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Book online «The Butterfly Effect by Gabby Scranton (epub e reader TXT) 📖». Author Gabby Scranton

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Chapter 1- The News

Jamie's~ POV


So, my idiot father decided it would be a great idea to send me to this "camp," over the summer. And, to make it worse, he's sending me there with his boss's daughter, Kara, my opposite in and out. Oh and don't forget about her oh so amazing boyfriend. Gag me please.


Kara's the stereotypical cheerleader type, with her platinum blonde hair, striking blue eyes, a slim build, straight A's, and the popularity that many girls crave. Unlike me, Jamie Dutton, who has the dull brown hair, dark green eyes, small, lanky build, low grades, a sarcastic attitude, and easily forgotten.


So anyways this is how it starts:


As I walk down the wooden stairs I hear my dad call my name. "Jamie, come here please," I can sense that his tone is serious


. I continue my way into our modern living room decorated with a medium brown suede couch, a big family flatscreen TV on the wall, a beautiful stone fireplace, perfect for roasting marshmallows in, and a few old pictures of our family and friends.


 "Hey dad, 'sup?" I say casually. Then I see my dad's boss, "Oh, hello Mr. Reyes." I greet him smoothly


"Jamie, how many times do I have to tell you it's Micheal?" Micheal says with a smile.


 I grin back at him and turn to my dad, "You called me?"


 My dad shoots me a look before talking, "Yes, do you remember Micheal's daughter Kara?"


"Uhh yeah, I think I've seen her around school before."



Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies. How could I not know Kara, she's basically the ruler of the school, the one boys would give there left nut for . She's also pretty fucking evil if you ask me. Poor Johnny has been doing her english papers since the seventh grade. All she can do in return and give him a wink and a kiss on the cheek. Not to mention even though she's dating Todd she still manages to get away with sleeping with the entire football team.IT's either he's too stupid to notice or he just doesn’t give a shit.


My dad smiles. "Good, because Micheal has offered me something I know you'll love." Ok, now i'm intrigued. Mr. Reyes is ballin' in dough. Maybe I'll get that new phone or something in exchange for like, I dunno...


"Continue," I say, and my dad rolls his eyes. I know I'm being rude but I got it play It causal. Try not to get to excited and get my hopes up.


"Micheal has offered you two free months.... ,” he stopped leaving a dramatic pause. “IN CALIFORNIA."


"Oh cool," I try to say cooly.Two full months across the country away from my family? OMGGEE YESSS!!! I've been bound so tightly by my parents for my entire life. It's always been school this and school that. Everyone expects so much of me and my grades still suck.


"What makes it even better..." My dad was seriously getting me jittery. What could be any better? I grew excited, and bounced in my seat anxiously.


"Is that you'll be able to spend it with Kara! Isn't that great?” Micheal asked me excitedly. Did you hear that? That popping sound? That was my ego exploding. And then just when I thought things couldn't get any worse my dad had to add... "Oh and one more thing, her boyfriend Todd has been invited as well, but don't worry about him. Honey, I bet you can't wait! It's in a beautiful camp called "Camp Linitoukia.”


“ Don't worry about cost, everything will be paid for, including food, transportation, and anything else you need." Mr. Reyes. I mean Michael, pitched in.


Whoopee! Spending eight weeks with a girl who has more clothes then the Queen of England and her very obnoxious, cocky boyfriend, who have both barley acknowledged my existence for the past eleven years. No problem!


"Listen dad, as great as that sounds I sort of already made plans to spend time with Brittany, Caitlin, and Barbara over the summer." I can't hurt the old man can I?


"Sorry Jamie, this isn't up for discussion, I've already took up the offer and your mother agrees that this is a good experience for you."


"But DAD, this isn't fair!" I whine like a child. Mature right?


"Jamie!" dad scolds me. "I already said this is NOT up for discussion."


"What do you want me to say, whoopee, can't wait!?"


Michael quickly cuts in. "Well Jamie, you and Kara will be leaving in two weeks. See you then."


My dad and Michael shake hands before they get up, Micheal dusts invisible specks off his trousers, and disappears out the door leaving me in a fuming state. Thanks a lot Micheal.


When he finally leaves I glare at my dad. "Dad, how could you do this to me? How could you ship me off to California with KARA and TODD for two months? How could you do all of this without even talking to me first?"


"First off, young lady, don't speak to me like that. Secondly, I knew you have always wanted to go to California! Think of this as an opportunity!"


"Dad, I'm seventeen! You ask teenagers before you decide you want to ship them across the country first!"


My dad just ignores me and leaves. Now who's mature? I stomp away! UGH!!! How can he do this to me?

Chapter 2- On The Plane

** 2 Weeks Later **


"Now Sweetie, do you have everything? Your toothbrush, hairbrush..." As my Mom goes on and on and on, I just nod my head and roll my eyes. My mother insisted that I pack extra carefully which ended in taking 4 hours of my time!


"Yes mother, I have everything I need. Now can I please go? I'm going to miss the flight! It leaves in about an hour!" My mom gives me a long painful hug before kissing me on the cheek and telling me to call, blah, blah, blah.


I grab my backpack and my two suitcases and take of to the gates that will lead me to hell. And if the trip could not get any better, so far my mother has not been giving me any space. She's been constantly fluttering around me like an anxious bird, asking me every other second if I needed anything. Perhaps a drink from the nearby vending machine? How about a small burger from that McDonalds over there? I kept refusing, my mind focusing on the terminals. At least when I'm on the plane I'll be gone from my very overbearing mother.


When my luggage Is finally dropped off, I look at my ticket and it says Terminal B Flight Number: 226 First class. I just shrug my shoulders and after what feels like miles of walking, I finally find myself where I need to be.


 As I walk on to the plane I'm lead to the First Class section. It was nothing special. Maybe just a litte extra leg room compared to coach.


Ii wasn't sure where my seat was so I asked a flight attendant, "Um excuse me, can you help me find seat #36?" I ask.


"Yes of course, Miss," she responds politley


When I get to my seat I realize I got the one next to the window! YAAYYY!!! I sit down and look out, and stare at the runway and other planes. How bad could this be, I mean only 10 hours to go.


Just as I'm about to get my self comfortable and take a nap, I look over and see Todd sneering at me.


"Yes Todd?" I ask trying to be civil.


"Get up! I mean you didn't think you could actually take this seat right? Because It's mine."


"That's great for you, would you like me to get up and grab you a fluffy pillow while I'm at it?"


"Yeah, that'd be nice." he said taken a back, not noticing my sarcasm.


"Listen jackass, this seat is mine, you snooze you loose pal."


Then all of the sudden I was pulled from the collar of my shirt into a lip lock. I pushed him away before he did anything else.


"Yo, dude what the hell?" I nearly screamed.


"Oh, come on Jamie, I've always known you wanted me." He gave a coky lopsided smile.


"In your dreams pretty boy."


I tried to push him away and get back into my seat when I bump into Kara.


"Where you just kissing my boyfriend? Please tell me you did not put our diseased lips on my boyfriend!?" She shriecked before slapping me.


"Okay, seriously Kara, let's think... why would I want your sloppy seconds!"


"Whore, please." And on she went, just talking on and on and on about how ugly and stupid I am, before I fell asleep of boredom.




 After about three hours of sleep I slowly awake when I feel someone tap me on my shoulder. As I look over it's Kara and she looks pissed, not that that's a surprise.


"Uhh, may I help you?"


"Actually, yes. Can you please stop snoring? You're disturbing my aura." I can feel my cheeks heat up but I still roll my eyes.

"Anything for you your majesty." And she replies by sneering (which by the way is not very attractive) and gives me the finger. Bitch.


So I sit back up, annoyed, because I was so rudely interrupted and pull out my phone. As I log into Aim, my very handy instant messaging site, I pray Caitlin is on. Who am I kidding, Caitlin’s always on.


Pickl3Lov3r: Heyy girlly


CaitlinNOTCate: Heyy sexxxii


Pickl3Lov3r: Evil queen bitch ruined my nap, claiming I was snoring.


CaitlinNOTCate: Don't worry about her, she's just jealous.


Pickl3Lov3r: Stunning good looks and amazing personality?


CaitlinNOTCate: Clearly.


Pickl3Lov3r: Oh, did I mention Todd kissing me and Kara slapping me?


CaitlinNOTCate: WTF???


Pickl3Lov3r: I know right? I swear these people have some serious problems...


CaitlinNOTCate: Was Todd an amazing kisser?


Pickl3Lov3r: Caitlin!


CaitlinNOTCate: Sryy


Pickl3Lov3r: Whatevs... Just give me hope and the strength not to kill both of them over the summer!


CaitlinNOTCate: HOPE AND strength! But think about it, you'll be in Cali, hot guys everywhere, just ditch her and ignore him.


Pickl3Lov3r: I guess, but we'll still be stuck in the camp together.


CaitlinNOTCate: Aren't you a little old for camp?


Pickl3Lov3r: My point exactly, but apparently it's some special teen camp. *rolls my eyes*


CaitlinNOTCate: Look, everyone will love you.. how could they not.. but seriously just ignore her!


Pickl3Lov3r: I'll try... gotta go gonna land soo LOVE YOU!!! xxoo BYE!


I turn my phone off and tuck it in my backpack. California, here I come!

Chapter 3- The Rules

As we get off the plane, I

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