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Book online «The Butterfly Effect by Gabby Scranton (epub e reader TXT) 📖». Author Gabby Scranton

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hate me?”


He just ignores my question and I try to throw on my shirt.


“You better fucking believe you will clean yourself up before you go down to make dinner. You have ten minutes.”


That’s the last thing I hear before everything turns black.


“Wake up boy!”


I slowly open my eyes and try toremember what just happened. When I realize the pain of my body, realization sets in.


“Karen go wait down stairs please.” She just nods. Great Mom, thanks for leaving me alone with Dad, again.

As soon as the door closes my father is quick to lock it. Then he grabs me by the hair.


“Do we have to go through this again boy? I was up here an hour ago when I told you to make fuucking dinner!”


“I’m sorry Dad,” I make out through tears.


“Your apologies mean nothing to me anymore you worthless piece of shit. Now take of your shirt.”


I hesitate and he slaps me.



“I said take off your fucking shirt!” And then he pulls it off and throws me face down on the bed. Then all of the sudden I feel a sharp point on the inside of one of the cuts.


“You will make dinner and pretend like nothing ever happened or else next time you won’t get off so easy."


And just to make his point and sticks it sharply into one of the cuts and drags it down.


I hear a piercing scream, when I realize it’s mine.


“Shut the bloody hell up. Oh and five minutes boy!” My father screams at me and gives me another hard punch in the face before leaving my room.


I slowly crawl into the corner and sob. I taste the metallically taste of my own blood running from my nose. I turn around and try to see the damage to my back when I realize that he hit me so hard my whole body is numb.


I try to get up but my head is pounding so hard I just fall over. As I get up again, I head over to the bathroom and lean on sink for support. I look into the mirror and wince at my reflection, my eye is purple, my nose is swollen and bloody, and my hair is a mess. As I look at my watch I realize I only have 2 minutes left. So I slash cold water on my face and wipe the blood from my nose, brush my hair and then run into my mom’s bathroom to get some cover up. When I think I look presentable I look down and see the dark noticeable blood stains on my shirt and put a jacket over it.


“Good job,” I turn around and see my dad with obvious disappointment in his eyes.


“Thanks,” I mutter.


“What? I didn’t hear you.”


“Never mind Dad, it was nothing.”


He grips me by the hair and I wince, “Tell me what you fucking said or me and you will be having some quality time later in the basement.”


Terror flashes through me, “I said thanks Dad.”


He just nods and leaves.


I go and look around the kitchen and realize that I don’t know what to make. So I go into the living room to try and find my mom.


“Hey Mom, what do you want me to make for dinner.”


My mom opens her mouth to speak when she’s interrupted my father, “Penne alla vodka.”


“But I don’t know how to make it.”


“Well then maybe later tonight we can go into the basement and I’ll give you a few words of advice.”


My mouth drops open in terror while my mom just sits there happy oblivious to the world.


“That’s a great idea Craig! I’ll do it for tonight.”


When she leaves Dad just smirks at me.


“You will be there at 10:00 pm, not a minute later and if you are expect the worse.”


I gulp and decide I’m not hungry so I go to walk back upstairs when I’m stopped by Dad.


“And where do you think you’re going?”


“Upstairs, I’m not really hungry anymore.”


“No you’re not. You will sit at my dinner table and eat every last drop of food I give you, with no complaints!”


Off from the kitchen Mom calls, “Boy’s dinner is ready!”



It’s 9:50 when I realize I should probably start heading back down to the basement. But when I stand up I immediately feel the need to puke. He gave me seven plates of that stuff, seven! He told Mom, about how much I loved it.  I really truly 100% hate him. I hate my own father.


I quietly tiptoe downstairs and into the basement at exactly 10:00. Inside I see the faint glow of a light and a table with a cloth over it.


“Though you’d never make it son, I was getting worried.” He said with a smirk


Yeah right like he actually cared about me.


“Now are you ready for some advice?”


He didn’t even wait for anything before he ripped my jacket and shirt of and threw me down on the table.

“So here’s my list for you. One, don’t ever speak back to me.”


As soon as he finished his sentence, he jammed the knife in my back and slaughtered through the cut mark he made earlier.


“Number two, when I tell you to do something that means you do it.”


And then he jammed the knife in the next mark. The pain was unbearable but the cloth in my mouth was preventing me from doing anything.


Next thing I knew I was face up and punched in to the face.


“Now boy this never happened.”


Then, “Oh my god!” was heard.“Oh my god, oh my god, what have you done?! Craig, you will talk to me this instant!”


I couldn’t see who said that, but it had to be Mom.


“Yes 911 come quick, help please, my son is hurt very badly, and he’s bleeding everywhere!” She yelled frantically.  


Then everything went white.


End of flash back:


I wince at the memory but shake it off and step into the shower.


As the warm water runs down my body the same question keeps running through my head, “Why does Dad hate me so much?”


I guess I’ll never know since he was put to life in prison, but still, wouldn’t you want to know?

Chapter 8- The Truth

Jamie’s~ POV

Matt and were sitting on my bed when suddenly I hear someone crying in the background.

“Uh Matt, do you hear that noise?” I whispered.

“No and why are you whispering?” He asked as he gave me a slight chuckle.

“I don’t know,” I wondered out loud.

Then the next thing I know, Matt crashed his lips to mine and started kissing me hungrily while leaving me frozen, like an idiot. What the hell? And wow, does this dog kiss badly. What? Did I say dog? I mean this boy kisses badly. Matt is obviously a boy, not a dog.

“Yo, can yall’ just get a room?” A voice I couldn’t quite place asked. The boy’s voice had an annoyed tone to it with a tad bit of jealously.

Matt’s back immediately tensed and he gripped his fists. What’s wrong with him today?

“Landon, can’t you just go somewhere else?” Matt asked while his voice was filled with venom.

Wait, Landon?? Shit, did he just see everything that just happened??

“No shit Sherlock,” he answered me. “But please next time you randomly decide you just want to make out please do it somewhere private. I really don’t think anyone should have to witness Matt kissing like he’s a fucking dog.” Landon’s retorted.

Wait did he say dog? I felt myself chuckle when I realize he said the same thing that I thought. Hold on a second, he heard that? I just pushed that question aside as I noticed Matt glaring at me, telling me with his eyes to shut up.

“Yes, I did say dog. Did you not see the way he moved his tongue.” He said with a small smile before demonstrating.

“Oh my god, Landon shut the fuck up!” Matt roared.

“Yo Matt, my buddy calm down, there’s no need to get your panties in a twist.”

Matt just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms and left his face angry. Whatever Matt, be a dick if you want to.

Suddenly as I looked over to Landon, I was immediately drawn into his deep blue eyes. That’s when I felt jolts of emotional pain go through me. What was that? Whatever and I shook those thoughts away also pulling away from his eyes. That’s when I realized the puffiness of his face and the redness of his eyes. Was he the one crying?

All of the sudden Landon’s voice filled with anger.

“For your information no, I wasn’t crying. Besides even if I was, it wouldn’t be any of your business to begin with. So fuck of will ya’?” His voice was scary and intimidating.

Did I just think that out loud, again?

”Yes you did think that out loud AGAIN,” He sneered.

Wow I really need to stop that.

“Yeah you do and Matt, just for the heads up I did your pretty little girlfriend a chance and she blew it big time.” Then he walked away wearing a sly smirk on his gorgeous face.

I had questions running through my mind at full speed. Like why was he so mad at me? What was all that pain I felt? Should I be worried? But I just shook my head and forgot about the questions I had, )for now anyways) when I noticed Matt still tense besides me.

“Uh, Matt you ok?”

Then he jumped out of whatever angry world he was in and snapped back to reality.


“Matt I asked you if you were ok.”

“Yeah I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be fine? Why do you want to know? What’s it to you?”

“Nothing it was just a question.”

Jeeze, something is definitely up with these people.


Landon’s~ POV

As I walked off, I couldn’t help myself but smile when I remembered the way Jamie thought out loud or how cute she looked when she blushed.

“Oh shut up Landon, don’t forget, you did just walk in with your best friend making out with her.” My brain reminded me.

“You know what this means Landon, you might actually like her.” My heart was also saying.

I sighed. This was like in those stupid TV shows when they have the angel on one side and the devil on the other.

“UGH!” I screamed.

“Yo dude, you ok?” I looked up and saw Kirk.

“Yeah man, just a little frustrated.”

“Talk to me.”

“Nah, I’d rather not.”

He looked at me unsurely.

“Well ok… why don’t you head up to the mess hall with me to get a bite to eat? The other guys should be there already.”



“Whoa, did you see how hot that Jamie chick was? I’d bet you I can get her in bed by friday.” I felt my body tense. When I looked over in the direction it came from, I realized it was coming from Matt! When did he get here?

“Dude, not cool, she’s a person, not an object.” Chris piped up.

“Yeah I agree with Chris.” I butted into the conversation.

“Seriously, coming from the dude that middle names sex?

The rest of the guys just stared at me.


Everything was silent until Spencer decided to break the silence.

“You totally just stood up for her!”


“You never stand up for anyone!”

Oh shit. They realized that?

“Whatever guys, just worry about yourselfs.”

After I finished eating, I went outside to catch some air and get

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