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Book online «Dawn by Ana Fuentes (ebooks that read to you TXT) 📖». Author Ana Fuentes

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I let out an annoyed sigh, “Fiiiiiine.” I reply. Then I look over at Skylar and point at him. “Follow me boy” I say. Then I go over to the staircase and start climbing not even bothering to see if he’s following.
But soon I hear the sound of another pair of steps, and I realize he is following me. I smile to myself and pick up my pace. When we reach the door to my room, I see Skylar get in front of me and open the door. He then shoves me inside. Once we’re both in he closes it and locks it.
To be honest I’m not scared, more like amused at what he did. I stand there behind him with my arms crossed over my chest. He turns around and takes a step toward me. I notice there’s confusion written all over his face. Like he doesn’t understand what he’s doing.
I close the distance between us and put a finger over his lips, “I know what you want” I whisper, hoping my voice sounds seductive.
What am I doing?! Why am I flirting with him? I need to stop this now. I love Vic. I love Vic.
Skylar takes ahold of my hand, the one that I’m using to cover his lips with, and kisses my index finger lightly.
And then he kisses me.
My first kiss!
Full lip kiss. He crashes his mouth into mine. And then he freezes. He stare’s wide-eye at me, as if not knowing what to do next.
Oh god, oh god. What should I do? Should I make the next move? What is the next move?
I decide to grab ahold of his neck, thank god he’s only a head taller than me, and start moving my lips slowly.
Am I doing it right?
I see him shiver. Oh shit! I messed it up, fuck my life.
He closes his eyes, and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. He does the same thing I do. He starts to move his lips with mine.
I’m doing it. I’m kissing a boy, a boy. A real boy, not a poster, or picture. An actual boy.
I close my eyes, and enjoy the moment.
A few seconds later he pulls away, breathing heavy, he rests his forehead against mine. I open my eyes, and notice his eyes are open too. He smiles at me, causing me to blush, but I still smile back.
A real smile, the first one that feels all right this day.
Usually Kate would make me smile like this, but I probably wont see her until tomorrow. Our fights last about two days. Those two days of separation help us, to be honest, it makes me miss her even more. It makes me remember the good days.
“That was amazing.” He whispers, looking at me adoringly, and giving me a light kiss on the lips.
“It was my first kiss.” I say without thinking.
Shit. Why did I say THAT? God, I’m so stupid.
He gives me another quick kiss on the lips, “Same here,” he murmurs. And then as if realizing what he just said, he blushes. A light pink filling his cheeks.
I smile and pull him to me again. I crash my lips against his and tangle my hands in his wonderful hair. We both close our eyes.
Should I try to French kiss him? I mean what if he thinks its gross. How do I get my tongue in there?
What had Kate said…something around licked my bottom lip, I think. Should I try to do that?
Ahh, what the hell! I’ll do it and let’s see how it goes.
I lick his bottom lip, and to my surprise that causes him to part his lips lightly. I take my chance and stick my tongue inside his mouth.
I expect him to push me away and scream ‘that was gross!’. But it doesn’t happen, instead he…
Sticks his own tongue inside my mouth. No Joke.
And when our tongues touch I feel a thousand sparks of electricity spark inside of me. I open my eyes in surprise and find Skylar has his green hazel eyes open. Staring intently at me. We both pull away at the same time.
Dear god, what have I done? Kissed the guy that can be my step-brother. What will my mom say? What will Skylar’s dad say about this? What will everyone say about this?
More importantly what will Vic say? Just Kidding, that isn’t the most important.
Wide eyed we stare at each other, to shocked to speak.
“I’m sorry” I finally blurt out.
He looks at me confused, “What for?”, he takes a hold of my hand, “Dawn, that was amazing. Best Kiss I’ve had. We’ll considering it was my first….but you know what I mean.”
Okay, so now I’m the one confused. He liked the kiss? How? Why?
“You did?” I ask him.
He intertwines our finger, and nods his head, causing me to smile.
Oh my god, this this mean he likes me?
“Dawn…would you uh be my girlfriend?” he asks me, a light rosy pink filling his cheeks.
What?! Did he just ask me what I think he did.
I pull my hand away, take a step back, and stare at him wide-eyed, not sure of what to say to his question.
I can’t believe he just asked me that. What should I say? Yes? No? Oh, god I’m so confused.
He takes a step backward and open his mouth, but then closes it again, “I-I’m sorry for even asking” he says, then he turns around and walks away.
A dizziness enters my mind, making me feel lightweight.
I don’t love Vic Fling. I can’t love him. I can’t because I like Skylar.
“Wait!” I yell, making him turn.
“What?” he snaps, making me flinch. An annoyed expression on his face.
“I, um, I just wanted to say that, um-”
“Say what?” he asks cutting me off.
I walk to him, and stop when I’m about 1 foot away. I tilt my head a little higher and look into his beautiful eyes.
“Yes.” I murmur.
His eyes go wide open, and a giant smiles comes to his face. He wraps his arms around my waist and lift me up.
“Really?” he asks me, twirling me around once, then setting me down, but still not letting me go.
“Yes!” I scream, grabbing his face with my hands and bringing his lips to mine.
As we kiss, I feel his tongue lick my bottom lip. Ahh, he’s learning from me then. I feel myself smile, and when I do he sticks his tongue inside, causing me to shiver.
Ah, dear god I’m in heaven. Nothing can be better then this. I officially have a boyfriend and I’ve had my first kiss! Nothing can be better than this. Nothing.
Knock Knock!
Except this. Goddam it!
“Daaaaaaawn! We’re leaving!” my mom yells from the other side of the door.
We instantly pull away breaking the kiss. I stare wide-eyed at Skylar, not knowing what to do now. I mean my mom is outside my room waiting for me. Does she even know where Skylar is?
“Do you know where Skylar is?” she asks, as if by cue.
“Fuck my life.” I curse
“Gladly.” Skylar’s murmurs grinning at me.
I snort at that, “Yeah right!”
He leans down to give me a kiss, “Ahh…come…on…babe” he whispers in between kisses.
I pull away from the kiss and murmur in his ear, “In your dreams.”
“No mom!” I yell, “And coming!” then I give Skylar one last kiss, before pulling completely away. I walk toward the door, but at the last moment Skylar grabs my wrist, stopping me from advancing.
“Wait babe,” he says, turning me around so I’m looking at him.
“You’re right,” I say as if reading what I hope he’s thinking about, “What will your mom and dad think?”
His shoulders sag at that, “I know…what if they’re against it, I mean my dad’s dating your mom and things are getting pretty serious or so I’ve heard”
“Yeah, and we might end up being family” I finish sadly.
“Should w-we keep it a secret?” he asks me grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers again.
I squeeze his hand “I think this is the best for right now, I mean until we figure out what to do”
He lays his right hand on my cheek, leans down and crashes his lips against mine. He gives me a quick kiss, then pulls away smiling down at me. I smile back, let go of his hand, take a deep breath and open the door.
I make my way down the stairs silently, thinking about what just happened. Gah, apparently I have a secret relationship now…cool. Yeah, not really.
I go over to the couch where my mom and Rick had been earlier and sit down, on the left cushion. Skylar goes over and sits down beside me on the other cushion.
He looks over at me and gives me a heartwarming smile. I smile back at him.
Just then my mom comes down the stairs, “We’re taking Ricks truck” she says then grabs her purse from the kitchen counter and goes out the door.
I stand up, and for the first time I notice I have no shoes on, “Shit!” I curse. Then I run up the stairs and into my room. Inside I look around wildly. Damn, where did I leave my shoes?! I spot my black slip on Vans by my closet, and I go to them. I grab them and put them on. Then I make a run for the stairs, and descend them as fast as possible.
As I reach the last stair I bump into Skylar. I let out a yelp, as I feel him grope my left breast.
“What the fuck man!” I scream pulling away.
“They’re such nice boobs” I hear him say, as if in a trance. His eyes glued to them. I blush as he says that.
Thankfully my mom breaks the awkwardness by barging in through the front door. We both turn our attention to her.
“Guys, we’re leaving now” she says in a hurry. Then she leaves as fast as she came.
Skylar and I share a glance, then we both make our way to the car outside. When we get there, we both get on the back of the car. Ricks starts the car, and we make our way to McDonald's.
Chapter 3

As my head is leaning against the window, I feel something nudge my foot. I look down and notice its actually Skylar’s foot. He takes off his shoe revealing his gray sock. Then he starts feeling the inside of my PJ’s with his foot, traveling up and down my leg.
I shiver, causing him to smile, which makes me smile. And in the end we both end up smiling, which is great.
“So are you from here?” I

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