders but they wouldn’t budge. I tried everything to get him off me but nothing worked. I couldn’t pull my mouth away from his to speak to him and I couldn’t get him off me. I tried magic but I wasn’t trained so far as not to murmur words to create the magic. I thought of the only thing left to do and I did it.
I shouted to him through the mind and as my message hit him, he winced and lifted himself off of me. I scrambled out from underneath him and got to my feet. He rolled over and sat cross legged on the floor. I quickly started buttoning up my blouse. I located my jumper and pulled it over my head, ripping my neck in the process. I screamed in pain and then collapsed on the floor. I touch a hand to my neck and it was pouring out blood. I quickly took off my jumper again, screwed it into a ball then set it my neck.
Sam had come over to me and was trying to help me. He reached out his hand to grip mine but I pulled it away from him. “Don’t...touch me. Get...Destinie.” I said to him, gasping for air while trying not to scream in pain. He reached over to squeeze my shoulder but I jerked it out of the way. I screamed in pain at my sudden movement and collapsed on the floor.
Sam quickly went to the door and asked Professor Slakovitch to call Destinie and ask her to come straight away. He shut the door and came back over to him. I shook my head at him so he settled next to me moving strands of hair out of the broken wound and my soaking jumper.
Destinie came and ran straight over to me. She removed the jumper and winced at what she saw. She glanced at Sam and shook her head. She got out her first aid kit and got to work. I screamed and yelped at most of it but every time Sam tried to touch me, I growled at him and he withdrew. Every time I did this, Destinie looked at me and winced. She continued with my treatment until I had stopped bleeding. She helped me up and I thanked her. I agreed that I would come to her straight after my classes had finished and she left me and Sam in the office.
“What did you think you were thinking? A quick suck of blood and I would want to have sex with you?” I asked Sam as soon as she had left the room.
“I didn’t plan it. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing. You made no attempt to stop me. You seemed to be enjoying it and you wanted to have sex with me. Just admit it; much as you don’t want to, you love me. You want me. I want you as I have just proved. You wanted me this morning. What’s changed?” He said to me lifting his head and staring at me.
“Yes I wanted you this morning. What has changed is that you decided this morning when I needed blood and you gave it to me in the middle of a classroom with a teacher watching. Anyone could have walked in and you didn’t give me a choice and I will probably always want that choice. And again now; you bit me and didn’t give me a choice. If that is how your blood makes me react, then I don’t any more of it. Surely you see that?” I was practically shouting now and it was a wander people in the classroom couldn’t hear me. Sam was staring at me with calm eyes. He acted like nothing had just happened and we were just old mates. “You’ve done it again Sam. If you want me to drink, you’ll have to use magic or brutal force and I can near enough beat both. Good luck with that.” I said and then opened the door and walked into the empty classroom.
I glanced at my watch and saw that it was nearly time for Thought Control. I growled with rage and then walked off in that direction. I stopped halfway to the door and took out my mirror. I looked at my neck and saw that it had a bright white bandage on it again. I made magic obey me and soon enough a turtle neck jumper was within my grasps outside the door to the classroom. I picked it up and put it on careful not to rip open my neck and proceeded out to my Thought Control classroom.
People were waiting outside the classroom. I joined them and walked in silently when the bell went. Professor Alcove sensed something was off with me and sat behind me again. Professor Alcove could read minds and he was defiantly reading mine. The pictures on the board interested me but I just couldn’t concentrate and by the end of the lesson, Professor Alcove probably knew most of my secrets, wishes and desires and she had reinforced the all of the cuts that were just fading away. I had them on both arms, both legs, down my back, across my stomach and on my mark. I was practically dripping blood by the end of the lesson. Professor Alcove gave me some bandages and some tape and I started to sort myself out.
Each bandage was as painful as the next but I didn’t flinch or show any emotion. I finished doing up the bandages and scurried off to Art and Drawing. I got there just in time and sat down in my seat at the back just when the bell had finished ringing. I thought back to my day and my life and the events that had happened over the years that I could draw. The more I thought, the more I could think of. I drew every idea until the end of the lesson and continued writing down ideas on my way back to my room.
When I got there, Sam was waiting patiently on my dining table with all of his equipment. I sat in the chair next to him like I always did and waited for the lesson to begin. He reached out to my hand but I pulled it away from him like before. He tried to get my eye contact but I kept avoiding his. He tried everything on me and nothing would make me meet his gaze.
He started to use his vampire speed and dart around the room to where I was looking. I would move my head away from his eyes but he just moved around and around trying to met my gaze. Eventually it worked and he met my gaze before I could jerk my head away and even if I had tried, both of us knew that it would open my neck again and neither of us wanted that.
Why won’t you let me touch you? Why won’t you talk to me? Why won’t you let me look into your eyes?
He thought to me, slowly walking over to me, never taking his eyes off of me. I started to feel uncomfortable but I knew he wouldn’t stop until he got his answers. “You know all the answers to those questions.” I said to him trying to sound cold and horrible but failing miserably. “No, Lucy I don’t.” He was nearly touching me now. “What happened to you? You’re not who you were when I met you. I need that Lucy. The nice, gentle, slightly shy Lucy. Not the horrible, consumed and I think depressed Lucy that is here in front of me.” He said to me. He placed his hand on mine and when I didn’t pull away from him, he entwined his fingers around mine. It felt normal and right but wrong at the same time. “Take these.” He got out a box and placed them in front of me. “They will help with the depression. I can help you if you let me. Please Lucy, let me help you. I love you and I don’t want to lose you.”
I looked from the box to Sam to our hands entwined. I gave a helpless nod and held Sam’s hand back. He squeezed and both of us jumped at the knock at my door.

Chapter Twenty Six

Josh came into my room and sat on the sofa. Sam sat on the dining table and I hovered waiting one of them to do something. Sam cracked first. He got up and got a glass of water from the tap and handed it to me. I picked up the box of medicine and went into my bed room and took one. I then picked up the drawings I had done an hour before and handed them to Josh. He looked at the scenes I had drawn of him and me together and then to the one of him attacking me. I had cleverly left out any that involved Sam – there were many of them, this one another to add to the list. I quickly did that while Sam went over to Josh and studied the pictures as well.
When I got back into the room, Josh was looking at me expectantly and Sam was still looking at the drawings. I held my hand to Josh and he took it and stood up. I took his hand and placed it to my neck and to the bandage. He winced when I placed his hand there and sadness filled him. Because I was in his mind, I felt all of his sadness. I wobbled but Josh steadied me. I nodded at him and pulled back my hair away from my shoulder.
Josh gently eased my jumper neck down and flinched at the remaining bite marks around the bandage. Without him asking, I removed my jumper and threw it onto the couch. He started easing away the tape trying not to hurt me. He knew he was and I knew he would hurt me even more in a couple of minutes. I remained in his mind all through this process and I wish I hadn’t.
He finally got the tape off of my neck and to prevent my bandage coming off, he pressed his hand onto it. I bit the inside of my lip to stop me moaning in pain. He seemed to know I was in pain so as gently but quickly as possible he took off the bandage and looked at what he had done. He gave a sharp intake of breath when he saw it and shock, horror, worry and disgust filled him and since I was in his mind, filled

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