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Book online «My Best Friends Brother by Gabby Scranton (ebook e reader txt) 📖». Author Gabby Scranton

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with some slut.”
I gasped , the lights still hadn’t turned on but.. I mean I’m still wearing the same clothes.
“I will not cry, I will not cry.” I told myself.
“My names Todd and this isn’t some slut it’s- “
I turned around.
His eyes widened. “Faith?!”
I felt the tears in my eyes, too late now..
“Just leave me the fuck alone Shane!” I screamed before running to the bathroom, before I could embarrass myself any further.

The Freakout

Faith's POV
I fell to into the corner onto the cold bathroom floor. Maybe Shane was right, maybe I am a slut..
“He didn’t know it was you Faith,” something in my mind told me.
But I couldn’t listen, he had to know. Who else has he met so far that has my hair color? He HAD to know, he HAD to.
There was a soft knock on the door.
“Fay, Faith? Are you ok?” I heard Todd ask softly.
I quickly whipped away the mascara and tears, then splashed some water on my face to get rid of the puffiness.
“Uh yeah, I’m fine. I just needed a moment.”
“Are you sure? I mean I’ll come in.” He asked worried.
“No!” I said a little too quickly.
I looked at myself in the mirror. My normally pink lips were red and puffy,, my hair was in knots and my clothes were wrinkled.
“Oh god, I am a slut. Shane is right, why does Todd even like me? What if he thinks I’m a slut too?” My head was spinning and my vision was blurry. I tried to shake it off and unlocked the door when everything went black.
I walked into school the next morning with my head still a bit foggy. I couldn’t remember much, but I continued walking down the hallway to my locker.
Was written all over my locker.
My eyes filled with tears. Who could of wrote this? I looked all around me and slowly a small crowd was coming together. I looked in the front of all the people and my eyes quickly made their way to a laughing Chelsea.
“Chelsea?” I asked pained.
“What do you want, bitch?”
“Chels! It’s me Faith, your best friend. What are you doing?”
“Just stating the obvious.”
“But-” The waterworks started flowing down my cheeks.
“Silly, Faith, Faith, Faith-”


“Faith! Faith please wake up!” Then I heard screaming, “What the fuck did you two do to her? What the fuck?”
My head was spinning but I slowly tried to sit up.
“Faith? Faith, oh my gosh! What did they do to you? Let me guess was it Shane. Because if it is I will personally go to his room in the middle of the night and cut off his balls.”
I smiled, same old Chelsea.
“Well, you see I have something to tell you, but you have to promise not to get mad.”
“Ohhh, let me guess! OK, did Shane ask you out?” She almost sounded excited.
“What the hell? NO!”
“Ohh-” She said sadly then quickly covered herself up, “Good because you can do way better then that jerk off.”
“Well actually,” I stopped hesitantly. “Todd and I are dating.” I looked down at my shoes and blushed.
“You and To-. OH MY FUCKING JESUS! Faith and Todd sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. FIrst comes LOVE-”
“That’s enough Chelsea, besides I have a headache.” I said holding my head.
“You passed out because Todd asked you out? I get your excited, but were you really that excited?”
“Uh, yeah, I just was so happy. It got the best of me...”
“Lair, lair pants on fire! Do you smell that? Because I think it reaks of... LIAR. Jeez Fay, you are the worst liar ever. Now, what really happened?”
“Ok, Ok... well i may have or may not have been making out with Todd on the couch when your jerk of an idiot of a brother comes in and yells, who are you and why are you making out with some slut. I know it may not seem that big but-”
“Shane Jeremiah Willow, get your ass here right now!”
I heard a groan and a shuffling of feet.
“What do you want?” he asked sounding annoyed.
“I was woken up at 3:30 in the morning to find out my best friend passed in my bathroom because of my stupid brother.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Ha, yeah right. Now, I don’t care what the hell your problem is with Faith, but you need to cut it out. This is ridiculous.”
“Don’t get your panties in a twist MOM. I’ll leave your precious girlfriend alone.”
“I hate you Shane, I never want to see you again.” I quickly yelled after him.
“The feeling’s mutual Fire Truck.”
Chelsea engulfed me in a giant hug. “Faith, I am so sorry! I don’t know what his problem is or why he hates you so much but-”
“Chels it’s fine. I promise, I’ll just ignore him.”
“Ok, now what about Todd.”
We looked over to see Todd gently snoring and both of us burst into a fit of giggles. I yawned.
“I don’t know about you but I’m exhausted.”
“Same here.”
I went over to Todd and got us blankets and snuggled close to him. He stirred and smiled when he saw me.
“I’m so sorry Fay,” he whispered.
“It’s not your fault.” I whispered back.
“I know but-”
I cut him off by kissing him. He smiled against my lips.
“You don’t have to say it back but I love you Faith. I always have and always will.”
Love?! DId he say love?

The Breakup

Faith’s POV
The word love went through my mind all night. I mean Todd is adorable and sweet and is also one of my best friends but, do I love him? And I he does have those irresistible green eyes, and has those hip lines… I mean hello? Like mental orgasm right there. But, do I love him?
“Morning Beautiful,” Todd’s husky morning voice whispered in my ear as he kissed my cheek and yawned. “Why up so early babe, the suns not even up!”’
I laughed. “Todd its 10:30, it’s not early.”
“What?! It’s like still dark outside! Maybe there’s been an apocalypse!”
“Their called curtains.” I replied giggling in his ear.
“Ohh, pshhh I knew that!!”
“’Uhhuh, sure you did.”
We just laid next to each other for a few minutes with a comfortable silence.
He whispered, “Is it really 10:30 as is like, 10:30 am? ”’
I got up and laughed. “Yes Todd, it is 10:30 as in like 10:30 am. Now come on, I’m hungry and I think I smell pancakes.”
As if just on cue Chelsea’s mom called us both down for breakfast.
As we walked downstairs Todd wrapped his arm around my waist and put his lips on my temple, making melt inside. When we reached the bottom of the steps we heard a gasp followed by a chuckle.
“Well, if it isn’t the two love birds,” Chelsea stated with a chuckle.
I glared at her playfully and mouthed the words ‘I hate you’ to her. She of course just blew it aside and stuck out her tongue.
Then all of a sudden there was a loud squeal. “Oh my word, I knew this day would come! I saw the way Todd always looked at you with that bit of lust in his eyes. Oh, you look perfect together. Rob dear, wouldn’t they make the most gorgeous babies?? Shane get me the camera!!! Eeeeee!!!”
Todd and I just stood there with red faces while Shane let out a snort and rolled his eyes.
“Uhh, thanks Ms. Willow, it actually just happened last night.” I told her with a small smile.
“Faith deary, how many times have I told you to call me Ella, or even Mom. I mean, come on sweetie, it’s no secret you’re like a daughter to me. And you have better of used protection!”
Todd cut in. “No worries Ms. Willow, we didn’t do anything of that sort.”
“Good you to- Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. Faith, Todd, meet my son Shane. He will be living here for a while with us for a while.”
I smiled politely, “Yes, Ella, we’ve met.”
“Ohhhh great!!”
“Yes, anyways, anyone up for some pancakes. I don’t know about you guys but I am starving!”
Ella and Rob just shared werid looks and shrugged.
For the first time this morning Rob spoke up. “Ok guys and girlies, we got buttermilk, blueberry, chocolate chip, whole wheat, strawberry banana pancakes, belgin waffles, bacon, canadian bacon, turkey bacon, sausage, sweet and spicy, eggs how ever you like them, white and whole wheat toast, orange juice and milk. So ya’ll what would it be?”
Shanes gorgeous eyes widdened. No! Not gorgeous, just very very very BAD eyes. Faith he has bad eyes, not eyes that make you want to stare into them for hours. NO, UGLY.
“Shut up Faith, you know you like him.”
“What? Who said that?”
Ella stared at me strangley. “Sweetie, I thought you said you guys met already.” She pointed to Shane. “That’s Shane, and he asked if breakfast was always like this.”
Now I was confused. “Wait what? I know who he is. I thought…. Oh never mind.”
“Okkk honey,” Ella felt my forehead, “you don’t seem warm. How do you feel? I could get some medication or something….”
“Ma, I’m sure Fay’s fine. Right Fay?”
“Yup Chels, everything is handy dandy!”
“Now that’s kinda strange…” Todd piped up.
“Oh shut up Toad!” Chelsea yelled with her tongue out.
“And yet I’m still the immature one?”
“Can you three just shut the fuck up?” Shane screamed.
Both Rob and Ella made a small gasp. “What is up with you?”Ella demanded.
“It’s these fucking two bickering people over hear and his little girlfriend. It’s 10:30 in the fucking morning and the last thing I needed to hear was the three musketeers over hear yelling about frogs!” Shane was coming dangerously close.
I could feel my mouth gape open and tears falling from my eyes. Todd threw a protective arm in front of my waist while Shane was walking now even closer. Before anyone

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