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Book online «Tempore by J.D. Marin, Faithettie, A. Rivero (e reader books .TXT) 📖». Author J.D. Marin, Faithettie, A. Rivero

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Then, Voldie the Oldie unexpectedly rolled in on an ancient wheelchair.

"What're you doing here?" Everybody chorused.

"Well, I'm on a Russian expedition," Voldie said.

"Oh yeah? Well, we just fought a vampire with a Japanese avalanche! With your wand

!" Scott yelled.

"Now, gimme back my wand

!" Voldie shouted. He transformed back into his original, not-so-crippled-but-still-really-ugly form. He snatched the wand from Scott. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go destroy Stephenie Meyer." And he flew away. He quickly returned for a second to steal Faith's twinkies, and flew away once more.

"Not again!" Faith bellowed, her cries of misery ringing out through Russia.


"Oh, whoever could it be?" asked Ms. Stephenie Meyer. (Talk about deja vu) She opened the door and freaked out. "Voldemort! I already told you to leave my house when you wanted to marry me thirty years ago, I'm not gonna tell you again!" She slammed the door in his face.

"Nice try, Stephenie," Voldie cackled, opening the door.

"Why do you need magic to open a stupid door?"

"Because I don't like to waste energy."

"But you are wasting energy, remember?"

"Well, you only know because you used to be one of us," said Voldemort.

"I was, but now I'm one of them," said Stephenie, pointing to a Twilight book. "Now, get out of my house or you'll join us


"Okay, okay!" Voldie said, backing away. "But just remember this: uhm...I forgot what want you to remember...hang on...oh yeah! But just remember this

!" He said, pointing his wand at her. "Lamia congelus!"

Stephenie froze there, in the doorway.

"Goodbye, Stephenie," Voldie said, flying away on his feces-covered broom and disappearing.

Suddenly, fire appeared at the door. It cleared, and the person who stood there was none other than...ATTICUS THORN. (another video game character once believed not to exist)

"Oh, hello, Ms. Meyer," he said scornfully. "So you want to cancel Midnight Sun, huh?" He started to make strange choking noises, and then turned into a huge worm.

From nowhere, the three kids appeared, and Amy still had the Beacon.

"Oh, the Beacon. I haven't seen that in over a hundred years." Atticus sucked the Beacon into his mouth like a vacuum.

"Noo!" cried Amy.

Atticus tossed the Beacon at them with a crystal core in the center.

Amy got an idea. "I have an idea!" She said. She pulled out a purple poke ball and stuffed it into the crystal core of the Beacon. "Ellie and Jessie, I choose your power

!" As she said that, she sounded demonic, like when a person is possessed on TV or something. Lightning cracked behind her.

"It is time

," she continued.

Suddenly there was a flash of bright pink light. The Soul Gems were sucked immediately into the Beacon along with the pokeball, and a familiar southern belle voice came on. "I'll help you!"

Madame Leota, it was.

"Leota," Thorn said scornfully.

"Come on, kids! Let's do it!"

Then the Beacon started to float into the sky by itself, and it shot a bright light into Atticus, making him explode. The entire world let out a large cheer. Little did the children know that a new threat was lurking -- high school.


That was in 2008. This world. . .it has changed far too much. The next part is the strangest to come. . .

Chapter 4: The 2010

One fine day, Scott sat in the spillout of his high school during break. Actually, he was mindlessly bothering people with his friends Karen and Nugget - these were his high school friends since Amy and Faith ended up going to different schools. "Now that I've pretty much told you guys about the old days, it's time for you to join me in a demonstration." he said to his friends. "What?" asked Nugget. "You want us to just leave like that?" wondered a confused and bewildered Karen out loud. Without word, Scott linked his friends together in that arm-in-arm wedding-type pose with Karen in the middle. They all walked casually, in sync down the stairs, through the hallway, and out the door into the football field located in the rear of Coral High School. Once they were out of view of any possible security guard threat, they ran towards the parking lot, still in rhythm.

"Why are we here?" asked Karen, "Do you have a car or something?" "Or something." Scott replied with a wicked grin, gesturing towards none other than. . . . . . . . . . JUSTIN BIEBER'S TOUR BUS! They all climbed into the luxurious vehicle. "Great," said an impressed Nugget, "but who's gonna drive?" "Is our bus driver the Biebs?" asked Kari, making 'the Biebs' sound like a South-African hive disease. They all walked into the bus' 'cockpit' and around spun the driver's seat. Who was in it? asks the reader. Steffy. Steffy was a friend of the original children from R Middle School. It was easy to distinguish her when her afro puff-like hair was in view. She said nothing as the brakes hissed, and the bus suddenly jerked forward. Scott and Nugget enjoyed the rush while Karen was absolutely pinned to her seat in terror. Suddenly, the closet door flew open, revealing Justin Bieber all tied up with his mouth duct-taped. A short, chubby girl about seven years old with a head the shape of a watermelon and a purple book bag (with a face) shoved him aside and walked out. "Where are we going?" asked Dora the Explorer and then clapped three times rhythmically. Nobody had an answer.

Before she had the chance to ask again, Scott opened up a large window, and the vacuum coming from the bus' high velocity with the window open sucked Dora out into the expressway. The body rolled backwards into oncoming traffic, and the last thing the teens saw of her was a small gray monkey wearing red boots sticking up the middle finger at her corpse and dancing on the pile of paraphernalia from her now tire-marked, squished backpack.

The brakes hissed again as the bus pulled over at G. H. B. High School and it was in a secluded place - right in the middle of a major four-way intersection. Everyone (except Bieber) left the bus and secured it as they walked into the learning institution casually, as if they weren't a group of teenagers that had just killed America's leading preschool sensation on America's second-best pop sensation's tour bus. They walked by three security guards, donning artificial mustaches and not moving an eye of suspicion in their direction. Steffy pointed at a classroom and hissed in her attempt at a man-ish voice "That one." They thrust the door open and Nugget boomed, "Faith! Come out here! Now

!". Not the students nor the teacher even glanced in the gang's direction. They were all texting and updating their statuses while the teacher slept. Faith, seeing no harm in walking over to a group of disguised teenagers posing as some sort of administration merrily skipped out into the hall. The kids all locked arms and ran. Their facial hair fell off, and Faith exclaimed happily, "Oh, it's you guys! Yeee

!". Scott introduced Faith to Karen and Nugget, and Steffy introduced Faith to Paula, who was a quiet friend of Steffy's (yes, she was there the whole time). They all entered the bus, and Justin Bieber was sitting in the kitchenette eating macaroni and cheese - in his pajamas! "Oh my gosh

!" Faith screeched as she glanced in the direction of the pop star. "Is that mac and cheese with soy bacon

?" he nodded, a bit disappointed that nobody had acknowledged his celebrity status once in the entire day.

Everyone got strapped in, and Steffy slammed the accelerator. Now they had to travel about forty minutes to Rorgan Mobert Educational Center.

About halfway there, the bus put-putted to a halt. "What happened?" asked Nugget. Karen was asleep, Paula was texting, Scott was playing some license plate game with Faith, Nugget was having a taste of Justin Bieber's blood (didn't tell you he was a vampire?), and Steffy was telling the group, "Guys, we need gas." Justin, who was about to lose consciousness suggested that we go to BP. Nugget decided to finish him off when Scott shouted, "Don't kill him! We'll need him later, trust me." Instead, they went to the Shell across the street.

Earlier that day, Faith was sitting in her desk, humming some sort of sick, twisted song with a little girl's singing voice happily doing her extremely complicated and seemingly pointless assignment. Three, two, one. She chanted in her thoughts, and the teacher's head fell to the desk in exhaustion and lack of motivation for his worthless life. Now she was drawing bleeding flowers on her desk with a color-changing iridescent ink purchased from some store in some place. Her surrounding students seldom glanced over at her, and she grinned as she realized so. With a teacher that could bore himself to sleep, there was no need to torture him in the fashion of Mr. S. two years ago. Memories, memories, indeed. She thought. Before she had realized it, the time passed quite quickly. It had already been an hour. I wonder, does Kraft make mac and cheese with soy bacon? Just then, a troop of mustachioed people burst through the door, interrupting her random contemplating of simple vegetarian meals for the home. "Faith! Come out here! Now!


"Well, you all know what this means," implied Faith. Scott nodded in agreement. Everyone else just stared at them with oblivious faces. "we make the pop star push!" she finished. Before anyone had realized it, Justin was chained to the back of his own bus, pushing it with his puny strength. After all, he was only one sixteen-year-old boy, and the shortest one of the group at that. He pushed with all his might, grunting in agony as everyone else sat inside lounging around like worthless lumps. All except for Paula, who was standing on top flogging him with a very long Slim Jim (much to Faith's disapproval).

Nugget was laying on top of the small rug in the onboard bathroom of the bus, counting the stars in the night sky (despite the fact that he was under the roof of the bus in broad daylight), when suddenly the bus lurched forward and the speed became extremely dangerous! He ran out to find the other members of the bus huddled around the rear window in awe. Some bizarre flame had engulfed 'the Biebs' and was shoving the bus forward extremely quickly. Before anyone else had realized it, the bus stopped in front of Rorgan Mobert. The flame actually evaporated off of an alive and shocked Justin Bieber and was entering the bus' door. The lights flickered and each one burned out, sending sparks everywhere. The flame pierced the air with its deadly smell, and suddenly burned out. Standing in the pile of ashes that was once a flame was Arlene, another middle school friend with bright red hair, indeed. Faith hugged Arlene with a squeal, and they jumped up simultaneously. Scott followed suit, whereas everyone else simply said "Hello,". Steffy on the other hand looked on in resentment.

After leaving Justin Bieber in the bus and donning fake mustaches (yet again), they stepped into the school and walked by security nonchalantly. "That's her room" said Steffy in a better man impression while pointing at a door. The children walked in only to find something bizarre - their other middle school friend Carla was singing into a microphone while everyone else looked on. Arlene, who opted for large sunglasses to complete her disguise walked over to the instructor

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